>there are people on this board RIGHT NOW still gaming at 1080p
What year do you think this is? You should at least be playing games at 1440p. What's your excuse?
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW still gaming at 1080p
Other urls found in this thread:
1080 to 1440 is barely an upgrade. 4k is the benchmark so either be happy with 1080 or quit being a poorfag and get it done properly and go 4k.
1440p monitors are still too expensive for me. At least at 144hz 1ms IPS.
Honestly 1080p looks good enough.
I'm a college student pursuing a doctorate in pharmaceutical resesrch right now. I just upgraded from an R9 270 to a gtx 970 and a shitty AMD FX 8320 to an Intel i5 6500. THAT was expensive for me, don't have money for a 4k or 1440 monitor. Some of us arent NEETS or aren't making money yet.
there are great game titles that are played on devices that are literally the size of an index card and / or at much lower resolutions.
You don't base your entire gaming experience on some arbitrary scale like resolution do you OP?
Waiting for the 1080ti and for 4k monitors to become more affordable. I'm fine with playing at 1080@144hz until then.
99% of my game library would need INI tweaks to force 4K support. I don't need that kind of negativity in my life.
1360x768 is detailed enough when I'm 10 feet away from the screen.
I had a choice between 1440p@60Hz or 1080p@144Hz. Chose refresh rate and don't regret it one bit.
Besides this guy, this thread is filled with out-of-date grandpa retards that don't know the latest info and clearly don't think for themselves because they just following all the memes.
4K is an absolute waste on a monitor, unless the monitor was 40" +
>b-but muh input lag!!! its true because i read about the meme threads on Sup Forums!!
My 55" 4k TV is 5ms compared to the 2ms on my 2 monitors
This isn't 2010 anymore grandpa!
Another assumption that you clearly haven't tested or researched. Granted I bought into this meme too, but after using 4k now for over 6 months, I have only had 2 games (with a 1800 Steam base library [not to mention non steam games]) that I really had to put any kind of effort into making go into 4k res.
99% of games all I had to do was go into video options and select the 4k res, even for much older games when 4k wasn't even a dream.
1440 is great.
It's obviously noticeable and is a good temp upgrade until single gpu 4K equivalent is here.
I like 144 hz
4k 50ยจ TV here.
its great.
Jokes on you, I'm still playing on 720p just fine.
i'm poor
But I play melee netplay and need low refresh rate.
Then you should be playing in a Plasma or CRT TV
Lol ur poor you can afoerd stuff
I somtimes still plat at 1650x1050
higher resolution is not enough of an improvement to merit the fps hit imo
i always see people with almost identical specs whining about performance in games where i get smooth 60fps at 1080
I don't have $200 to spend on a monitor
1440p is only like a 20% increase from 1080p
and yeah like other anons are saying I'd rather get a higher refresh rate monitor than a higher resolution monitor, and I don't have the desk real estate to make getting a 4k monitor worth it even if my computer could push that resolution
I'd prefer better performance over a slightly higher resolution. Maybe once GPUs can reliably do 1440p or higher at 60 fps without needing the history end cards I'll think about it but right now I'm fine with my 1080p 144hz monitor where I can run at higher than 60 fps if I can but don't need to.
PG279Q here. I love it.
I prefer playing on Ultra 1080p with my 1070. 4K is a meme, and only a few handful of you faggots actually use it.
"Yes goy, buy our new 1080, everyone will call you poor if you settle for it being good enough!"
Sup Forums is one of the top 3 worst boards on 4chans and weebs deserve to be gassed
It doesn't really matter, you fucking imbecile. 1080p is fine.
I'm not a retarded goy.
Yes yes good goyim. Keep buying the latest formats as fast as we can produce them. Spend spend spend.
Most films aren't even rendered out in 4K and you watch them on screens far larger than any gaming monitor.
According to cinematographer Roger Deakins 35mm film has something closer to 3.5K of resolved pixel data.
4k 60fps just isn't doable yet, so there's no reason to upgrade from my 1080p 144hz monitors.
Cause I don't know what 1440p monitor to get
It's doable on older games, and it's not like any modern games are worth playing.
There's not a single game that looks so good that 1080p would make it look even better
I have a GTX960 + i5-4460 with a 59hz 1200p screen and it's enough for all the games I play
what the fuck are you talking about
>My 55" 4k TV is 5ms
1.no, it isn't.
