Where were you 20 years ago?
Where were you 20 years ago?
in a better place .
Were you dead?
playing this awesome beast of a system in another 2 months. damn the n64 only had 2 launch titles, but SM64 was the REASON you bought the thing and it was SO WORTH IT.
i pity that kids will never have the kind of hype for a console launch then we did 20 years ago.
almost developed in the womb
I miss my N64...
Sitting right where i'm sitting, watching the same shitty tv that i'm watching right now, eating the same shitty frozen pizza.
I was 3 and all I remember were these little toys you put a ball in and you could shoot it out and trying to play mortal kombat 1 with my sister.
i was 7, didn't have any console at the time because my father thought vidya turned kids into insane spoiled brats with no future he was right on the future/ambition part i just got out of the neet kingdom and need to leave my parent's home asap
my cousin bought the N64 that year with mario kart. i was super jealous at the time
Do you have any siblings?
Waking up early to rush out and buy the N64 I'd saved for as a kid and spending the whole day playing Mario 64 and Pilotwings.
watching Are You Afraid Of The Dark and shitting bricks
yes 2 big sis one is a 37yo orthopedist happily married with 2 kids the other is a history teacher in high school and a little brother who's finishing his IT degree.
10, happy, and I got all the fucking stars.
Now I'm just a miserable cunt
I was getting ready to start Kindergarten
not born
FIFA 98! Fuck I miss it
The generation z weren't born yet.