seems like the VR meme is dead
New ross rants
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literally who is this sperg and why should i care
Freeman's Mind guy who loves sperging out on trivial shit.
Keep your bizarre fetishes to yourself OP.
Pay in mind he didnt play with the newest hardware and hes prone to motionsickness.
I like ross scott though, everything on his mainchannel is entertaining, rants included.
Says the guy with an obsessive need to make banepost copycats and gush about eroge fapbait.
Who the fuck is this ugly fuck.
Jesus Sup Forums, get some self-respect, stop supporting spergs like these fucks.
Lurk moar.
You are talking about m00t. he no longer posts on Sup Forums.
summer is strong in here
Where is the joke Dobson
>Le epic summer meme
e-celeb threads are cancer and you're cancer.
Grow up.
People talking shit about Ross, i bet they hate Arino too.
>it's ok to make e-celeb threads as long as its the one that I like!!!
You know, the longer you bitch and squirm around the monkey cages, the longer the thread stays up.
How fucking new are you if you don't know who Ross Scott, the creator of Freeman's Mind and Ross' Game Dungeon is?
Alright, so VR is still a couple of years away from being decent.
For games.
How good is the porn in it?
>25 minutes
Thread is about his point not himself tho.
And having cinema thing for most of the games for VR seems like a good idea.
his main point is that VR is still far from ideal
>there is no software compatibility
>the technology is still riddled with problems
>it can generate motion sickness
>you cant port older games to it, you can only play the simple casual games that come wit the thing
>there are simple solutions to all of this but no one is working on it
Haven't you see the 800 threads with their OP as that one webm where a guy gropes an anime chick's tits in VR?
i was playing fallout 4 and Alien isolation on my Vive half an hour ago
I'm going to open a Gamer's barber salon where we give out free haircuts and shaves to gamers, since they clearly cant afford it
these 12 year olds keep shilling their rambling retarded ecelebs who fucking make incoherent rambling youtube videos because they are too chicken shit to have an actual audio based delivery system
i bet that fucking thing is just him talking to the camera or a static image, literally no point in it being a video
I was playing Alien too on my Rift that I finally got this week. The complaints of lack of compatibility, motion sickness, and older games come from people who are literally too retarded to use this shit or who tied an old PC headset or shitty mobile headset and think they know everything.
I got some motion sickness on my DK2 when using normal controls before, but have been completely fine with CV1. I guess 90hz really makes a big difference.
You are the joke, sir. I am sorry that your Dad never had the courage to tell you.
Ross is the only one I've seen who seems to truly care about the state of video games.
Did you even watch the video? Are you even trying to understand the opposite side of your point? Yes, people do audio based deliveries like podcasts and what not but that doesn't mean jack.
Especially if you want your content to be viewed. Might as well do it on a site where normies go to get more views.
how is it possible that e-celebs trigger you so hard you can't understand that?
Relax user.
Just ignore him. He literally can't even right now.
>hasn't used either
Shut the fuck up Ross.
I get you can't buy them but don't go on a rant something you've never even used
Watch the video.
I'm so glad you got your favorite eceleb to validate your opinion. I'm sure his talking points on hardware that has been floating around for years now are all totally original and haven't been brought up since the fucking things were announced. Totally worthy of a thread.
Don't you have an Overwatch thread to tend to?
where did all these fucking shitposters come from? all the previous ross scott related threads were fine.
Normal posting devolves into anons funposting and not following any sort of coherent pattern. Who cares who the guy is. It's what being said and that's what he wants to talk about.
this, people who complain about VR being shit are the same people who thought texting was never going to catch on
>It's what being said and that's what he wants to talk about.
If that were in anyway true he would summarize what the e-celeb said, the video link is just for details, and answer any countering opinions rather than just mindlessly telling them to watch the video as in here
Fair enough but, that post is there because a user said he didn't use the vr headset when he did.
But nah you're good senpai. OP should have actually gave a short summary.
>vr exclusives
nuke this fucking cancer and everyone involved
This. It's two monitors
strapped to a single headband. Not sure why it was ever considered a platform.
I'm not giving the video any views, but out of curiosity which VR headset did he use? Because OP pic is a DK1, and that's no comparison at all to any of the consumer headsets. I wouldn't consider it a VR headset at all as it lacks real tracking.
why are you even in this thread if you dont want to watch the video?
>first time he's ever had a good opinion
Nope he's still a faggot with very VERY bad taste
Yeah, looked like a DK1 and I had the same feeling towards it as you do for things I've heard about it.
Piss off user. Let the guy talk about video games.
If he doesn't want to watch the whole thing then piss off buddy. Let him discuss video games.
Saw the topic was virtual reality and want to counter all the lies people tell about it. And the only reason I don't want to watch the video, is because of how badly people like you want me to watch it instead of just summarizing it.
I also might be mentally retarded for double quoting
Unlike some eceleb giving his opinions on hardware, Overwatch is actually video games. This shit is tertiary at best.
Whatever you say bro.
Note: I often put free man's mind and the gay dungeon as background music for actually playing games
I don't get motion sickness from vr, weirdly, but the flaw with vive is that you're limited to your room, and the motion controllers really seem unnecessary. Until we get a solid gun controller with an analog stick for movement, the potential is limited.
Really, VR as it is is mostly at the wii stage of getting funding not from gamers but the gimmick crowd. I say wait until 2020 and then consider. I didn't get a smartphone until 2011 and when my starting point was a galaxy S... Whatever it was, I had a much better experience than early adopters
Reason you dont watch is because people dont like answering questions about said video that you could check yourself in 20 seconds.
It's a 25 minute video. Whenever I link videos that are longer than 5 minutes I tell them approximately where what they want is.
I think he also mentioned having tried the dk2 in a novelty store
If you were OP, you should have atleast summarized it. Instead you've just given him fuel and he's not wrong.
Can't speak for myself but, I rarely get motion sickness so I don't believe I'll have a problem. Though my Vive is coming in tomarrow.
>Until we get a solid gun controller with an analog stick for movement, the potential is limited
Exactly what Oculus Touch has. Pistol grip and and analog stick for movement.
he is right in there
but remember , he tested everything on oculus DK1 (1280x720 ) the one that as the most problem with vr and motionsickness
and while i said motion sickness , hes prone to motionsickness , too sad.
Sounds jolly. Well I'm always 8 years behind on tech so it'll be a while anyway but the future is bright like the lighting engine in mirror's edge
Meh. Some demo at a random place doesn't really mean anything. DK2 is great if you spend the time to set the time to set things up correctly, but can easily be no better than the DK1 if you are lazy and dumb. I tried skimming his video, and saw him telling lies like crazy. Like his old games argument where he mentions Quake and Doom which have had great VR ports since DK1 and even ones for the mobile headsets.
Did he? I remember him saying that it should be no problem rendering two games of quake on an average pc
That isn't Rubber Ross...Here's a non autistic version
seems more like pro vr and all valid criticism though