>console peasants
Console peasants
Other urls found in this thread:
>the group derailed my adventure for the 15th time
>they will pay
what a skinnyfat cunt
legitimately best journalist
The worst easy allie along with Ian
naaah nigga, he's got some good taste
>Top Tier
Ben Moore
Kyle Bosman
>High Tier
Michael Huber
Brandon Jones
>OK Tier
Brad Ellis
Don Casanova
Michael Damiani
>Low Tier
Daniel Bloodworth
>Ian Tier
Ian Hinck
More like top tier Allies with Bosman and Huber.
>not top tier
Taste smaste the way he is over expressive in a false way and talks so slow creaming his pants over games is humerous.
>good taste
If Youre a baby head having faggot
>Uber Tier
>Top Tier
>High Tier
>OK Tier
Not bad
Huber a best
Consoles Have the best games
You cant deny it
Dont even try and fight it
>that interview with Suda51
>"Do you know the word senp-"
Kyle should have won the E3 bets
>we will never get to see Huber's puppet show
they're all good though. even Ian.
Huber needs his own outlier catagory
Fags give the best head but that doesn't mean I'll let them blow me
I'll never get why PCucks are such dicks. I get it some games like BloodBorne have shitty framerate and such. But there are no disadvantages to playing games like that with a pad/controller. The only things i see as possibly reasons to look down on consoles unless your a graphics fag are people who play FPS games solely on them and even then people overrate the limitations of a pad.
Having went from PC to console shooters before ill tell you this 99% of console players are just shit. Recently played D44M on console and the MP is like im running around people they run straight towards you , turn like shit and have no awareness. They aren't even utilizing their limited controls to near that limit.
And here i thought someone couldn't top food analogies.
How do you know what you just said is true?
Bitches give the best head thats why I let them blow me