How did we go from this:

How did we go from this:

Other urls found in this thread:!OcJl2ZqS!paJF2eR-i5kpRWEnqgkrWodpjrxPd6fsCBk16ZzwvI8!KVIEnJSC!izkilWC-AaBpveoIx7TClCXuUq6sRS0w7WywFZUb7ZI!aYBwlbKJ!LpU9fljUFEbVJ9yehkgfKxj40j61eZFhbLNTRwUETLc!yYZnyKaZ!Kr4P1z02qYWQRGr4GgpqrBGbT9jME4oHsKyN0HdtKvg

to this?

The power of Metzen

This hack ruined it

Good pixel art is a miracle of the universe.

I unironically enjoy this
It sounds like an inn where ignorant panda people who think the worst thing in the world is some bugs kill people every hundred years go to drink

>Large continent in the north
>Dire threat looming, his reach touched every zone
>Grizzly Hills was barely touched, and kept its natural beauty

>Hidden island we had no reason to actually go to
>Bunch of jolly fatasses just enjoying life
>The entire point of the expansion was Horde vs Alliance, but we had to deal with these goofballs for most of the expansion instead

Pandas are the direct cause of Warlords and Legion. They are at fault for killing everyone we cared for.

>Thrall and Varian about to kill Gayrrosh
>Taran Zhu walks up, says it's not their right to kill him
>DESPITE the objective fact that Garrosh fucked up the Alliance and the Horde far more than Pandaria
>Because Garrosh wasn't killed, he was given the chance to escape
>Escaping to his home in the past, fucking up the timeline of Draenor
>This causes Gul'Dan to get stronger and more interesting
>Gul'dan revives Mannoroth and Archimonde
>Now all of Azeroth is getting double penetrated by hordes of demons
>All because Taran Zhu was a greedy piece of shit

Pandaria was a mistake.

did I see a metzen lookalike in the movie in llane's group?

>Garrosh bad
No, Thrall was the reason behind everything being fucked.
Heck, Thrall is also confirmed for losing all his powers and being exiled in Legion for cheating in the duel.

Also watch this, don't be a biased fuck just because it's a YT vid, fucking watch it.

Metzen made a cameo as a merchant in the movie.

He lost his powers for demanding the elements help him, they don't give a single fuck about orcish honor.

He still cheated though.

Stop cherry picking. Brewfest came out in BC and its music is even sillier.

That...Isn't pixel art, user.

Since the movie has officially bombed, how poorly will Legion do?

>Movie has bombed
>450 million worldwide


Just because amerifats treat reviews like gospel and it got slammed here doesn't mean it bombed.

That's the point, he lost them because he called upon the elements unhonorably.
Thrall was the biggest failure introduced to Warcraft Lore, I fucking hate that smug fuck self insert gary stu.

Also reposting for posterity, full Warcraft 1 remake for Warcraft 3, you need WC3 + TFT installed and patched to at least 1.26a
Orc Campaign:!OcJl2ZqS!paJF2eR-i5kpRWEnqgkrWodpjrxPd6fsCBk16ZzwvI8
Human Campaign:!KVIEnJSC!izkilWC-AaBpveoIx7TClCXuUq6sRS0w7WywFZUb7ZI
It's a full faithful remake, with WC1 abilities and unit/building designs but in 3D. Also high quality music recorded by yours truly from original midis using Roland SC-55 Synth.
It's recommended that you read Warcraft 1 manual for the lore since a lot of it was contained in the manual.
Manual here:!aYBwlbKJ!LpU9fljUFEbVJ9yehkgfKxj40j61eZFhbLNTRwUETLc

>relying on shitty markets like China where the state takes 2/3s of the revenues

It's a bomb. It's Transformers without the financial success.

And here's Warcraft 2 HD, entirety of WC2 and Beyond the Dark Portal ported to a newer engine (Stratagus Enigne) with original mechanics intact, but all bugs fixed and again high quality music.
The improved engine also allows for selecting max 18 units at once instead of 9 like in original WC2, also better AI and pathfinding, and ability to queue everything and set waypoints. There's also optional target lines feature, Tiberian Sun-style.

Just like for WC1, it's recommended to read the manuals for lore, they're included in the archive.

Download link:!yYZnyKaZ!Kr4P1z02qYWQRGr4GgpqrBGbT9jME4oHsKyN0HdtKvg

You need Visual C++ redists 2011, 2013 and 2015 installed for it to work, start with Wargus.exe

It will launch in 640x480 windowed mode but then you can switch to your resolution and full screen.
Do not use OpenGL 1.1 thing, that's a compatibility option for old systems (Win98) that will break the FMV cinematics on modern OS.

>post links
>thread dies

Thrall only cheated because he was in the world that Taran Zhu accidentally helped make. If the dumb panda wasn't so single-minded, Thrall would never have cheated and lost everything.

Plus, one thing is wrong; Varian didn't suggest the trial. He wanted justice for both sides. Taran Zhu put the trial out. Granted, Varian might have meant a trial, but Taran Zhu is the one who started it. If Varian said it right away, then Taran Zhu would have temporarily sided with Varian on the matter. Instead, Varian simply stops Thrall, and they give one another the stink eye. Varian was in the wrong for not letting Thrall kill Garrosh, since it was Thrall's position to do it by default anyway.

Plus, Garrosh made a big mistake; he could have NOT invaded Azeroth and lived in peace with a united Orc race, working to better advance themselves. His simple mind sent every Orc in the Iron Horde to their death/defeat. The only thing Garrosh did right was unite the Orcs. Otherwise, he fucked up at every turn. He never even got the respect of his peers as Warchief. Garrosh had the right idea, but he was not strong enough without being a dick about everything to back up his ideals.

