>Playing Overwatch
>People on Voicechat during character selection
>Level 7 picks Widowmaker
>Other guy speaks up "So you play Widowmaker, huh?"
>Level 7 Widowmaker speaks up turns out to be a chick
>"Yeah, I prefer to shoot people from far away rather than be close to the action"
>"So are you good with Widowmaker?"
>"Yeah, I play sniper in games like Skyrim and Dark Souls"
Playing Overwatch
epic blogpost nice wow +1
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>i want to be offense far away
>doesn't understand defense
I don't get it
>turns out she was being le ironic trolle
>wrecks house
>calls you faggot at end of game and leaves
Are we playing the "things that never happen" game again?
it happened
>terrible personality
i'll never get that skilled gamer gf
>meet a girl online
>seems okay
>sounds nice
>see pic of her
>she weighs 300+lbs
every time
>playing overwatch
>here swedish person arguing in the background with some kind of middle easterner
>effeminate swedish guy apologizes for his moms new boyfriend
>"Yeah he doesn't good swedish!"
Maybe you shouldn't be so shallow?
Isn't there there some kind of forum where you can write your erotic fantasies?
>Not wanting to fuck a grotesque lardass is being shallow
Fuck off fat roastie.
Neither gender wants to have a max fat partner, save for fetishists.
Fat landwhales become feminists for the same reason neckbeards become basement dwellers.
t. Someone who dropped a gf because she was clingy af and didn't want me to put my crystal halberd in her gaping dragon
Pfff, triggered, eh sweden?
Why is it shallow if I want a girlfriend who cares about her health? Obviously someone morbidly obese doesn't care about their own health and they'd rather make up excuses than take on a solution to better their lives
Because it's not about health. It's about you judging people by what they're like on the outside.
Really? It's not about health? Seems like someone who's literally suffering from diabetes is a health problem. Why would anyone not wanting to be with me because I smoke and am causing lung cancer to myself be any different? Shove off mate.
Yes it is about judging someone who has so little self control that they can't stop stuffing their face with food like a fucking animal.
can't forget about second hand smoke. and third hand smoke(think that's a thing)
Because you don't look at a fat person and reject them because of their health, it's because your monkey brains tell you they aren't hot enough.
>Because it's not about health
If you're fat you're fucking unhealthy you brainwashed cunt.
>people who play Overwatch pretending they know anything about FPS
if I was judging a fatass landwhale by what's on the inside, they'd fail even harder, considering their clogged arteries, failing joints, overworked liver and kidneys, and the exorbitant amount of weight put on their skeletal system
No one can help what they're attracted to, first off.
Second, as an ex-290lbs down to 180lbs (still losing) fatty, I would not want to date someone who was as large as I was. Not because of looks but because of the amount of apathy one has to have to get that fat says a lot about the amount of effort one is willing to put towards life in general.
So fuck off.
>your monkey brains
Oh and I suppose you're incredibly enlightened and only see the person's personality? Get real, you're fucking delusional.
>Implying fps has more to do than point and click
Overwatch is the spiritual successor to games like Tribes and Quake 3: Arena
>are you good with widowmaker
>implying it's possible to not be good with a SNIPER that works on HITSCAN
This is literally the most retarded thing I've ever seen in my life and I didn't think any dev was stupid enough to ever do it
>as an ex-290lbs down to 180lbs (still losing)
Good for you my man, keep on keeping on.
Then you know how easy it is to end up in that situation and should show some empathy.
What? That's literally what happens.
>Wow she's pretty fucking disgusting. What kind of monster does this to themselves? Jesus she's probably gonna die soon
Yeah no thanks. Oh and also you're ugly too. Damn you got problems fat girl.
And he didn't? Empathy doesn't mean he has to fuck you. Why are fat people so entitled?
>Then you know how easy it is to end up in that situation and should show some empathy.
You mean being depressed for years and stuffing my face with wild abandon with little thought put into what went into my body? Get fucked, don't make excuses for yourself or others being lazy.
And don't give me that "some people have glandular problems" bullshit either. I have hypothyroid and used that as an excuse for years, turns out not shoving carbs in my face every couple hours and actually getting off my ass did a lot of good. I have shit joints, a shot knee, and hypothyroid and I still lost 90lbs and I'm still aiming to improve.
Don't point toward depression, either. I know how crippling that can be but at the same time eventually a person has to look at their life and go, "Maybe I need to change something to make things better" and actually do it.
Things that never happened.
literally cancer thread
>why are people of a group defined by being entitled to ridiculous amounts of food acting entitled to everything else
Why are people upset at people learning how to play the game in unranked mode?
>Because it's not about health
Yes it is! Yes it fucking is.
Do I want to mate with something that can't pass down good dietary habits? I'm also not attracted to hamgalaxies
>play overwatch
>wanna try out zenyatta
>A genji player keeps harassing me both in teamspeak and the chat for not picking a real healer
>team doesnt do much
>have gold damage but figure it wont work
>switch to roadhog
>keeps using the voice chat to say how i suck and how i miss every hook
>end up with gold everything and a 78% hook accuracy while holding the final point for 8 min
>have muted him but stays silent in the chat after we win
Why is the overwatch community so much more worse than dota and LoL? Ive meet more guys like these who keeps harassing and being a shit more than any other game.
play hard mode bot matches
>Implying stealth archery isn't the best way to play Skyrim
That never happened.
Because the shitters who just wanted to get their jollies off on shitposting, and don't actually enjoy the game, switched from Dota and League to Overwatch.
/lolg/ is in the best shape it's been in for years. There's plenty of Overwatch and Dota shitposting, but the ratio of actual discussion to total posts is much better, now.
You're full of.shit all my games are played in dead silence. as are most onlinr games nowadays, where's muh fun smack talk with pubsters gone?
why the fuck were you in his teamspeak?
>dumb shit that never happened
I know you want to seem cool on Sup Forums to your internet friends but this isnt the way kiddo
Error, i meant the in game voice chat.
>t. disgusting hamplanet who doesnt care about eating healthy or working out