All the tanks fucking Suck
All the tanks fucking Suck
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Reinhardt and Roadhog are quite playable.
acquire proficiency
Reinhardt is one of the best characters
Roadhog hurts a lot, is annoying and has a hook
Zarya is top tier
Winston is garbage
>I can't switch toons mid-game: The Post
git fucking good
Zarya is best tank AND cute
winston feels great to play but his melee swings and tesla cannon are shit tier damage. Getting kills with his ult is way too hard... I can usually kill ulting winstons with torbjorns shot gun attack 2bh
What the fuck do you call them?
Everyone in any media is a character, you dolt. Might as well call them people.
This isn't a MOBA, it's an arena shooter
Heroes Never die
Fuck you
they're called heroes
you guys are fucking retarded
Not a MOBA
>Everyone in any media is a character
>Might as well call them people
But they're not people, they're characters
i guess damage isn't the only factor of winstons ulti, i can make the argument that reinhardts stun and zaryas black hole ability are used to disrupt the enemy team, much like winstons which make him incredibly tanky and which can knock the enemy team around ruining their aim, definitely easier to kill with zarya or reinhardt though.
I just don't get how to play zarya. I always melt.
reihardt is a must on any non koth map
winston is one of the best characters in the game
zarya is great as long as you don't pick her as main tank
roadhog is okay
dva is the worst character in the game
Characters or chars
>playing activision garbage
you suck
Legends is not from a MOBA
>All these humans aren't people
Okay idiot
Not a fighting game
Your counter argument?
Blizzard calls em Heroes.
So that's what they are.
>people still think winston is bad
hes literally a dva that doesnt lose his body. go behind them, shield up, be annoying, fuck off. how do you guys not get a ton of kills? just make sure you have another tank lile zarya, roadhog or reinhardt on the payload.
>inb4 we need more damage
no, you need survivability. nothing wrong with two tanks and two healers.
Winston is great, but it's just not a tank, I think the only proper tank is Reinhardt, the rest are more or less OffTanks.
I agree with everything but the Winston comment.
Where do you see him being one of the best?
bait the FUCK out of your teammates and when they're getting shot at, use E on them. the shots get absorbed by their shields and you get a dps boost
>white pharah
HEROES never die.
It's Heroes.
No, they aren't people. Overwatch isn't real, an important part about being a person is being real, Overwatch isn't real.
These people aren't legends. They are icons at best, and you wouldn't refer to your toons as "icons".
>implying Blizzard know a thing about Arena shooters
Explain why "toons" us right
They're not all bad, but the power creep between them is pretty crazy.
D.Va does everything that Winston does but better. There's no reason to ever pick him.
Zarya is just a weird tank. Her effectiveness is highly dependent on if you have a healer and another tank on your team. She's completely useless unless she has that kind of support. If you want to play a tank and have no healer or other tank of your team to speak of, that's when you pick Roadhog.
Reinhardt is always good, because his he's one of the only tanks that can actually defend his team at will, unlike the others who have long cool downs for their shields, or have smaller health for them. He's actually so good on every team comp and any map he's almost overpowered, really just because the other tanks aren't as good as he is.
Not him but his gorilla warfare breaks up teams so well they're fucked until you win since they can't group up. Otherwise also a very efficient sniper/tracer/whatever else that wanders off killer. Can also get people off the objective fairly well with the ult.
I take Winston when the enemy has a decent Genji or Lucio
>Winston is garbage
Wow, I never knew a shitter this big existed. kys
2 tank 2 support is the best if you your 2 dps are actually good.
Unfortunately in OW pubs, the dps players are often the worst players on your team so you have to run 4-1-1 to compensate since they won't kill people with only 2.
Blimminy Blokes
What the fuck does COD have to do with anything? It's Blizzard's game. They can call the player characters what they want. And they call them heroes.
Winston's great
>Shock a Mercy
>Follow her with a leap when she tries to flit away to another heal target
>Laugh at her pointless hopping as she tries to dodge the same way she does anything that requires aim
>it's an arena shooter
t.Some faggot who has no idea what arena shooters are.
