Why is Shantae so fuckable?

Why is Shantae so fuckable?

Because the mediocre platforming makes the characters more interesting to look at.

>fucking a 5/10

Shut the fuck up bitch, that ugly shitskin? Nigga please.

Monkae is better

Because she's a perfect blend of cute and sexy.


>not spider

This thread sucks, Shovel Knight has superior waifus.
Can't wait to see Specter Knight's former love.

Rottytop a better

Years of intense training and practice.

Shield Knight is a waste. She sucks ass.


>not wanting to fuck giant fish tits

That would be true if she did not have the spider body. Her upper body is otherwise excellent.

why is she so pale. What happened to delicious brown????

Shantae is not for sexuals. She's too innocent for that, unlike Risky Boots.

So people have a reason to play her crappy games?

Why does she have her power again?

>imagine her rotting wet cunt



Because her games would be unremarkable otherwise



she got it back at the end of pirates curse iirc


because wayforward accepted that they can't make decent games so now they spend all their budget in making their characters fuckable