Exhibition stream at CEO today at 6pm and tomorrow at 2pm EDT: twitch / ceogaming

Atlus stream at CEO for the whole weekend: twitch / atlususa

New trailer: youtu.be/dJ-YzmeigJE

HQ ver: gamersyde .com/download_the_king_of_fighters_xiv_team_official_invitation_trailer-37614_en.html

New characters bio pages: snkplaymore .co.jp/us/games/kof-xiv/teams/officialinvi.php

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Kula ryona

Second for Mai.

Appreciate it


Obligatory KOF tutorial for new players:

Will we ever see Riot of the Blood Iori as a standalone character again?


First for Mian is NOT for lewd!

Kula is for lewd

Wish I could get off beating her.

Are there ryona JAVs I wonder.

Don't mind me posting best Athena.


>Kingdom Hearts 4.jpeg

That's because she is an ice cream slut. Mian is pure and virginal and wants to show you her smile.

They're honestly really bad designs and look completely out of place in KoF. They look like they'd belong in a more generically animu game like Tales or Star Ocean.

I want to protect Mian's smile.

That is modern fashion trends, just like how it used to be everyone new in leather and tight clothes.

Not really. There are worse designs then that.

Not if I protect it first, faggot.

I honestly think Falcoon's worst MI designs are better than Pillow Fag & Chuuni: The Character.

Well. It's Falcoon after all. Hard to top that guy in terms of bad designs.

>implying you are good enough to receive her smile

We're posting Falcoon now? Here, have some Blue Mary.

I liked that one.

It's silly and doesn't fit Blue Mary at all. But still.

pillow boy is cute

I think his art and his design tastes have matured a little judging from what he posts on his Twitter, but there's no way he'll get involved with SNK again.

OK then.

The only good things to ever come out of Falcoon's designs were Another Mai and Chae Lim.


Dumping a Falcoon artbook.


>These are Tung Fu Rue's new students
Not sure whether to feel bad for him.


Fuck Nagase.

>Implying Mai doesn't need a DFC to bully her

I want to see him turn the two fuccbois into something worthwhile, but since SNK characters must always be static one-notes I'm certain chuuniboy will just turn out like K'.


Probably going to end up worse and even more cliched than K' desu sempai.

>ready for the gay bar after this match

What about Lien?

Well, Falcoon is gay so...?

Lilly alt costume was adorable

It's okay.



Luise was actually not all that bad as well. Titty Britty was pretty good too and I wouldn't mind either one showing up in a real KoF barring Luise's weird alien spook shit.


Lien had a weird moveset though... She would have to get reworked a little to be in a 2D game.

Luise & Duke especially cuold be in KOF XV with little change, except maybe the command for Luise's grab DM.

It's one of the only designs SNK has actively acknowledged, since she appears in the clock tower stage in KOF XIII with that costume.


Lien is a two-bit mercenary agent whose only defining feature was her bust being unconfined by her jumpsuit. We already have Vanessa.


>Somebody couldn't handle "REQUESTING BACK-UP!" OTG shenanigans

That Saisyu themed one is cool. He also looks good with Yuki's jacket, but I think it would look better with dark hair.

Iori with Setsuna's outfit was cool too, but again, I would prefer his natural hair color. K' with that outfit would be perfect.


what happened to the stream?

>Chae Lim with May Lee's uniform

>and look completely out of place in KoF.
Stop being a shitposter.


>thread has already become an image dump

I think SNKP went with Iori because facially Iori & Setsuna are identical. Like how Rock Howard got a Kaede outfit.

Half the costumes in Maximum Impact were just loud references to other SNK characters.

>Defending Ash Crimson
fuck off

>newfag doesn't realize why Sup Forums is an imageboard and not a textboard

I hope that if she ever becomes playable again that they use this design instead of the red dress.



>Defending Ash Crimson
I'm not doing that, you idiot. I just hate when people go "hurr durr shun'ei and meitenkun look out of place :(" when we have characters like Ash, K', Nameless and KoD around.


Holy fucking hell that bare back with buttcrack

I hope not, unless he plays differently enough from the default - if nothing else, XIII created a nice precedent.

>B. Jenet
>One of the first fighting game women to openly wear a thong
>Left a life of luxury to become a pirate queen with her own submarine and crew
>Practices savate
>One of her SDMs is beating the enemy over the head with her stiletto
Gotta love her.

The random folded up pant leg aside, I don't really mind Shun'ei's design too much. Not amazing but the jacket cape thing looks nice in motion. Meitenkun looks fucking weird though.

The zaniness of their designs stands out even more when put next to a really stoic design like Tung's too.


You're all getting the ugly angry mask and you'll like it!

What a gal

Duke was alright too.

You never know, their designs and even moves (Kyo 95 -> 96) could change a bit between games.

If they get better alternate DLC outfits, make sure to buy those so hopefully they'll help drive changes in the sequels.


KoD is everything wrong with "Outlaw" wrestling promotions like Lucha Underground rolled into a single character.

K' is literally a recolored sprite hack of a character from the game set in a post-apocalyptic future called Daraku Tenshi.

Nameless is a design-by-committee replacement for an (Arguably) better design because Eolith said "LOL Copyright Laws".

Ash is Falcoon's husbando.

I thought that rolled up jeans on one leg was old dusty 00s fashion. Remember 50cent?

But then hipsters roll up both legs with their jeans like in the 80s.

Shuun'ei is fashion disaster.

>because Eolith said "LOL Copyright Laws".
Wasn't the guy who made Tetsuo totally okay with K9999 existing, though?



Yeah, but SNKP didn't want to deal with it. Same reason why Angel didn't show up in KOF games until XIV.



I'm pretty hype for playing Angel in XIV.

>Another Jivatma is a moth girl

That's good user.

Considering that Jivatma was technically a parasite inhabiting someone's body, I don't think it's out of line to see "Him" in a female body if he thought that it was more powerful than what he had.

My team is probably going to be Angel, KoD & Geese at first. Maybe pick Mai back up (Mained her in almost everything except XIII), try out Terry and Mui-Mui.

>that Gundam Hanzo
I've gotta get MI2 again, somehow. That game was real fucking crazy

Pretty sure you can emulate it.

Isn't there one where she stretches her pants-thing?

Where can I find edited sprite animation like these?

I need you Yuri





This girl is better than sylvie

I have it, but I can't immediately find it. I imagine it's a scrapped intro animation of some sort. Wouldn't be surprising since Angel is as lewd 'n' crude as they come.