2. thats 4ms+ too much
>5ms input lag tv
You're talking about response time.
Games look so bad that resolution doesn't change shit if the game has decent AA
Jokes on you OP I'm still rocking the PS3 and its sub720p goodness
4K isn't just a meme you. You poorfags are just trying to make an excuse for not being able to afford truMaster Race.
If you play on a 55" screen at a desk (with less than 2 feet distance from the screen to your face), you NEED 4k. Without it, screen space that big make 1080p look more like 720p or worse at close distance.
You absolutely need the extra pixel density for large screens at close distance.
Here is the real point though. If you are poor, you are poor, it can't be helped. But just stop spreading your bullshit misinformation that might discourage others that aren't so poor as you from experiencing vidya at a higher level.
Some effects actually scale with resolution so they're higher quality at higher resolutions. Some games actually have higher draw distances at higher resolutions too. Clarity in general is also improved.
it's bait, right? who the fuck uses a 55" screen at a desk?
I've got a 4K tv but Ive only ever seen 4k demos on it.
>buying a 55' screen for a desk
That's just a waste of money regardless of wealth
confirmed for never playing at 1440p
1440p is the same as 4x 720p screens just like 4k is 4x 1080p screens
its a massive step up from 1080
theres no such thing as 1440p, 144hz, ips, and 1ms. you can get 4ms which is almost the same
That's not 4k
$800 is too much for a monitor with that much backlight bleed. Hopefully they figure it out in the next revision.
1. u mad?
2. >*****I****** can detect the difference between 1ms and 5ms
Toppest of Keks
I don't even know how to respond to this because clearly you don't even know what you are talking about.
>what are you, poor?
Is that really your only argument?
also lol if you think sitting two feet away from a 55" monitor is "experincing vidya at a higher level"
where do you retards get your numbers from? its a 78% difference in pixels
>b-but that isn't normal!!
>w-who does that?!
>if it isn't the common way of doing things it is wrong, even if it is an objectively superior way of enjoying video
You will never stop being a kid if you can't think and decide for yourself and experiment with other ways of doing things. Stay retarded though if you want.
Being poor is the only real reason NOT to get a 4k screen.
Well, there is one more reason, being ignorant, which I already addressed as well, so if you want to claim that reason instead, be my guess. :^)
>also lol if you think sitting two feet away from a 55" monitor is "experincing vidya at a higher level"
On the other hand, WHERE is the argument/point in this statement?????????
>55" screen at a desk
t. poorfag trying to make himself feel better by lying about it on anonymous message boards
Okay, what TV are you talking about?
Alot of if not most games go wrong and spaz out running above 60fps its just not worth it
None of the games I play have a problem with it. Doom 2016 was particularly great at that high a framerate.
Sitting 2 feet from a 55" screen is objectively not superior to anything. Plus it's hell on your eyes.
Im playing 1440p@144hz and its fucking amazing. Its so smooooooooth
So it's literally nothing?
Because I'm a jewfag
>tfw 1440p 144hz (Dell S2716DG) masterrace
Yeah, 4k its fucking nothing. But enjoy wasting your money fags.
Because there's nothing for 4k yet.
Give it another 5 years and then we can talk about this meme resolution.
i'm poorfag
I think i figured out these kind of 4k shill threads now.
It's people who bought a 4k monitor/tv and realized that it was a total waste, so they shitpost about it on Sup Forums by calling people poor so they justify their purchase.
It's simply buyers remorse.
Have you ever used a 4k monitor? I only have a 1440p one and while the need for AA is still there at 27", it's a huge improvement over 1080p. I seriously can't go back now.
Every argument in the last five years of Sup Forums basically boils down to one thing: "I'm poor and don't have any money." That's how they'll laugh at consoles (which they can't afford) for barely doing 1080p/60, while their toaster PCs (their mom bought it for Facebook) can do it on hardcore games (from 2009) like League of Legends.
So now, they'll tell you that 1440/4K monitors (which require disposable income) are "not worth it" and "excessive", and that the human eye can only see 1080p max, because they are poor and too stupid/young to get a job. It's hilarious, really.
>Gaming in 2014+1+1
Go away kid, find a better way to spend your time
I have a 4k and a 2560x1440 monitor but I use them for work and shitposting. I game on a 1080p projector because it's just a superior experience. Even when games are playable at 4k with my 290x it isn't really worth it compared to gaming on a big screen. Resolution isn't everything.