Picked up Grimrock 2 from the GOG during the summer sale and I'm having a blast. Are firearms viable in late game? Also dungeon crawler thread.
Picked up Grimrock 2 from the GOG during the summer sale and I'm having a blast. Are firearms viable in late game...
Is earth magic shit in grimrock like most games?
Firearms were pretty shit during release, if you want to have some real fun make an alchemist, invest into throwing weapons and rape everything with dual bombs. Maybe it was changed with patches though.
It's nowhere nearly as good as fire magic but there's a staff that has a built-in poison bolt.
I'll try to focus on making bombs then. Are there any penalties from doing melee attacks from the back row in grimrock? I've currently got a rogue with a dagger and throwing weapons and not sure if I should stick with that or focus on missile weapons for him. I only have one melee character which is my berserker.
firearms are pretty shit. I regret pumping so many points in. go throwing or bow if you want a good back attacker, if he's your alchemist, go throwing for some double bomb throwing, I think thats the only synergy you can get from that.
Earth magic is pretty mediocre, I also regret pumping points. There are some situations were you can poison gas at closed doors or through fences. Frost is still mvp in combat though. Magic walls are pretty nice too.
Etrian Odyssey got me into the genre. What other crawlers have great music?
Might and Magic 6
I have both games in my library. Should I bother with the first or just go straight to the second?
I should be fine with only one point in firearms, right? I've been putting points in accuracy instead.
>get stuck
>dont want to replay everything
>cant even cheat my way through
I suck.
Always make backup saves
are you focusing into firearms? Accuracy is great general purpose so if you still wanna switch, you are good to, or even give a heavy weapon to him since they start tossing them at you like candy late game and accuracy allows for back row attacks at some point.
there are only 2 good light weapons and you usually get them dual wielded on one guy anyways so I dont recommend too many speccing into that.
generally you might want two frontliners, one is really not enough even though berserker minotaur is one of the best classes in the game
always go for 2h weapons, consider experimenting with Battle Mage as he can be both an excellent frontliner and additional CC unit creating walls when you need it on top of having more mana to spam specials of magical weapons
i remember that there was a skill allowing to attack from a second row but i don't remember how it was called
I've got my rogue with light weapons at the moment in the back row. My battle mage is in the front line and is magic only and alchemist is just using guns but I can switch his weapons.
Every Might & Magic game is worth playing. If you're a complete newbie to the genre, you can start from M&M3, M&M4-5 or M&M6. 9 is the only really bad M&M game. The soundtracks vary from catchy midi tunes to pretty kickass shit.
Aside from that, maybe the Mystery Dungeon games, if that counts?
Only the Cannon is good but you'll almost never get to use it.
It's still dogshit.
Firearms are the weakest weapons in the game since they don't scale with attributes and have finite ammo, but you can play through the game with a firearms party member just fine
This game was my GOTY of.. 2014?
Feels like last month, fuck.
It was amazing.
I had my alchemist use guns so I dumped all his points on alchemy at first, but late in the game I gave him some high damage one handed weapons and put stats for that. Guns are kinda shit.
As a guy that went through hardest mode first playthrough, switch it. Guns was a meme weapon and the only benefit is the special gun cannon that wasnt that worth the points and being mediocre in every fight. It was fast though so you never had to worry about timing shots so theres that to consider. you have to be careful about tossing arrows and knives down pits but its always retrievable
It didnt help that the game gave you so many cool looking high stat bows and knives but you couldnt use them cause lol all points into guns
Throwing it is then thank you.
MM6 is the best one to start with in my opinion even if it's got some of the hardest dungeons.
No, your better off with a bow and arrow for long range
yes, fire and air are the only viable elements
A berserker and guardian or whatever in the front, a rogue and mage (or two rogues if you wanna fuck around) in the back. Easy mode.
ice man. They nerfed it and its still op.
Did Grimrock 2 make a profit? Will we see a Grimrock 3?