Is this a good game? I can't play Muramasa because I have no Vita. Will this serve as a substitute?
Is this a good game? I can't play Muramasa because I have no Vita. Will this serve as a substitute?
Buy a Wii lol
>buy a wii
>purchasing the inferior version
I've got a wii but I honestly hate playing on it
Don't listen to this user, OP. The remake is Muramasa with added features.
It's like Muramasa but it has a lot more depth because characters have a lot more moves/skills plus it has more characters.
Very good game
Buy a PS TV and play both
played the demo today, was fun, a lot of similarities with muramasa. probably getting it tomorrow.
so no ps3 version ?
Yes, there is.
I'm still undecided. I'm worried it'll just be endless juggles punctuated with special attacks. Not sure if there's much complexity, here, although it is gorgeous.
Did they revamp the difficulty? Original Odin Sphere got VERY DIFFICULT around the end, and you could easily fuck up your savegame
Original Odin Sphere is quite difficult. This one is actually pretty easy because of the new system. The game wasn't exactly balanced around Muramasas combat.
Yes it's good. And you could play Muramasa via PSTV, or Wii, or PC/wiiemulation.
Surprisingly there is a PS3 version, physical release too.
It's pretty nuts. It's not even in the top 100 best sellers for games on the PS3.
It'd be a better solution over buying an overpriced inferior handheld to play it.
I didn't even know this game was a thing.
Apparently it came out THIS MONTH
I've not heard ANYTHING about it before today
a vita is still better than a wii
I am getting the Story Book Edition here tomorrow, can´t wait.
Finally EU did not have to wait absurd amounts of times compared to US.
And they even gave us a lot of subtitles (althought I hope they fixed some compared to the demo, there were some mistakes).
>60 bucks
fug, i've no money
Do you guys think it'll be too easy? I need something to tide me over 'til ZE (as pathetic as that sounds, given it's a week away).
Hope you Europeans have a lot of fun with it
>finally finished valkyrie
>13 hours play time
I don't how.
>Play time for Gwendolyn: 10 hours
>Cornelius and Mercedes: 8 hours each
>Oswald: just barely under 7 or so
Game is fun but a bit repetitive. I like taking a few days off between characters so it doesn't get stale. Looks great and plays awesome though.
>be eurofag
>storybook edition still not shipped from nisa store
Fuck everything
I found it too easy on normal so I switched to hard and found it decently challenging then.
>2 snow golems
Judging from the demo, I know I will.
When's the PC releas
For just Muramasa I'd say get a PS TV.
Companies that cater to a demographic other than people with arrested development actually charge more for superior hardware specs.
The more you know!
Probably never
Is this any different from the PS2 version besides the HD meme?
It is almost a new game.
Think Muramasa Rebirth but even more drastic.
It's probably better than Muramasa.
Yes it will. But you can surely afford a PSTV.
It plays faster, I think. I haven't played the original. But it does have classic mode so that you can get a feel for what the PS2 version plays like but with the HD sprites and such.
Gamepla is overhauled.
If you know how to play muramasa with 1 hp then this one will be quite easy with occassional hiccups with some bosses/challenges. The hard stuff starts when you unlock boss rush and heroic mode.
Here come dat boi.
Any difference between the ps3 and ps4 version? Both are 1080p it looks like
No difference.
is Ingway the most tragic OS character?
It's hard to choose the most tragic character in game where literally everybody dies.
not op, played the demo today, why enemies stand there without hitting me? is like this in the final game? also, does it get repetitive? might buy it but dont feel like paying 50€
Final game is much harder, bosses will rek you on hard mode.
It does kinda.
It's got a lot of fighting so repetitiveness depends on whether you like the gameplay. Taking a break between each character book pretty much eliminates it though.
The demo is awful
The new combat makes me want to play DC again. Anyone here still play?
The game is good but I fucking hate how the Pooka Prince controls
I like him. My least favourite (at least, going by the demo) is Mercedes.
I purchased it today and played for about a hour until I took a nap because I was very tired after my job.
It's very fun and I like it more than I expected. The menus are beautiful, you couldn't see any on the demo.
I'm off tomorrow so I'm playing this through this 3 day weekend. Comfy as all things.
It has the edge of having cute bunny
>NISEurope only shipped my order literally now
Guess I won't be getting it until monday.
Not gonna say git gud, but he is by far the most powerful character in the game. He's like Oswald's berserk mode at all times, but with more control (or less, if using Lightning Blade).
It's a really great game. Beautiful visuals and sound, with fast, fluid gameplay that offers a decent challenge without being too grindy or hardcore. The only problems is it gets a bit repetitive toward the end because you have to finish many of the same areas and bosses with five separate characters to finish the game, each character's story taking about 8-10 hours. The difficulty also gets harder and harder from character to character, so not only are you killing that boss for the fourth or fifth time, but you're doing it on a noticeable and more frustrating difficulty level. It can get a bit tiring. That said, the positives outweigh the negatives. The game really feels great to play. Also, the repetition thing is also the only problem with Muramasa. The two games are extremely similar.
Will it go live on the store at midnight?
Might just get it on PSN instead of going to GAME (lol), at some point, tomorrow.
Looks good. Dragon's Crown is also great if you're just craving Vanillaware in general.
dumb Wii owner
Yeah it's decent, but be conscious that the game heavily recycles content such as bosses.
He's tragic in the sense that his own flaws and mistakes that cause his suffering.
I found him the most fun to play by a long way.
Same here. Cant wait for my Storybook Edition
Hard starts off easy as fuck and ends up being pretty challenging. I got stuck a few times on some five-star boss fights when playing Oswald and Velvet. Their stories are considerably harder.
>King Ooze as Velvet
>twin snow troll things as Oswald
These took hours to kill.
I used tons of poison on the snow trolls, still by far the most annoying fight in the game
What went wrong?
Odin being a dick
Odin is a dick? What nonsense are you saying? He's the ideal parent.
I mean, he was a major dick to Valentine himself and eventually even fucked his daughter. Also Valentine lost his sanity when he made those magic coins so it all went downhill.