Steam Sale Opinions
Only if you want Win One for Da Land
Otherwise just buy a fucking basketball and go to the park.
Who the fuck plays sports games?
I heard its good
Do you watch or even like basketball?
yes, why would i not like basketball and ask if i should buy NBA 2K16?
PC versions of 2k games are vastly unsupported compared to the console versions. If you don't mind it's buggy and outdated then go ahead.
it's free on ps4 right now
>tfw no ps4
You now remember Derrick Rose.
i've had the torrent all year. I may pull the trigger since it's so cheap. I hate giving 2k money, but I do want to play some online.
>basketball games
>Any sports games ever
niggers, everybody.
>he likes sports
>that is def not a cool thing to like
4chins everybody
literally stop liking what I don't like: the post
>Anonymous 06/23/16(Thu)13:42:16 No.34250
>owning steam games
>leeedle XD
You can play whatever you want, doesn't stop others from saying you have shit taste though
2k16 is terrible. MyCareer is practically unplayable.
I have great taste though. witcher 3 is the best game i've played in 10 years.
>he has shit taste
that's like, your opinion, man.
anyway, go fuck yourself dude. no one gives a shit what you think is good. not a single user here truly gives a shit what I nor you think
eat ass kiddo
No. Git it on PS4 and its crap. Looks nice and all, but animations are a bit clunky in collisions (and obviously you're bear constantly touching people).
The story mode is absolute trash.I always heard nba story is good. It isn't.
I'm also yet to see a tutorial in the dogshit menus (which lack any sort of description and even the titles are vague sounding) so I've really no fucking idea how to play.
I loved Dead Rising 1. Should I get DR2 or DR2 Off the Record? I also kinda like tycoon games, is Prison Architect any good?
Off the record. Prison Architect is a bit of fun. Haven't played it in ages though. Think its changed a lot for the better.
That's one thing I'll give Microsoft, at least they give games away forever compared to jewish ass Sony This being said I want a PS4 eventually
Nah. 2k15 is better
I don't gree with you. It would be a problem if would play often like that. For some reason, game redpill is hard one for many plebians here, and out in there. Always the plebians..
>shit BTTF meme
>defending sports game
>Witcher 3 is the best game since '05
>eat ass "kiddo"
>watermarked Galaxy pic
You kinda don't belong here man.
Not on bone. It's the same shit. 360 you get to keep forever.
Wait really? I guess they're both Jews since they need to penny pinch any little thing now.