What games do you play with your mothers Sup Forums?
What games do you play with your mothers Sup Forums?
My mother spend all my life growing up blaming all my problems on videogames.
She's never played a videogame in her life.
post more cute moms
who is that on the right?
She liked Super Mario World when I was a kid, and she was very good at a Tetris clone on DOS, and there was a chess game which only she could beat. However she wasn't playing anything recently.
That's me.
I played spongebob battle for bikini bottom with her before
not "who". That's a drawing.
>drawings can't be a person
It's 2016 dude
She hates video games
'Oh god, Why are you still playing kid's toy?'
None, my mom is borderline afraid of video games. Couldn't even get her to touch Wii Sports.
Contain your boners
Rockman X7
No joke I'm serious
That is still the only numbered X game I haven't played. If I ever see it for less than $10 I'm there but it hovers at like $15 used.
None, she's dead.
My mum really likes the Champions of Norrath games on PS2.
its not even worth $10
Save yourself the trouble and pretend it was never made
Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3 are the only games my mom has any nostalgia for because she played them with my cousin when she was 17. She has only ever played the allstars remake of SMB3 for SNES and not the NES original. She actually remembers a lot of secrets for both games. Whenever she decides to play she ends up begging me to beat a level for her.
Yes, my mom got pregnant young but sexual thoughts of her make me sick to my stomach.
>One of my favorite doujins and artists
>I will never have a submissive chubby thick mother who has confidence issues and is hungry for my dick.
I only want it out of curiosity. I know it's bad, but it's like if I saw Sonic '06 for low enough I'd probably get it just to experience the awfulness.
Fair enuf. Bring Earplugs.
>I will never have a submissive chubby thick mother who has confidence issues and is hungry for my dick.
Why even live?
That's my second favorite yokkora mom but I prefer the confident, fit mom.
Damn, I wanted it to be good.
I don't have a mom. It hurts but I still have her old Brain Age game since she wanted me to be smart. She had almost finished all the Sudoku too.