I'm scared lads

I'm scared lads

Other urls found in this thread:


I want to _____ that _____

Why it looks awesome from the E3 videos.

I want Laylee to play with my trowzah snake


I want to play that game

What exactly is Yooka and Laylee's relationship?

You fucking nigger I got the 8



Sorry mate, I borrowed your 8


The giant nose still looks retarded.



Sexual. Why else would a bat and a chameleon hang out with each other?

>wah what if it's bad guise :(

Then you don't play it moron.

I'm not.

I want you furfags to know that I hate you quite a bit.

what's the point of adding the meme option? everyone's just going to vote for that and make the poll pointless

sry got your 8 lmao

>Oh isn't it so funny the thing I can't see just bit me

>I will fucking strangle you if you touch me again

wheres the fur?

is yooka a girl?

Bats are mammals.

bats lay eggs

Yooka is a boy, Laylee is a girl.

I don't know if that's true, or why you brought it up, but so do Platypus and Echidna, and sharks give live birth.

Nothing about Yooka-Laylee implies it will be a bad game.

Meanwhile MN9 had red flag after red flag. Playtonic actually had shit planned out and it shows

>sharks give live birth


Being choked is actually Kazooie's fetish.