Got this game yesterday. At what point will this be considered a house...

Got this game yesterday. At what point will this be considered a house? I haven't gotten the achievement or anything yet.

Just look at the wiki, it needs wall panelling and shit



Back walls, you can't really call four poles and a sheet a house unless you're a hobo or camping.

The requirements:

>needs to be big enough
>needs walls
>needs a door (or platform)
>needs "commodity" items (e.g Chair and table)
>needs to be enclosed
>needs to have a lightsource
>needs to be at least 50 blocks away from corruption/crimson

It might not be perfect, but it's home


>play game for 15 minutes
>realize that most of the things you build have absolutely no functional purpose

>immediately stop

Are you Br?

No I live in California.

You what?

>Build a base to protect yourself from things at night, invasions, and blood moons
>Build homes to keep NPC's in
>Build functional crafting devices to craft better things
>Build areas for storage
>Build traps
>Not functional

I can understand not caring about making your buildings look aesthetically pleasing, but there's plenty of functional things to build.

Commie blocks are practical.

You don't need 3/4 of the buildable items you get in the game to do any of those things

It needs
>1. to be completely enclosed with blocks and walls
>2. a door
>3. a light source
>4. a "table" and a "chair", tables are like dressers, tables, workbenches, etc, and chairs are chairs, sofas, beds, etc
>5. no less than an area (not including the blocks surrounding the house) of 60 tiles, but no more than an area of 750
After those conditions have been met, NPCs that are available will move in.

You're right, you don't need them, but you can easily replace things you do need with them. It's all about what you want out of it.

You just want the bare minimum necessary? Wood/stone is pretty much it.

Otherwise you can do what I do and fuck around with everything you can get and making neat looking bases.

It's up to you. But if you're not one for going autistic and building things to look pretty, this probably isn't the game for you anyways.

Are there any good terraria like-games right now? Id just play terraria but no new content patch so far, and honestly i don't really like all of that wacky shit like yoyos as weapons

Starbound is the best other game but it's not very good. There should be a big content update coming sometime soon though. Shame the combat sucks ass.

Terraria like? Your best bet would be starbound. It's still not nearly as good as it was made out to be during development, but it's a nice alternative to terraria.

Otherwise you can try playing minecraft with mods to give it that terraria feel.

I've also heard good things about Crea, and Edge of Space is cheap but I haven't heard much about that.

The rest of the games on steam are otherwise just early access terraria/minecraft clones that really don't hit the mark, but feel free to give them a try.


Streets, Lamps, and Fences keeps certain enemies from fucking you over on your first run


>he doesn't set up abusive arenas to trivialize bosses even on expert mode

it's really that hard to read those few words that the first npc tells you about how to build a house?