Planetside 2 thread

planetside 2 thread
>Did you enjoy it
>Would you play it if it came out today
>why the fuck wont the game industry make another game of the same genera

post cool stories you/friends experienced in this game ?

It could've been big on the PS4 if they released it around launch but they fucked up and released it 3 years late. SOE also got sold to a bunch of a jews so this game doomed along with EQ.

PS2 was complete shit to me because I was expecting PS1 with better graphics but John "NGE" Smedley forced the Battlefield shit onto Higby.

Soon as Battlefield 4 came out the game's population took a nose dive as predicted.

I want an mmofps set in the BF2142 or Neotokyo universe.

This game is great, I still play it to this day. Successfully defending a base and then turning that defense into an offense while running across a field with 50 allies beside you is the greatest thing. To be honest though it's kind of boring when you play alone so that's why I only play time to time. Pic related, one must go to great lengths to run this game

>ran around as an infiltrator w/ smg
>racked up killstreaks of like 30s and 40s consistently

>one day on Hossin, get thrown into random squad
>we roam around for a bit just taking unopposed bases
>suddenly huge rush of vanu vehicles emerge from this mountain
>giant gap leading up to a choke point in a valley
>shit looks like a star wars /mass effect/ eve tier scene with countless bullets and lasers and explosions everywhere you look
>cloak up and rush in by myself
>kill 1 or 2 stragglers in the front and get a couple assists
>continue on to sneak up on an AV max and his healer slut
>just barely kill them and the sniper trying to stop me
>still haven't died somehow, so rush on anyway, weaving back and forth along the approach, stealth killing like 6 people that were too focused on not getting blown up by friendly fire
>someone in my squad actually says something about pushing on me
>like 4 sundies and 2 tanks rush up behind me now that the ground troops are all dead
>remaining two magriders make an attempt to push back but get stuck on each other
>toss a claymore or two and get the assist on both
>rush through to the other side of the valley to see a squad retreating
>manage to kill 1 before my tanks took them out
>hear "damn good shit" over comms
>proceed to take the point while they all watched the spawn
That was on ps4 before every one stopped giving a shit. It's a neat game, but it could have been way better

>air drop to usually inaccessible peak on snow map near enemy base
>use jet pack to get to top of base
>kill everyone on the inside while they're trying to fight back my teammates on the outside
cheap, but it's the only really cool thing I've done

Mostly I can only do well in the rear turret on the gun ship. I tried flying once and killed everyone on board. Immediately disconnected.

Nice story, you're lucky user cuz I would have died in like 10 seconds as infiltrator against a horde of vs. This game mainly just needs an even larger dedicated fan base to be much better imo. Whenever a bunch of operators are online ready to play together the game gets 1000% better

The absolute worst thing about this game is TELEPORTERS and JUMP PADS to a lesser extent.

They destroy the flow of combat, and confuse the shit out of new players.

It's quite possibly the worst game design decision I've ever seen in a game.


dont even fucking bother


>in a biodome fight
>you manage to retake the control points and push the enemies back
>enemies get pushed back to invulnerable teleporter room
>fight devolves to camping a little teleporter box
>to stop enemies teleporting in, you need to go way outside the base and capture a base somewhere else.
>when you go out to capture the base, they teleport in, and start capturing the biodome again
>people return to the biodome and defend


This is what Planetside 1 did so well. You could run into the enemies spawn room and destroy the spawners, but there was a pain field to prevent you staying in there and camping.

INVUL SPAWNS are stupid and cause base takes to be slow and tedious, as you need to sit there for the entire capture time to ensure that people dont spawn in and retake it.

Would be so muhc better if you jump in on a base, blow the generator, destroy the spawn tubes, and then move on.

If people want to retake, they need to organise it from another base.

One of the worst games I've ever played

its still got a good pc community

I like flying around with my jetpack
Disappointed that jetack guy never gets any long range weapons

if this game is to hard to figure out , go play CoD kid .

doesn't it cross your mind that jetpack +long range weapon would be a itty bitty too OP

Yeah you're probably right, but the only fun I had with the game was flying up to places I shouldn't and attacking from shitty angles

you think your pro, but your not

>dicking on sky faggots all fucking day and got 600 certs from it

heres recommended wepons i recommend getting launchers to shit on skymans

>two friends and I get the brand new Harasser all pimped out.
>this was back before it was turned into moving paper and could be healed by an Engi in the back seat
>no one knows how to deal with it
>drive around popping advancing enemy vehicles left and right
>take turns in each seat
>finally die after like an hour+ of being a one vehicle wall of doom
>50+:1 kdr for each of us
Maybe it did deserve a small nerf, but fuck they made it useless.

>another Harasser starts chasing us alone
>run away outside the world border
>he follows
>boost off a hill and rocket back into the border
>he blows up
That stupid vehicle was too much fun

Them nerfing it into paper made us all quit.

Man, the Railjack has to be the most awkward sniper rifle ever invented.

What is so good about the burst weapons?

For the MAXes? Bursters automatically explode when they're a certain distance from a vehicle, so its hard to miss with them.

I mean the infantry burst weapons like the Solstice Burst.

Oh, same reason as in real life. Better accuracy, and helps prevent you from going full retard.