This was just released on gog, how is it?
This was just released on gog, how is it?
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I don't know. I haven't played it in 10 years.
GOAT western
Did they add widescreen support and 60 FPS fix? No? Fuck off.
10/10 scalping simulator.
torrents when?
why do they do this? id rather take the drm and get it for $5 on steam
It was pretty fun for the time, I'd imagine it must have aged terribly though, wasn't all that flash when it came out on the 360
Fun for the time but it was essentially a launch (or close to it) 360 title. It wasn't perfect, and definitely would not have optimally aged.
For a price of $20, I couldn't recommend it.
It's same as Steam, no widescreen support and it's still 30 FPS locked.
Oh shit, that's on PC? I played that back in the day on the gamecube. It's a great game, you should definitely pick it up if you like westerns.
But that's not RDR
It was THE open world western game before RDR completely ripped it off.
RDR ripped it off hard, RDRev was in a completely different genre. Only a moron or a shill could say that RDRed isn't a blatant fucking ripoff of this game.
fix your widesceen already
its been on pc for a long time now
I don't know about ripoffs but RDR is definitely the better game.
Gay bitch your stupid
>there will never be a sequel
Gun was basically a glorified demo even though it was pretty fun. A sequel with more content would be amazing.
Go back to school.
It's newer and on a more powerful platform, of course it's better. Doesn't change the fact that its a ripoff.
Imagine if RDR was awful. That's this game.
Wasn't there an easter egg in Tony Hawk Underground that hinted at a sequel?
Man, I remember slaughtering tons of redskins in this game
Also poor whore got her throat slit
delete this
I enjoyed the movie
I normally don't like western anything but this was actually pretty great.
Loved it when I played it about a decade ago.
I replayed it last year and it definitely doesn't hold up. Play Red Dead Redemption instead, it's essentionally the same thing only much better.
Btw - was there ever a point to scalping wounded enemies or is it there just for senseless violebce.
Best Western ever made this guy is right
RDR was very good but the story and mission variation in Gun makes it far better
also playing RDR on 20-25 FPS on my PS3 felt like such a chore at times
It's alright, but I much prefer KNIFE.
Bullet sponge enemies turned me off. That and its kind of linear, you will never look behind yourself.
Fuck off back to /cric/
Idk man
You were.
Dum ass thinking reddaed is better at anything your so stupid
according to a steam thread about it its just for the violence
I remember really enjoying it as a kid.
Now I can't imagine how I would enjoy something with such awful graphics.
Kids are retarded.
I played it when it came out and thought it was fun as fuck.
But it has obvious problems like the world is empty as fuck and the side quests are boring. The endboss was also kind of bullshit and I don't think the game has aged very well.
If it isn't too expensive you can go for it, but I wouldn't spend too much on it.
Scalping people was weirdly satisfying. I scalped just about every enemy I killed in this game.
>Rip off
>Rip off
Shut the fuck up. RDR is simillar in the same way many games are simillar. Besides, GUN is pretty shit co,pared to RDR. GUN isnt even open world, it just pretends to be.
>Game has gameplay
>Game requires interaction to make changes in digital world
>Actions have consequences
GAME is a rip off! RIP OFF!
I've replayed it recently and it actually aged surprisingly well, at least when it comes to the main storyline. The world has always felt really empty. Magruder wasn't even as bullshit as I remembered him.
>Oh no! A game set in bumfuck savage times is racist towards people who were ridiculed historically back then!
>Postal 2 was sarcastic!
Jesus, did nobody teach these fucks history at school? Or were they homeschooled?
And how can they claim Postal 2 was sarcastic when they're so fucking utterly immune to satire?
You were supposed to upgrade yourself via side missions.
How is the PC port, anyone?
Great site, thanks user.
Works fine for me
And neither of them are Call of Juarez
PC version @30fps?
Emulate in Dolphin @60fps?
wat do Sup Forums?
It was in Proving Ground actually.
IIRC, Neversoft pitched a GUN sequel to Activision, who gave them the go-ahead. It never happened because they realized it would interfere too much with the annual Tony Hawk releases
Man, I miss this game. The first third-person shooter I ever played back during grade school.
I still have no idea why my dad even bought it.
PC. No matter how good your computer is, Dolphin's gonna lagspike constantly just for the sake of itself.
Or its GTA in the Wild West just like Gun too...
Dolphin has a native 16:9 display option for this game, so really there's no reason to use the PC port.
i take it you ignored how to fix that
You can SCALP people. How many games can you do that in?
Out of curiosity, what game was the first to use quickdraw? I'd be astounded if it was this one.
I preffered red dead revolver.
And call of juarez gunslinger from this generation
>blood squirts everywhere
Can you also fix the 30 fps cap on the PC version?
Both were great.
Gun let me go apeshit in a town ad blow people to pieces with exploding arrows.
RDR let me drag a woman into the wilderness, bait her, and let wild animals tear her apart.
The old west is fun.
Its got exploding arrows, limb decapitation, scalping, a fucking canon you can take around with you, and old timey whores. It was one of my favorite games on PS2. Not sure how the pc version performs, but the game itself is pretty great.
I'd rather just download a torrent like I do with all GOG games cause they make it easy as fuck.
I played Psp version. It was fun back then. Dunno if it was better or worse than original.
Just replayed this a few months ago.
Was alright. World is really small. Scalping is pointless. I think my favorite part were the injuns scraming 'headshot, headshot' in a really exaggerated accent when you landed one.
>I still have no idea why my dad even bought it.
are you me
literally the exact same circumstance, word for word
>those screaming china men on the bridge
This game has a lot of memorable sound bites.
lulwut for real?
Windows 7, played the retail version I got in a bargain bin for a buck. Had to fuck around a bit in options to make the sky look like an actual sky but aside from that the game works without problems, you don't have to install any unofficial patches or mess with .ini files.
i played it probably like 8 years ago, i really liked it but i feel like RDR is much better in almost every way
all i really remember is
>finite amount of money in the game
>world is fairly empty and there isnt a lot to do other than missions other than shoot up towns with exploding arrows
>some bullshit hunting side missions
>that fucking posse system that i vaguely recall being a big deal when it was new
>using your horse near the tutorial area to climb over a ledge and get to a hidden level select
>the line "I AINT YOUR FATHER" sounding like "I ATE YOUR FATHER" confusing me into thinking the guy was admitting he killed and ate your dad
>tons of scalping indians if you choose
>>the line "I AINT YOUR FATHER" sounding like "I ATE YOUR FATHER" confusing me into thinking the guy was admitting he killed and ate your dad
oh god I'm dying here
great game, less realistic than RDR but way more fun, also the story is pretty good, as opposed to RDR's mess