Why does Neo-Sup Forums hate Dragon Quest?
Why does Neo-Sup Forums hate Dragon Quest?
I'm not sure.
Was VIII a bad one to start with? I tried it many years ago when it created a little bit of buzz.
I figured now was a good time to get into such a classic series. I remember dying like three times in the first cave where you talk to that waterfall genie, and also dying three times against the genie.
I know, I know git gud and all that, but it seemed like there was no way to mitigate this other than grinding, which is not really my fancy.
Am I doing it wrong? I want to like this series, but it seems to hate new players.
Because it's not AAA western trash.
It's safe to say that "Neo-Sup Forums" hates everything, and nothing.
There is a solid group of Dragon Quest fans here. I say we need more petitions. I want the monster games, rocket slime, and even X. I'd be down to play a Dragon Quest MMORPG.
>Why does Neo-Sup Forums hate
Because they have more fun ruining other peoples' fun than playing video games. On top of that, they're always looking for the next epic meme ala TORtanic, Donte, etc.
I've played 4,5,6,7 and 8 on iPad. Pretty good experience. Don't think I would have liked it as much playing on console as the game is pretty lazy. Turn based, no action, few choices. Not something I'd want to play with full concentration. Feels a lot like pokemon in terms of gameplay.
Damn Pokemon would make for great Ipad games
The average age of poster on this board wasn't alive for any of the good ones so now they pretend that the series has always been bad.
>Hurr durr v dont liek my generic jrpg game thats why neo-v is shit
Worse than Metroid babies.
Put your lips against my asshole and then inhale as deep as you can
We have DQ threads everyday you fucking faggot
I NEED the monster games
Reminder that FF > DQ
It's Japanese, so it's "weeaboo"
No let's player E celeb plays it so they don't care
Don't like the art style and game play
waiting on 7 to come out so i can play it as my first DQ game
>Don't like Akira Toriyama's art style
RKO yourself
Weeb shit.
>B-But its not weeb if i like this series
One of you niggers will say something along that line
What does that even mean? That it's Japanese?
>everything from Japan is weebshit
God Hand, MGR and Dark Souls too, right?
Well, to be fair, to neo-Sup Forums, anything Japanese will get them laughed at by their classmates since they're in high school, so it's automatically bad.
What the hell is is a "weeb" game? Back in my day, we just played games and didn't give a shit where they were developed. The term weeaboo has seemingly lost all meaning and I don't even know what it denotes anymore. Being drawn like "anime"? Seeing as how that's just a catchall term for how Japanese guys draw, despite the myriad of different drawing styles cartoonists use there, you might as well just say "I don't personally like how anyone from this country designs characters" and get it over with. Is this just simple racism now? Have we reached the point where weeaboo no longer means an obsession with Japan's superiority but just anything associated with the country's output at all? That Japan is incapable of producing anything good? I'm pretty sure if you made a similar statement about an undeveloped country like Ghana, you'd be called out on it for cultural insensitivity.
SMT is still better than both
The inconsistent translations and localization are annoying.
The puns are annoying.
The same faces and art style are annoying (I just see Gohans and Bulmas everywhere because apparently Toriyama can draw a total of 3 faces).
SE seems to not have much faith for this series on the west.
Played both and gotta say DQ1 has a much better sense of adventure and role playing than FF.
VIII is perfectly fine to start with, in fact they are all fine to just pick a random one up and play as they have their own story.
1-3 are in the same world, but many years apart and you wI'll only miss references.
4-6 share the same castle in the sky, but that's it as far as I remember.
7-9 are not connected in any way
stop trying to force the narrative that weebshit applies to all jap games
>The same faces and art style are annoying (I just see Gohans and Bulmas everywhere because apparently Toriyama can draw a total of 3 faces).
