Game is fantastic

>game is fantastic
>Sup Forums BTFO
>Salt SMT crybabies BTFO
>Xenophobic racists that hate anything Japanese BTFO

It's always nice seeing Sup Forums get absolutely destroyed
Over a year worth of shitposting and now Sup Forumsermin have to eat their words

>10k copies sold

Lmao who else pirated the shit and is about to run it on loadiine?

Cant hear you over the sound of your tears user

I wouldn't quite say fantastic but it's a good game.


It's sad really. They bought into their own narrative so hard. To top it off the only ammo they had was wasted when they paraded around MN9 reviews half the day beforehand.

Wait, did this game come out today? lol I had no idea nobody is even talking about it.

What a hilarious flop

Is there any chance someone fan subs the battle dialogue?


>game is released worldwide
>STILL hasn't broken 100k



>HAHA SUCK IT Sup Forums
>posts like yours just attract more shitposting, which you will inevitably reply to
Quit digging your own grave.

Sup Forums is literally the only site online talking about it, and it's only because we love to laugh at terrible games flopping.

>sales indicate how good a game is

I want old Sup Forums back can you reddit fucks leave.

Except the game is critically acclaimed.

>shallow SJ gameplay with Sephiroth length attack animations
>butchered story and characters
>censored to hell and back

real good.

>t. Polygon employee

>suddenly SJ isn't good


mad moralfags are sooo cute!

Old Sup Forums was the same, don't kid yourself

>Game sells well
Lol sales don't mean anything, by that logic mobile games are amazing
>Game sells poorly
LMAO look at these awful sales, confirmed for shittiest game of the year
>Game is praised by critics
Holy shit when will you fucks learn, critic scores mean nothing, God Hand got 3.0, they are just paid reviews
>Game is shit on by critics

my wii u and 3ds are hacked though

>shallow SJ gameplay with Sephiroth length attack animations
surprisingly, it works well.
I won't defend shitty idolshit story and any censoring , though

Shill all you like, i'm not buying this censored trash

>bu-but sales!

I'm glad we can all agree that SMT fans (mainly the nocturne fans) are the most whiny and pathetic jrpg fanbase on this fucking board

>out of stock everywhere because they released like 3 copies per place

>s.s.stop buying OR ELSE I WILL MEME
You should consider a new hobby.

Old Sup Forums literally IS Reddit.
What are you doing here fag? Go and join your friends there.

Nintendo does this shit with everything, especially their peripherals. I'm still salty that I couldn'y get my little brother a goddamn Marth amiibo because they all got swallowed up by neckbeards

what's the difference between redit and Sup Forums anyway?

>battles are fun as shit
>dungeons are great
>like the artstyle
>don't give a shit about the story that wasn't good to begin with
All smiles.

Reddit has a shitty layout and everyone is a tripfag, also mods ban for political reasons. It's still worse than this place.

Playing it right now on loadiine and gotta say the combat is pretty good. And the loading times aren't even bad, they're faster than I thought.

Go play it now, don't listen to shitposters

I saw loading time complaints too but I figure they were playing the disc version because seems fine to me.

I think the loading is mostly bad on discs.

Oh I'm sure it will sell just as much as when it launched in japan.

>buying censored games

Just so you folks know, the uncensored version is being uploaded right now on wiiuiso. He claims everything should be fixed (clothes, cutscenes, etc).

I wonder how salty all of those people are now that they know the game is a worldwide flop