>D.Va does everything that Winston does but better
Except move while shoot, deal splash damage, a more useful E, and a better ult that isn't just 4 seconds of area denial.
Yeah DVA is way better man.
Can confirm as 80 hour Mercy save for the hopping. I just try to deal some minor damage if I can't see an escape route bouncing off some people. Winston is the only tank I can't really deal with.
Also anyone who thinks D.Va in her current state is worth anything can be disregarded, she's a joke.
>People actually think Winston is bad
A single off-hand quote doesn't speak for everyone, must try harder.
So they're not human? Just robots, dressed up as people, pretending to not be humans?
Shortening of characters, which has already been disproved.
Cartoons = Cartoon Game = People in Cartoon Game = Cartoon Characters = Toons
I will accept that bong nominclature.
Except Blizzard is wrong. They aren't perfect. I hate to break the news to you, W4Rcr4ftL0RDXxX
Is correct, yes.
The toons are all put in an arena to shoot each other.
Arena shooter.
Wibbly wobbly people persons
Why are you so autistic?
Just let her move at full speed while firing and she'd be fine I say
rooty tooty shooties
>Cartoons = Cartoon Game = People in Cartoon Game = Cartoon Characters = Toons
The fuck is a cartoon game
Toons is wrong and so are you.
great mobility
doesn't have to aim
can hit multiple people at the same time
ult is great as a get off the point tool/instant full heal
basically jumps in, fucks the enemy squishies in the ass, and jumps out
if you try to play as reinhardt he is useless, if you try to play him like a disruptor he's probably the best character for the job.
Cartoons are not game
>Play Winston
>Be the most annoying fuck in the entire match
>Jump behind group and shock niggas
>Pick off their Widow, Hanzo, Lucio, and Mercy whenever I have the chance
>Fuck with Reinhardt whenever I see him since his shield can't block my tickle beam
>Whenever things get too hot, jump away and get ready for another episode of hot monkey dick action
He's one of the best tanks in the entire game due to his survivability and that fact he can distract the entire team enough for your team mates to capitalize on.
Anyone calling him shit are shit themselves.
>Look! I can parrot the opinion of Sup Forums and what the """""pros""""" are playing! Haha I'm right!
Ok, exactly how is he useful at all? His m1 does mediocre damage, his shield is the worst of the tanks. Having the least health, and getting destroying the second 2+ people start shooting at it. His jump is inaccurate and can't reach all the places that D.Va's flight can, and his ult just makes him a big annoyance, unlike the other tanks, who's ults either do tons of damage, can clear an objective instantly, or are used for wombo combos.
He's inferior at everything he does in direct comparison to the other tanks. So what exactly does he do then?
>D.Va does everything that Winston does but better. There's no reason to ever pick him.
I guess this is another local one.
>Oh shit, he proved me wrong, better call him autistic!
>>Sup Forums
Too long, Rootys would be fine
A game that looks like a cartoon and makes no claims to realism.
Overwatch = Cartoon Game
TF2 = Cartoon Game
Battlefield = War Game
Good job backing up your point, fella. You must be real popular on Tumblr.
You can't play Winston in pubs. Most likely your team synergy won't be good enough for them to actually capitalize properly even if you play Winston well.
Could you just tell me why you're so autistic? I'll go away once you tell me.
He also bypasses shields with his gun.
He tears through Zarya's n reinhardts.
3D polygon models are not "cartoons" you fucking idiot
Top Korean player has a 80% winrate and mainly plays Zarya. She was accused of cheating and was cleared by Blizzard Korea.
This is the first time I have ever heard Winston get called garbage, I thought the general consensus was that he is a strong disruptor and decent support/sniper/genji killer.
>Genji-shitters try to deflect the lightning
Is Dark Souls a cartoon or war game?
that's not true. as long as you enemy team got squishy heroes he's really good. he profits from the lack of coordination and communication in pubs
>Please validate my shitty comeback.
Hate to break it to you bud but cuck replaced autistic as the buzzword of the month a while back :)
They look like cartoons and play with cartoon physics, silly.