Its funny because this is probably also one of the biggest draws to the series.
theres always that one hipster edgelord
Isn't SMT usually a dungeon crawler? Is that really a fair comparison? For the record, I've only played Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei
SMT can only be compared with the size of the franchise. The best selling SMT games sell worse than the worst selling DQ and FF games
The only Megaten games that dont have dungeon crawling are Devil Survivor and Majin tensei so you got that right
Are sales really correlated to quality? Keep in mind that Bayformers has grossed a shitload of money and McDonalds is everywhere.
So far, I've only played DQIX. It was a lot of fun, and I definitely agree with the "joke" that the main game is the tutorial for the post-game. The grottoes were challenging to find, especially since I stubbornly refused to look up the locations online, and I really enjoyed the Legacy Bosses (or whatever they're called. Barbados through Greygnarl).
If only liquid and king metals were more reliable to find and kill...
Most DQ games have a manditory grind. Just keep trying to get money till you can afford the boomerang than you should snag it and be able to tak the boss. Equipment tends to matter alot in these games but DONT put points into boomerang
>Most DQ games have a manditory grind.
Which answers your question of why neo-Sup Forums dislikes them. They lack the patience. Seriously though, is there a reason there designed to have grind? I thought only Korean guys liked that.
Its only for the first boss more often than not but It definitely killed my first play-through of DQ8
>DQ Heroes isn't on the Steam Sale
>doesn't even have a minor discount, meaning it won't be on sale throughout the entire event
God damn it.
Instead it's AAA Japanese trash.
Post some lewd Jessica.
Its a fantastic game.
Gameplay is boring
Story is boring
Setting is boring
It's just boring.
just like your life
I know you haven't actually played any of the games, but go ahead and prove me wrong
Tell me the story of dragon quest 4, 5, 6, or 9 without looking it up.
fuccboi has to get a party of faggots including some whores, a fat guy, and some old bastard to go in the clouds and beat up some dragon also there is another fuccboi who becomes good after you beat the game
you're some little faggot with his dad but then your dad dies and you grow up a slave and then get to choose the pussy you want to slam dunk but then you turn to stone and your kids have to rescue you because one of them is the hero and then you save the day
i haven't played six
you start off as some faggot angel and then shit happens but it's been eyars since i played it for real though i would fuck that gal fairy 10/10 would masturbate to again
not him
man I dont even remember the plot of 5. Just spent the entire time dealing with one misfortune after the next
I would suggest trying it out before you buy it. I personally like it, but I can see how it would get boring pretty fast.
He'll probably think it's some "Save dragon from princess" shit. Don't know why people all asume DQ stories are that generic.
I mean, they're not high literature, but they work well.
>beat up some dragon
wait a minute
the dragon was a good guy
the guy you beat up is like some other faggot with spikes and shit and he has more than one form
I like musou and know what it's like, that's why I'm not willing to pay £40 for it.
Is there a fanslation patch to take out the shitty accents for the ds games?
Very mature. Also for the last guy allow me to reply with a general idea on the stories of each game you listed. Do note I don't remember every little detail so don't try to nitpick every little thing:
4 - You play as a wide colorful casts each with their own chapters, until eventually they come across the hero where they go travel around the World. I don't remember most of the details but you eventually come across Psaro who wants to resurrect his dead waifu and is revealed to be the main villain.
You travel around the World with your father, who eventually dies trying to save you. He tells you to look for your missing Mom. Time skip you get married at some point, and you and your wife get turned into stone by a horse demon. Another time skip and your kids have grown up and now travel around the World no a new quest to not only find your Mom but to save your Waifu as well.
This one I legitimately have the most trouble remembering. I think there was something about dreams or whatever.
Played it for a bit. Didn't like it much.
What was your point exactly? I don't hate DQ by any stretch. I personally think the series peaked at 5 and sort of went downhill from there.
>Very mature.
just like your mom who i bone
t. assmad dragon quest fag
the only one getting assmad is your mom when i slam dunk her poopchute
Is this real? That is atrocious.
Dragon Quest is like playing a fossil. Shit hasn't evolved in over 20 years.
