ITT: Post your most played Steam games, other people judge you.
And before anybody asks I never idled in TF2.
ITT: Post your most played Steam games, other people judge you.
And before anybody asks I never idled in TF2.
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish I didn't suffer this many hours in DkS2
How shit am I?
I only played CS, Dota and GTA with friends
Here's some others
The only game on here that i've played in the last few months is rocket league.
I just got a new PC after having to sell my old one
you seem pretty cool desu
>Payday 2
What's your opinion on the current state of the game? Do you still play it?
TF2 has a couple hundred hours of idling. Besides that, its mostly legit.
>a lot
you are like a little baby,i have 1700 and someone will come out with 3000
someone else will do 12.000
your autism nothing compared to us
Also, holy shit y'all are lightweights
I regret nothing.
2nd lot, I had Morrowind and Oblivion on XBox before I had a gaming PC
rate pls
Otherwise pretty good.
my laptop's resolution is too shit to get all 10
I haven't put a whole lot of time into games on steam since I only used it for DoW 2 on launch and The Orange Box until recently when I built a PC
back when it was good havnt played new one yet
Skill trees were re-done, guns were tweaked, paid drills were dropped, and card drops are slow as fuck. I don't have as many hours as that guy, but from a casual perspective, it's probably as good as it's going to get.
>39 hours on episode one
He probably tried to do the gnome achievement.
I'm a solo gamer
I stopped around the time they released gun safes, thinking that to be the final nail in the coffin.
It was fine otherwise, even with drastic skill tree rebalancing happening every other week.
I like video games.
OK. R8 me, motherfuckers.
10/10 Tbh
>100% Orange Juice
Don't worry user, I like you.
>~160 days of TF2
End yourself, famalam.
Fucking hell, man, you must be playing vidya from dawn to sunset.
hey guys check mine out haha
>dota 2
>civ v
>borderlands 2
Recent activity..
That's all you do when you're a neet.
Thanks user.
ITT: Eight digits
I don't know if Rome 2 is still fucked or not, great list otherwise
Hey, 160 days in 6 years isn't so bad.
But if it makes you feel any better, nowadays I only play it when a friend wants to.
nice cropping faggot
Nah, I work full time Army.
I just like to play video games.
I hate having CSGO at the top considering the memegame it's become but it's about all I could play on my shitty laptop when it first came out. I rarely get a game very high here because I keep trying to trim my backlog.
Impressive, both in time and taste.
hit ctrl+v a second time after the original crop, was too lazy to fix the image res to impress gooks over the internet. Here's your (((you))), faggot
dunno how I was able to clock that much time into memelands 2 in hindsight.
>BioShock 2
my nigga. best game in the series by a country mile.
patrician taste
>How shit am I?
Eh, you're alright, I've seen a lot worse.
What kind of fag shit are you hiding with that big of a crop?
Nothing, I just fucked up that screencap.
>people on Sup Forums are this bad at basic computer functions
I'm trying to stealth Paint while at work desu. No time for quality assurance.
nice, do you play ranked coh2? which faction do u main?
the more I think about it the more I agree
the only downside to it is that it is a sequel to the original, meaning rapture is no longer new, it's a feeling of ok i've already been in this setting, didnt have the same impact rapture did in 1
that being said it's still great, the story is great, the level design is great
I love bioshock 2
It's cool user, just giving you shit.
not even mad about the white space
>payday 2 at the top
yes good goyim
I really enjoyed the more varied enemies and weapons, it kept gameplay really fresh. Not to mention playing as a Big Daddy was fun as fuck. If the first game didn't have the iconic le twist xD ending I think the second would fare better.
>93 hours in Fallout 4
Absolute madman
i am at the point where i hate it., im like 4 lvls from inf 25, i need to get it then quit the game
Third user here. The multiplayer is pretty fun and still alive on PC. Netcode is kinda shit though
most of that was mods, i was messing with the geck. nv is still the better one.
Netcode fucked up in the transition to Steamworks, in GFWL it was fine.
Don't mind Bioshock: Infinite, the hours are screwed up because I account shared with my brother so he could play it.
I didn't think I had that much in SR3
How's Dirty Bomb?
>9250 hours on warband?
You fucking mad man what the fuck
You playing prophecy of pendor
One of the best shooters I've ever played
incredibly skill based mash up of brink and wolf: ET
>151 hours in Arkham Knight
8/10 Would chill with
All on Napoleanic wars friend :^)
I almost exclusively play 2vs2, I try to play with all factions equally but I have most games as soviets, which is I guess normal given that before the WFA and the brits got released the player ratio was like 80% in favor of the axis and I couldn't be arsed waiting a fuckton of time to be matched with someone.
all my what i only have 132 hours and thats mostly on PoP damn son
r8 me
Standalone musket based game fucking when?
Battle cry of freedom seems like fucking vaporware.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was the worst game I have played in a long long time. Skyrim had at the least some decent mods even though it was pretty shitty as well. I have so many hours in it because I dabbled in modding and I actually tried out every mod I could find. There isn't a quest mod I haven't tried and every quest mod I have tried was better than the quests that came with the vanilla game.
Just saying.
Asides from BCoF theres also War of Rights
Check it out if you havent seen it
Haven't touched CS:S in forever. 900 of those CS:S hours were on jailbreak. Kill me.
>The Binding of Isaac
>Borderlands 2
>Fallout 3
literally the epitome of a pcuck
could you have any worse taste?
>The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt was the worst game I have played in a long long time
You don't play many games, do you?
>#1 position:68 hours
nigga, you even game?
>he doesn't play Richard burns rally
Do yourself a favour mandem
is dcs good? i saw it was only like 57% rating and mixed reviews on steam
I gave my first gaming computer to someone, and I didn't get to play anything on Steam for two years because I couldnzmt afford a new one.
>I gave my first gaming computer to someone
Literally cucked.
>implying I don't
RBR is not on Steam m8
It has it's problems, but the steam reviews that are negative are mostly "WAHHH I HAVE TO BUY PLANES" and "WAHHH ITS 2 HARD"
I personally think it's a great simulator, despite it's relatively few/minor problems.
It's a simulator. You have to sit down and learn things. There's varying degrees of 'difficulty' to learn (The flaming cliffs planes, versus say, A-10C).
If you want to learn more, you can add me on steam, or head over to /simg/ ( ) and join the teamspeak (I'm there, too)
>kanes wrath
my nigga/10
yea dude great game shame servers went down