Hack And Slasher/Role Play Game
>Genji tries to sneak up on our team
>Tickle him with my beam
>Tries to run away but I jump to him and finish the job
Funniest thing is seeing them try to deflect my shit in a desperate attempt to win.
>Cartoons = Cartoon Game = People in Cartoon Game = Cartoon CHARACTERS != Toons
This proves that it should be characters. Cartoon is an adjective here, not a noun
This, I don't really know how you got the idea he requires synergy. More like he functions as a buffer if your team doesn't have synergy and is having trouble grouping up.
That's a genre, it has nothing to do with what you were saying earlier, because Overwatch is a shooter with moba elements
Reinhardt is just bad game design. He's the only real tank so he gets picked more than all the other tanks put together. All other "tanks" do other jobs better than tanking
He counters any genji or widowmaker and he is really good at stopping pushes, as long as you don't lonewolf with him he is really good
Retards and new players think he's shit even though he (was) one the most used heroes in competitive play (not anymore due to Reapers prevalent usage now, Winston's #1 counter)
I've seen shitters on Sup Forums say he's useless more than any other character besides DVA. But DVA waifufags constantly make threads about how "good" she is.
Except characters could be anything. Call Of Duty Soldier Man is a character but he's not a Toon.
Okay Blyat. Let me make it simple for you.
Shooters are games where Toons are put in an arena and eliminate each other.
A MOBA is when a Legend presses the same 4 buttons a thousand times against other legends in lanes.
Having two extra buttons on your Pad does not make a shooter a MOBA, kid.
I really don't see what is so skillful about that play.
Quite frankly at this point anyone who picks D.Va I assume is a waifufag and will be a waste of a slot. So far I haven't been proven wrong since all they do is get blown up because of their giant hitbox and maybe pepper some people with a tiny amount of damage. Since she receives damage like abso-fucking-lutely no other though, it's good for Mercies to build their ult. Being cannon fodder doesn't make a very good hero however.
We found the problem
this thread is crystallized autism
>Use deflect
>Genji actually deflects
>But still get damage
You can actually lonewolf with Winston since you have the ability to go all the way back with a jump, Winston is great for flaking, either snipers, other flankers or getting behind the enemy team and fucking the healer up, even if you end up dying having everyone focusing you and turning their backs to the rest of your team is great.
>he counters genji and widowmaker
what the fuck are you smoking
He's right though. In fact his list is too small.
He does though, and not only those two.
This desu, Russians always ruin it for everyone else.
Everything is a MOBA to them.
>Shooters are games where Toons are put in an arena and eliminate each other.
You've just said that it only applies to cartoon games. Are BF4 classes also toons? Why?
>Having two extra buttons on your Pad does not make a shooter a MOBA, kid.
That's why I said moba elements. The game is heavily dependant on class composition, teamplay and countering, along with cooldown abilities and Ultimates, just like a MOBA. It's not a MOBA by any means, but it has some elements that do usually appear in MOBA genre.
>Game literally made by Blizzard
>sorry Blizzard is wrong
It must be hard trying to be right all the time even when you're going full fucking retarded
Yeah, go away if you've never played the game. Both of them can do shit all against Winston if you get the drop on them.
oh youre retarded. it all makes sense now.
Can a few people give me a little rundown of how you're supposed to used Winston? He isn't very powerful so I know you arent really supposed to net kills as him right?
I feel useless using him cuz I dn what I'm doing with him or supposed to do
A winston solo is never a good tank
A winston playing with a good team is an okay tank
Use his ult to push people off points
I think the tanks have different purposes:
>Reinhardt is the defense tank, as with all defense heroes he can be used offensively as well
>Roadhog is an offense tank, fiber glass cannon
>Zarya can be a beefed up Zenyatta, easy to kill once you know how to handle it, but can deal a fuckton of damage
>D'va and Winston are all around team harassers, D'va is a pest that keeps coming back while Winston is a push starter/stopper
As with any shitty hero, put two of them on a team and they're finally good