This is the best $12 I've spent this year

This is the best $12 I've spent this year.

I never knew Neptune is such a great character. The story is funny and the gameplay is good. My only complaint is that they need to get rid of the VN style talk boxes and just use the 3d avatars. They have some of it. And those are much better.

Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoy! Once you play the other games in the series you will realize why they use the talkboxes and 2D avatars. It's because it's the same art used since Rebirth 1.

That said, I wasted $38 on this game.

Characters are just generic anime tropes, dialogue is full of memes and gameplay is garbage

>VN style talk boxes and just use the 3d avatars
They did this in MK2 and it looked awful

I looked at the old games and there's art changes. Don't know what you're talking about.
They are all very fleshed out with great personalities.

Now go play the same game 3 times more under the name of Re;birth1 to 3.
I'm sure you'll continue saying the same thing

I want to give them my money, please release it for PC already

Soundtrack is pretty nice too.

Hard to believe that after like 10 games they finally made one fun.

>There's art changes.
It's the same artist. Tsunako doesn't have different styles.

Happens everytime. Buy the full game and over $20 worth of DLC. PC owners get everything for $17.99

>dialogue is full of memes
Yeah that's the point.

I already did.

I played MK2, Victory, and Re;birth 1. I'm not some PCuck that played the ports and thought they were brand new games

Define fleshed out.
"Tsundere" isn't fleshed out just because there's tsun and dere

The artstyle is the same but there are still slight differences between the VII character portraits and other games. Even if it's just different accessories.

What are you talking about?
Bad reading comprehension?

Her face is clearly rounder and there are less distinct features. She improved.

>I never knew Neptune is such a great character.
I played this whole series and now I'm also playing this game. So far, Nepnep is still a shitty airhead memester. It's Older Nep who's actually decent.

You're a PCuck that only bought the rebirth series.

>r-reading c-comprehension
Aw, little baby got blown out because his meme won't work? What a sad little fuck you are

RB3 is just a port of Victory, so they are the same, and there's barely any changes between mk2 and RB2.

Since we're going to be talking about Noire,

She clearly cares for Neptune and has trouble relating to people. She's a nice girl that wants what's best for her nation, but works hard to ensure that it's the best. However, with her inefficent abilities to run a nation, she spends way too much time managing her nation and that leaves no time for her to be friends with anyone. Thus when she finally finds someone else that's willing to even talk to her, she latches onto them hoping for anything. THe problem is, that drives people away and she doesn't understand why. She changes throughout the game and the people that come to know her as annoying, actually tolerate her and realize she's good to have around. It's like Sup Forums when they talk to girls.

So it's the "hard-working loser tsundere" found in about 60% of moe SoL comedy shows

>RB3 is just a port of Victory, so they are the same, and there's barely any changes between mk2 and RB2.
Again, you're a PCuck that actually thinks ports are brand new games. And the battle system changed slightly for the Rebirth 3.

Why the fucking strawman, jesus christ.
What is even the point of pointing out that they are not new games? You are completely missing the point just to spout memes

Then what's the point in bringing up RB's?

Because, ignoring RB3, they released Victory 3 times. HDN is utter shit, and mk2 is barely different from Victory.

>it uses Victory's engine and battle system, therefore it's the same game 3 times
found the memester

>and mk2 is barely different from Victory
user, are you trying to apply the RB logic to the PS3 games?

Every game has tropes from somewhere else if you want to be ultra generic about it.

The game is bad and so are you

I like neptunja but i wish they stop re using assets and moveset

Seeing the same move from rb1 to vii makes me sick

CFW Magic does magic to my dick

then don't use those moves? I do know the attack combos have changed. Noire doesn't even get the Fencer moves.

I want to get under Underling's undies.

Me first

All the nep girls are super sexy


There's a nipple in that picture.

oh shit. I'm fucked

>missing the best nep

...and breastmilk!

>Shit taste circlejerk club

You do know that you can delete posts not in the original post, right?

I could but honestly It doesn't matter.
My fate has already been decided.

I'm playing the first Neptunia Rebirth game right now, pretty close to the end.

Is it worth it to play all of the games, or should I just skip right to VII after this? I kind of like it but I think it would get old extremely fast if the rest of the games didn't improve things.

skip to VII. but if you want to know the references, you need to play V or Rebirth 3.