>LET Sylvannas keep making her plague
Dude saw what she was doing, knew what she was doing was wrong, and still didn't do anything to stop her other than say "stop it". You don't stop a crazy bitch by asking politely.
>Not taking care of his Father's weapon, letting it be poisoned
Why the warchief of the horde didn't have his own weapon at his side at all times, and why it was apparently unguarded long enough to be poisioned by that bitch Magatha, I'll never understand. An Orc's weapon is as valuable as any man's penis; you don't let others play with it. Did Magatha ever die or answer for the crime? I know she escaped in Thousand Needles, but I never saw a resolution.

There are lots of things Garrosh did wrong. He had the right ideas, but he was very bad at executing them with good results.

It was Thrall that put Garrosh in the position he never wanted to be in.
It all started with Thrall.
Eat shit you green dick cocksucker

At least post non-inn music you autistic fuck

You just know this guy is a little twink bitch

The amount of backflips and delusion in that video is really hilarious. Garrosh did everything wrong, he's probably the worst character we've had.

Granted Thrall is obviously at fault too, Thrall was retarded in many ways, and putting Garrosh in charge instead of someone smart and level headed like Vol'jin, Cairne, or Saurfang was his biggest mistake by far. Garrosh is a straight up retard though, the only decent thing i can think of him ever doing was telling Sylvannas she's a dumb bitch and raising people as undead is wrong.

My favorite parts of that video was:
1. Saying that Garrosh invading Pandaria, killing its denizens and taking every resource is totally an okay thing to do, then saying the alliance did the same thing which is not even remotely true. In the intro questline for the alliance you kill and take down all the horde that have already began to set up shop, then you meet the pandaren and tell them you mean them no harm, you respect this is their land and have just come to stop Garrosh. The intro for the horde is literally Garrosh saying "ravage EVERYTHING and take this land for the horde, kill everyone who lives there".
2. Trying to defend Garrosh by saying "well even Varian let him live and the celestials said he's not guilty!" which is complete bullshit because none of them make any sense at all, the only reason that complete asspull was done was so they could segway into the WoD expansion. Varian would have beheaded Garrosh on the spot in pretty much any other situation and even would have had Thrall's blessing to do so. The celestials, being some ancient wise beings never would have let someone so retarded be absolved of so much crime if it wasn't required so they could make leaps in logic to segway into WoD.

>Thrall only cheated because he was in the world that Taran Zhu accidentally helped make. If the dumb panda wasn't so single-minded, Thrall would never have cheated and lost everything.

Blaming a panda for Mary stu Green Jesus' problems.

>Varian was in the wrong for not letting Thrall kill Garrosh, since it was Thrall's position to do it by default anyway.

Thrall has lost so many fights at this point without dying, he might as well not be an orc. He doesn't have a right to a clan, let alone a kill.

>He never even got the respect of his peers as Warchief. Garrosh had the right idea, but he was not strong enough without being a dick about everything to back up his ideals.

He knew nobody was going to respect him, he told Thrall that going in. Him being Warchief was a bad idea from the start and he knew it. Thrall never would've left Grom in charge of anything other than the Warsong, but for some reason he figured Garrosh, the second coming of Hellscream, would do fine.

>Dude saw what she was doing, knew what she was doing was wrong, and still didn't do anything to stop her other than say "stop it". You don't stop a crazy bitch by asking politely.

You're in the middle of undead land, against a swarm of zombies, and you only have yourself and one other guy there to keep stuff in check. Also, the bitch you'd be putting in check, you'd have to kill twice, and the second time she'd be a ghost. Good luck with that.

>Why the warchief of the horde didn't have his own weapon at his side at all times, and why it was apparently unguarded long enough to be poisioned by that bitch Magatha, I'll never understand. Did Magatha ever die or answer for the crime? I know she escaped in Thousand Needles, but I never saw a resolution.

Magatha was the one inspecting Garrosh's weapon for the duel to make sure he wasn't cheating. The Grimtotem were exiled from Orgrimmar and Magatha had to flee to avoid execution.

The Kazoo music was awesome tho. Dosn't beat the goblin theme from Cataclysm - that shit was a solid 10/10.

>MoP had bad music

You did not just fucking go there you shit nigger.

>defending furshit
blizzdrones are adorable retards

>having shit taste in pretty much everything under the the sun

Are we gonna start shitposting?

Anyone else think Grizzly Hills a shit?
Anyone else get covered in precum when they think about Zangarmarsh?

Zangarmarsh was literally just the music from AQ instances.

Yeah, but Grizzly a shit.

If you seriously think the Blizzard is not going to do some kind of redemption bullshit for Thrall so that he becomes even more powerful than before then you are delusional as hell.

It isn't.

I disagree

Blizz is going to shy away from anything orc related for at least another expansion. The anti-orc bandwagon was pretty big when wod came out.
Thralls just going to be a sidekick for whatever boring-king and his twink son end up doing.

You're opinions are wrong though.

No you are.

mop ok. bc=wotlk>vanilla>mop>shit>piss>cata>wod

I don't know man, it says right here
>Grizzly a shit
So you're wrong, see?

>have this same hairline at 23

yes but look here This post implies that it is not shit.

My reference is the most recent and up-to-date source.
And OP smokes the skin pipe.

Garrosh didn't do anything wrong until Metzen decided to make a genuinely morally gray character become a complete retard because apparently corruption has to keep being brought up.

>posts reddit frog
>posts bad opinion about MoP

fagot you already started now kys