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That's too fast, man. I gotta make sure the game is actually good before buying merch, even though I really BotW Link design.

Me, if I was 10 years old

Right here negro, and i'm an xbox player and thought nintendo was gay ever since the wii. Ready for them to be good again.

So you're 9 and turning 10 next year?

Nah I'm 21 and don't enjoy games for kids anymore

>I only play mature games for matures like myself

Yes? Anything else would be embarrassing

>I only play mature games for mature gamers such as myself

How's Gone Home?

>not for kids

I just finished Majora's Mask 3D and it was great

Now after watching Breath of the Wild I'm kind of sad. Are nintendo senpaitachi really thinking that it's innovative? What the fuck? It looks like a good game, but Nintendo is 10 years late.

Salty :^)

I would be if Nintendo didn't do such a shit job with the graphics even though they're pushing for 'good-looking games'
Good lord it looks like crap.

nug, escapism is the childish thing, not the video game itself

It looks like complete shit tbqh

*tips katana*

You talk about not being a kid but i bet you don't have a job

I'm studying and have two part time jobs

I'm going to buy a Wii u just for this game

What is this? I thought TP Link was next figma.

You must be 18+ to post here.

Good for you if true

Looks mediocre, not bad

And the colours are much better live

Looks worse than Skyrim, how could Nintendo fuck up this bad?

Are you seriously samefagging now?

user please go play some games, okay?

>trees going "poof" when you hack them
>those annoying sounds every time you pick something up
>those PS2 graphics

Lmao wtf

>999 people played this beautiful masterpiece and I wasn't one.

Show me a ps2 game that looks as good
I'll wait

There is always one poor weasel out there, so accustomed to his deprived life, and bumblasted when something upends that, that he devotes the rest of his life to hate on something because he's jelly he can't have what others have. Happiness.

And to add on, the sound only happens when you pick up that specific item for the first time
As for cutting down the trees, I find the sound okay. It's up to your own opinion thouhh

>I don't enjoy games for kids
>Game is literally cel shaded Skyrim with more gameplay features and better physics integration
Ok champ ;)

>> 2016
>>Be hyped

>>Be hyped about something from Childtendo

>>Be hyped for shit graphic, dull repetitive plotted game about a blond utterly uninteresting character moving through a childish mine-craft-esque single player game.

>>Post about it on V.

>>What are you going to tell us your hyped about next? The next Pokemon release?

>>It probably says "Ages 3 and up" on the cover.

t. Cawadoody pro


Not gonna lie. This is the first Nintendo game in probably10 years that I'm jealous of.

Hopefully it turns out to be disappointing.

Why the fuck do you type like such a faggot

You're so fucking stupid. You don't come here to try and post anything but empty retarded shit. That doesn't mean anything.

21 kek your a kid faggot.

Why are you so salty?

>thinks he is not a kid

>those annoying sounds every time you pick something up
Did you ignore the part where he picked up two mushrooms instantly with no jingle? It feels like you're trying to actively find reasons to complain

At least I don't act like one

Are you a child?

ah, a classic bait to attract Nintenbros, uh? Classic move, user, classic move. Heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it, chinkhead.

this thread sucks

What's the point if you can't remove his clothes?

Presumptuous of you to call it GOTY.


>I only play E rated games for manchildren such as myself

Anyone supporting nintendo in the modern day is fucking retarded.

you spelled Nintoddlers wrong


It's 'video games' you retarded faggot. You might as well be playing with LEGO regardless of what the game is.

You sir, are cleary a fucking child who has no grasp on anything.

Anyone with any kind of love and appreciation for video games understands how essential Nintendo is to the medium.

>in this episode the nintoddler is incapable of abstract thought

*tips* 'tis good to see a fellow video gamer such as me! I am 45 and looove Nintendo

>all these people falling for obvious bait
Damn I thought you guys were better then that.

Agree, its just a bunch of poor manchilds that cant afford a real console or a good PC

It looks like you can user, what a time to be alive.

I'm pushing 40 myself. And while Nintendo's mindset might be maddeningly infuriating at times, the idea of the video games industry without Nintendo is too awful to contemplate.

Of course, none of these hispter 2cool4u idiotic children would understand and actually WANT Nintendo to fail.

Ignorant morons. For shame.

Underage get out.


Damn all these Nintentoddlers btfo

>Playing videogames
>NINTENDO videogames

Really? No offense manchild, but you should really lose your virginity or youll become a wizard

>Did you cry like an anime fan on your prom night? :^)

>40 years old and using Sup Forums
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

you just made 20 man children cry

Pushing 25 here. What does someone who doesn't game on Nintendo even play?

It seems like the options are either shooters or QTE-fests. Those aren't games, which begs the question, why are they posting on Sup Forums?

>clothes look like they're made from actual cloth

removable? what about his boots?

What's the canon size of Link's dick?

I assume since he's a twink he'd e about a 9 incher.

Are you trying to say that Nintendo games are the only games?

Heavens no.

There's arcade games, and old-school games like Sega, and iO games with a meta like slither.io.

But there hasn't been a video game released on a Sony/Microsoft console or from Valve since at least last-gen. Unless you can name to prove me wrong.

I'd rather have that clockwork orange figurine

Nah he's got an itty bitty feminine dick for sure