They make references to characters in VII and shit like that. You definitely could play it though but I'd recommend just going though 2 and 3.

skip 2, play RB;3 and then VII, 3 is improved from 1 and 2 and VII is improved from 3.

>shitty airhead memester
She's only pretending to be retarded.
It's coming on PC by fall I think?
Only? Pcuck has access to Nep U and Noire as well.

>She's only pretending to be retarded.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>Only? Pcuck has access to Nep U and Noire as well.
Not SeHa, PP, or any of the original 3. It doesn't even have the Phone App.

Thanks m8s.

Then tell me why even the PS4 V-II is coming to PC? Everything starting from the RB are coming to PC.

>phone app
You wanted to run the phone app on a Vita?

>skip 2
But you will miss out on the biggest meme within Nep series if you do. No Atelier game has anything on Nepgear.

I want to share bed with underling

You're just salty the games are coming to PC so there is no reason at all to buy a Vita.

>yfw you wasted money on a Vita


No reason to rush really. I'd also recommend taking brakes between games since starting back at level 1 feels like shit.

the only thing i actually hated in this game was that share bullshit.

even more in Rebirth 2 , where you need to get certain shares to 50% to unlock a character , go back to 15% then raise another share to 60% all with tedious mission that gaves 3% share (no colosseum or you lose the ending)
in the end you need to do NG+8 or 9 to get all endings (in pc) , and only NG to get them all in ps3 (messing with saves for the trophys)

Good thing they remove that in rebirth 3 i was so glad.

we don't have it available anywhere here
literally trash, doesn't even compare to Project Diva X or idolm@ster
>any of the inferior 3
>wanting the first game, under any circumstance
I bet you also want a Trinity Universe port

How do i get an underling?

It's back in VII. And it's worse, your character dies, it loses all its shares. And there's tons of OHKO moves in the game

at least in VII the shares are cumulative, while in the rebirth games you had to juggle between all regions


on PSN's E3 sale.
it's gone now

PSN sale

it was on the PSN sale during E3

Well fuck me.

>nobody ever talks about gameplay, story, characters, plot, music or anything about this game

What's the point of these threads?

I talked about the gameplay when VII came out and praised them for improving it.

of course nobody talks about these things when you don't count the people who do

I did with Nepgear is a very good girl btw.

what's the point of your post if you don't do that either?

Well the problem is that PC players haven't played it yet and get angry if the PS4 players start to talk about the game itself. They'll start bitching about them spoiling everything

Is Uzume cute?

Go on user, I'm waiting fo the PC release but I was already spoiled the major plot points

There is nothing cute or appealing about the Dreamcast.

A reminder of the "quality" of this game.

I kinda liked that one though.

>Game series I like uses the same lines I see on this site every few hours
Am I supposed to react?

Best Sha is S-Sha. Great defense, speed, attack, and actually has some fucking AOE moves.

destroy but hole

Trite Neppit users need to lurk moar.

yes, go back to neppit

but they are talking about the 2chan the japanese one.

Something i have notice in all neptunia game is how the english text is totally different from the japanese one , some times they add jokes that just aren't there in jap.

Now imagine the game without the jokes and what usually the plot of the games are.
Still shit

I really like her EXE's, she also has split personality, doesn't she?

Ram > Rom

Nick Doerr meme in 3, 2, 1


The hero gets lost in dead dying dimension and meets Tidus and his evil counterpart ShuYin? Then Shu Yin decides to become Ex-Death and merge 3 dimensions together so that she can restore her own dead and dying dimension? All the while the hero of the story meets up with the good side of the evil side and they fight off all the giant alien menace that threatens to destroy the world? However, little does she know, the evil counterpart is working with m00t and Sup Forums to help them destroy the world. And the only incentive for m00t and Sup Forums is to earn more money so that they can buy more porn of busty blonde babes? Then finally they chase the evil counterpart across dimensions and finally have Tidus and Shuyin meet and merge together to become one and the same again.

This plot is the biggest most convoluted plot ever.

why dose she wear stupid leg warmers

Out of curiosity do people actually read ALL the none voiced dialogue in this game or just fastforward/skip it ?


I read it all
I never skip dialogue in games, ever

Tons of nep games are super cheap on steam

They're nice to listen to even on second playthroughs.

everyone played all those gamesl aready

I never played NepU. I might pick it up

>being a literal toddlercon

because it's cool.