how do we stop sony?
How do we stop sony?
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A majority of those are multiplats
You don't. You go PC+PS4+3DS master race and have fun while you faggots worry about a company having games you cannot play.
for what purpose
PC+ WiiU if you have any sense
Nier 2
These are all multiplats or timed exclusives. COmpletely pointless to own a Sony system
We don't need to stop sony though
>bunch of shit and gravity rush 2
wow its nothing
>how do we stop sony?
acquire taste
>not owning a Vita, the underdog of the gen
wew lad
are you ok dude
WiiU has games, exclusive games
Playstation 4 has no games and is basically a console multiplat machine therefore no point in owning one if you have a PC
kys retard
>WiiU has games, exclusive games
you're a funny man
>have any sense
>Wii U
when will they implement backwards compatibility?
Breath of the Wild is better than all those Sony games combined. You can play BoW forever, but those Sony games probably 2 hours each
keep playing train sim pcfat, you wish you could have those games
buy the old systems again or repurchase old games from store goy
Wrong. Actually you are only right with FFXV
Bone+PS4, possibly on PC in a few years
PS4 + Vita, so it's a playstation exclusive.
PS4 exclusive, and we didn't hear anything about a PC port
PS3/PS4, so still a sony exclusive
>Nier 2
PS4 exclusive, same as NiOh
Faggot. Just get a PS3 for like 70 and games off cheap sites. I get tons of cheap ps3 games. The ps4 would have to have a ps3 built in to have BC. The console price would be high and you would complain about when price drops would happen
>A majority of those are multiplats
the xbox is dead.
fuck you bitch i bet you kiss girls
It's simple
you don't
Reminder that Team Ninja are still angry at nude mods for cutting into their DLC profits.
How are those petition going my PC friends?
>console multiplat machine
You're thinking of the Boner my friend
Oh, I want to play some PS1 games
>0 (zero) PS1 games on the PS4
How about some PS2 titles?
>A dozen and a half literal what titles at $15 a piece
M-maybe PS3?
>All titles behind a yearly paywall, only older titles, or rent them for $8 for 4 hours
The PS4 is fucking bullshit, I don't know how Sony is getting any with this actual bullshit
Lmao right on, right on. Post those PC exclusives, let's teach them a lesson!
you can thank microsoft for dropping the ball so hard that sony could have the PS4 shoot piss out of every hole and still be declared better than the XBone
Oh shit are you this guy?
>I purchased a PS4 so I can play PS1, PS2, and PS3 games, who cares about the new games
do not even start you corporate cocksucker
Good job defending your point!
there are plenty of great games from old gens that people missed out on, they could at least put more old games up on PSN
>WiiU has games, exclusive games
Which most PC users are going to play by the end this year
>i only play new games like a good consumer does!
But user how are they supposed to make money from the HD collections when the console would just be backwards compatible.
The PS4 has barely any games I want to play, and the few that I do I already beat, what's the major issue of wanting to play some classics?
I actually just want to give Sony money so I can download PS1 titles, but they refuse to let me. It's not even anti-consumer, it's just fucking dumb.
>multiplat machine
Try again sonygger
>kh3 coming out on xbone
>xfags don't get to play any of the previous games
why even bother?
Holy shit why is this allowed?
Neat. How many hours into Breath of the Wild do you have now?
The only multiplat here is FFXV, just grow up nintendrone.
That's disappointing
>literally every "exclusive" is now coming to the PC
Literally zero reason to own one. If you own an xbone, you are officially a fucking moron.
I dunno man. I don't have these issues becuase I don't get rid of old consoles. You have to understand that we don't understand their marketing and library decisions. I'm not a Sony cocksucker like most pcfats would like to believe, but I dont care enough to download games that I'm pissed at the PS Store. I buy physical copies for dirt cheap online instead of getting gouged on the store, I don't have the problems you have.
That's not quite true, Sunset Overdrive and Raiden V aren't going anywhere according to Insomniac and Moss, respectively.
>Those are all multiplats
>Or timed exclusives
>Literall all have "Only On Playstation" tag which doesn't show up on timed exclusives.
What's it like being in denial?
How do we stop console war babies like you from making threads?
Except you sonygger would have to shell out the cost of atleast 2 xbones to play the same games with crappy optimization and an higher price from w10 store
Unless you already own a good pc, there's no reason to get one for the xbone games.
>inb4 "better graphics on multiplats"
Then why bother with a ps4? For weeb games?
what I'm wondering is why so many people on Sup Forums militantly defend big vidya companies (nintendo, sony, valve, etc.) and/or shitpost about competitors so much, defending anti-consumer practices and refusing to point out any flaws. I'd like to hope that it's just shitposting and fishing for (you)s, but I'm guessing at least a portion of it is underage/manchildren that seriously believe they are part of a "team" and not just open wallets to corporations.
And all you had to do was wait until literally the last breath of the system's entire lifespan to play them. Master race wins again!
There are many titles that this is just impossible for, though.
A couple months ago, I wanted to play Mega man Legends 2. I noticed it was $10 on the PS3 store, which is more than any other PS1 title which irked me, so I looked hard for a physical copy of this absolutely anywhere, online or retail. I could not find it for any less than $40, and that was a disc-only piece of shit copy.
A lot of the appeal of downloadable games is not only the convenience, but the affordability. And just telling off people with 'should've kept your games' assumes they even had those systems before, or the games that go with it. Get off your high horse.
Why don't you poorfags just buy a Wii U, a PS4 AND a gaming PC? (the xbone is pointless unless you want to play Halo 5 and Sunset Overdrive because everything else is on PC).
>Wii U
Yeah you will probably emulate the games (except stuff like Splatoon in multiplayer) in a couple of years. It's just that some of us would prefer playing the games now and without emulation glitches.