Is this what passes for translation nowadays?
Like gaming journalism haha, everything related to games is a joke by modern professional standards.
1 is meh
2 is good
3 is good
4 is good but different and not appealing to me
5 is fanfuckingtastic
6 is good
7 is great but long as fuck and it's easy to fucking yourself over if you miss a puzzle piece and get way further in the game
8 is great
9 is good if you've played all the other ones and get all the little references otherwise it has less depth and story than the rest of them
Are you insane?
it was 2008, but still. The dev team thought the accents would add "character"
It's honestly my favorite musou they mixed it up with this one and I loved it
This makes perfect sense though. If you're from the North of England, like myself.
The DS remake of 3 is the best final fantasy besides 10. Spoilered because kids can't handle the truth.
my one and only nigga
Rather than a mandatory grind, I think the devs expected you to go out and explore, and take the first dungeon slowly, advancing a bit, then having to retreat to heal, then advancing again, until you make it to the boss. I'm not defending it as good design, and the game still requires a shitton of grinding for the post game stuff, also holy fuck dhoulmagus is ridiculous, but I wouldn't say the game is grindy just because the pacing is off for the first dungeon.
It reads just fine to me, and I'm a fucking burger.
My problem with the newer DQ is mostly in the unnecessary name/cannon changes for the purposes of making dopey jokes that weren't in the original game. Accents are whatever compared to that shit.
I've played a couple of them. They're not bad by any means but I'd rather play something like Valkyrie Profile or Vagrant Story most days.
Yeah, it's a different kind of mentality compared to other RPGs. It's kind of like playing Breath Of Fire 1 or something now. You either have the mentality for it or you don't, and if you don't, you really aren't going to like it.
Interestingly enough I really love Breath of Fire.
Shoulda found a KMS-only floor in a grotto.
That first cave is literally the only section in the game where you HAVE to do some grinding, you'll get your shit fucked up if you go inside at a level that's any lower than 5.
5 sounds sweet
it's p cool
Not him but I'll answer it
The hero who will defeat the lord of the underworld was born so Psaro, who has set out to kill all humans for their mistreatment of his girlfriend, is out to kill the hero and help the lord return. Multiple people who have been affected by Psaro's quest all join the hero along with a merchant who's there because it's lucrative and exciting. Psaro's underlings kill his girlfriend and blame the humans so Psaro goes full final boss and then you kill him with some legendary weapons.
The hero who will defeat evil will be born soon so monsters are kidnapping royal children, but you were taken away from the castle to live normally. You spend your childhood ghostbusting, fairy chasing, watching your father die and getting enslaved with an asshole who becomes your best bro after 10 years of being a slave. You know, normal kid shit. After growing up you go on a quest to find your mother who your father revealed was not really dead, and gain legendary hero equipment that you can't wield because you're not the hero. You get married and take your wife adventuring with you, and learn that a few hours in game time is about 9 months in real life, and that you got your wife pregnant really fast. She births the true hero and gets kidnapped after you try reclaiming your rightful throne. Attempting to rescue her leads to you getting petrified for 8 years to be rescued by your twin children to continue searching for your mom and now also your wife who was petrified with you. You save a dragon and it's kingdom to help find your wife, use your wedding rings to open a portal to the evil person responsible for all this and kick his ass.
Bad guy is using the power of the dream world to fuck over everything. You attempt to fight his minion but are separated from your dream self who has to get a mirror to kick his ass. You get the mirror, a best bro fighter and 3 unmemorable allies to kick his ass. Continued next post.
You just have to not run like a bitch and fight almost every monster you encounter. Don't bother charging tension against the first few bosses,it's useless. I only grinded for real against Dhoulmagus.
The characters in VI are fine, I don't know why they get so much shit.
Well except the priest kid. That one had no reason to exist and looked like shit.
After always loving the style of it, I finally started with six. GODDAMNIT THIS GAME IS SO FUCKING AWESOME.
