Is this any good? i would buy the PS4 version, thanks

is this any good? i would buy the PS4 version, thanks

Not really, it's just OK

>playing shooters on a console


What's for tea

Wow what the fuck brain

*what game

nobody tell him

Duke Nukem Forever

you fucker


I recommend it at a low price, but not on PS4.

It's a fun game. Went through almost all of it just using the Katana as it's OP as fuck with the W+W+LMB combo.

I've had this since release but still haven't played it.

Shadow warrior

>shooter on console
That's okay if that is your thing, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Please say that you are british! PLEASE!

Yeah m8

faggots in gravy and some spotted dick afterwards

Shadow Warrior is just okay, medicore on console.
Its good backgrounds are the best part about it.

>Go to a friends house to see him play this on PS4 when it was new after i played it on PC
>Actually looks pretty good, im impressed
>Action starts
>FPS dips to 20fps
>So much for next gen

Also i almost have to recommend playing it on Normal. Hard is just 'bullet sponge' mode. The bosses take literally 30mins to beat because they are so spongy. Its not even challenging, just tedious.

Fish finger sarnie

I liked shadow warrior
The combat felt really satisfying

I swear FWH doesn't understand enemy balance.
My biggest complaint with Hard Reset were the bullet sponge enemies, then they come back in Shadow Warrior, although the sword still kicks ass so it wasn't as annoying.

spot the underaged. Even on the games hardest difficulty the monsters/bosses dies quite easily. Maybe you are just bad at video gaems and should play more cinematic games that doesn't require so much input from the player.

got this for 17, excited to try it I heard good things

Is Shadow Warrior the game Oatmeal wished he made when he made that WiiU abortion? I can't even remember it's name

The gameplay is better than nuDOOM.

No it isnt.

>no shitty scripted ebin executions
>more options
>enemies have two aggression states

It does have worse level design, but it's a million times more fluid and way faster.

Excuse me, I meant four aggression states.