>fat characters
When will this meme stop?
>fat characters
When will this meme stop?
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90% sure this is bait, but that character has a super flat stomach. She just has big hips and tits. How is that "fat"?
pedo stantards
All those sad memories of 90's Japanese doujinshi showing even skinnier versions of the Sailor Scouts. Artists are finally catching on.
>thin waist with wide hips and big tits
thats not fat
she's close but that torso seals it
It's a woman's argument that having huge tits = fat, women are more guilty of body shaming than we are.
Shut the fuck up about your pancakes God fucking damnit pancake fags
You poor baiting fool. That body shape and breast size is 100% perfection.
its ok when anime does it
I like this artist. He clearly understands what the optimal female body type is.
I'm trying to not fap today so I'd appreciate it if you'd stop posting images like this, thanks.
I agree
Except when he doesnt draw loli
>trying not to fap today
Do you have a terrible burn on your dick or something?
Yes Goyim, enchant yourself with the shape of the nubian princess! Forget about those aryan hogwashes, and try the sexyness of race mixing!
If I didnt fap every day I'd have killed myself by now
Yes it is
>fat memers will never get qt skinny elves
feels good
It's barely even a tan, japan doesnt do black girls (unfortunately)
You're pretty gutsy, aren't you?
They do dark skinned girls without the ape-like features of real black girls. Isn't that superior?
I like big lips
Not him but I have hurt my dick sometimes in the past with furious masturbation. It's entirely possible.
THat character is smokin' hot.
her tits and thighs are too big
Say something nice about her
i like your sweater
>melon tits
This more suitable to your taste then?
>10k minutes in MS paint
I gotchu, senpai.
That looks fucking disgusting.
dumb frogposter
>liking saggy tits
low test
Sup, Brazil.
Brazil is the country that hates tits, right?
Better than liking bolted on tits
did someone say healthy
At least post the rest of the cast OP
>those hands
looks like a fucking tumor
Hold it you dummies, Brazil is the country that loves big butts.
Any african country
Not vidya.
At least not yet.
how about now?
whatever happened with that game
I dont understand that symbol
how about now?
With the rise in popularity of chubby videogame girls (The Pandaren girls, that chick from Skullgirls and now Mei from Overwatch), so you see pudgy girls in games becoming more of a thing?
I hope so.
touch the cow
do it now
t-thats not an udder...
betcha milk comes out of it thoguh :^)
thanks, didnt have the image myself, anyone got the other part where its the little one wanting to touch the cow
who bitch dis is?
Women botching as usual. They're big hypocrites, what do you expect? Last night I had a stripper give me a speech about sexism, a stripper! She's like, "if I want a job I have to wear a skimpy outfit and NEH NEH NEH"
I tell her I'm sure most people wish they got paid what she did for as little as she does and if she doesn't like it to take her fat ass back to the kitchen.
In Japan pocchari stuff is probably just a fad,i'll enjoy it for what it is worth.
I want to lick the greasy sweat off her acne ridden celluloid body
>beautiful brown with pink areola
>thong resting firmly against tight butthole
It's all so vanilla when you think about it. Why do I wanna fap to it all day?
This is my favorite artist. He got to work on a different game besides La Pucelle? Is the game actually good, unlike La Pucelle?
more please
Its been a fad since 2007. Pretty sure its just becoming a standard fetish now.
For its time, La Pucelle was great. Its just very dated compared to Disgaea and all its sequels.
Nobody likes fat women except Negros though
i do, and I'm white as a ghost
>nobody likes fat girls, just the most masculine and testosterone filled group of men