I just beat Murdaw, and chose my vocations. I can see myself putting a lot of time in this.
As he wasn't the only minion, you continue your quest to bring peace to the land except now with a boat. You sail to a portal to the dream world to get a boat in the dream world to sail to an island to beat the next guy's ass, rescuing a sleeping guard's dream self so he can open the gates in the real world. You take another portal from the real world past those gates to get a flying bed in the dream world which you use to get a submersible boat which you use to get a flying carpet which you use to get a pegasus to take you to the bad guy's lair. I'm skipping stuff because it's second only to IX in boring plotlines but that's the gist of it. You wade through various dens of sin the bad guy set up, reach him, and if you did the bonus dungeon have an even bigger demon eat him.
You're an angel, and just as you were about to ascend from Heaven to SUPER HEAVEN, Heaven gets attacked and you become a fallen angel. You make it back to heaven by doing good deeds to find that the fruits that were going to let you ascend to SUPER HEAVEN all fell to Earth so you gotta get them back. You then do some boring unrelated plots including but not limited to: priest going power mad to guide his flock, dead father becoming a whale, scorned lover building a replica of his hometown out of stone, dead girl whose doll comes to life but sucks at being alive and gives up, spoiled lonely princess getting raped by her pet lizard (embellished, not as interesting as I made it sound), a principal's ghost torturing bad students, and a slug trying to marry a village chief. I don't remember what happens after that between the end but you gotta give up being an angel all together to kill a bad angel to save SUPER HEAVEN so god doesn't destroy Earth.
Then you just become an half angel again making the bittersweet ending completely pointless.
But user, if you don't become an angel again, you won't get to spend the postgame with little Ms. Annoying Mouthpiece Fairy.
Fine by me, the postgame is terrible.
I started with 6 as well and really enjoyed it. It pretty much guarantees you'll like the other games too because 6 is considered one of the "weaker" games of the series, albeit still very good
I think its impossible to "hate" DQ.
It's so barebones and boring that the worst you can feel for it is just indifference.
What the fuck on all of these. Maybe not the second one since FF2 and DQ2 are both talked about poorly.
Why is 9 the least popular DQ? I liked DQ9 way more than FF9
It's an MMO but without Online or anybody to play with.
Maybe you just needed some friends.
Who am I gonna find to play this game with especially in the year 2016?
The "best" items in the game being locked behind ridiculous requirements was the big complaint I always heard. Also 8 is arguably the best game in the series so no matter how good 9 is, it still has to live in a shadow.
I'm from America and I have no trouble with it. It's just that most Americans are borderline illiterate. Still, it is pretty awful, accents are fine if handled correctly.
I have no idea. It's one of two games in the series that I actually found somewhat enjoyable.
Pretty much. I hate that I wasted so much time waiting for DQ8 to get good, but that's not quite the same as hating the game itself.
Too short, easy and formulaic main story.
Post game is a slog of infinite grinding, randomly generated dungeons, fighting the same bosses 100 times and bullshit RGN.
It's weeb. Heck, it started tsundere trope in gaming.
A lot of anime tropes are found in Dragon Quest. Heck it's a reason why it's so popular in Japan.
>My problem with the newer DQ is mostly in the unnecessary name/cannon changes for the purposes of making dopey jokes that weren't in the original game.
Yeah, I can't stand that shit. I'm not completely against name changes, there just has to be a good reason for them. Most of the changes in Dragon Quest don't have good reasons however. Sometimes Plus Alpha would just change names just because they felt like it, not even for a pun. The only name changes I've seen that I actually think are alright are many spell names, Dharma Shrine -> Alltrades Abbey, and Heavenly Ark -> Starflight Express.
>Dragon Quest invented anime tropes
SMT is still considered #3 of the classic JRPG franchises despite not sellinh as much as DQ or FF. At least in Nipland.
>agreeing with smug anime girl shitposting tripfag and his cancerous opinion
Kill yourself.