What is the hardest game you ever beat Sup Forums?
pic related
What is the hardest game you ever beat Sup Forums?
pic related
>beat this when I was 10
>couldn't beat it when I was 18
Kid magic.
Serious Sam with no saving.
Does anybody but me still remember I Wanna Be the Guy?
Big fuckin meme game from back a few years ago
FFXIV. Glad I broke myself away from that clusterfuck.
I choked forever on Craddle 00 agent. Aztec for even longer. I unlocked the cheat of egypt on 00 agent on first or second try though, it was that much easier
Perfect Dark... that game I never completed on hardest diff
We all had more patience for bullshit in games when we were younger. Now that we're older our time is far more precious to us and we don't want to be assed dealing with bullshit.
Ninja Gaiden 2
I was so pissed off and angry by the time I made it to the last boss that I just wanted the game to be over. Still a fun game... just frustrating to play all the way through.
Then I'm guessing you don't play video games often because that's a game for kids. I could probably beat it without failing a mission if it wasn't for those racing missions against Erol
Beating the last level was the most zen I've ever felt.
I was in a situation in Jak II where I saved as I got killed by the last boss and had to re do the whole game because that was my only save.
>I finished Jak II in a span of 10 years, finished it last year
>I still have yet to finish Sly II
Thanks for the reminder
I fucking beat pic related.
Consider yourself an official pussy.
It's a tie between Ninja Gaiden NES and Zelda 2. I remember both making me want to throw my controller on multiple occasions.
what's wrong with sly 2?
I could never finish it
I made 54 seconds on the hardest difficulty
felt like I got kicked in the balls with that time, never touched it again
The final boss was so BS.
That game is impossible.
Why? If you don't mind me asking.
IT's my all-time fav game
if the game has a easy option, i always beat it on the lowest setting then replay the game at max difficulty
Third world childhood causes you to do odd things
dark souls
I hated Bass so obviously i did a Mega Man run, many tears of anger were shed that month.
>My face when It took me 10 years to beat the Donkey Kong Arcade in DK64 to get the Nintendo Coin and beat the game
Probably Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
but ninja gaiden 2 is way harder than the NES gaidens on master ninja where I frame abuse is required to even get out of the first encounter alive
Jak II wasn't that hard, was it?
I remember it being a pretty easy game. But then again I don't remember any game I beat as a kid being particularly difficult.
>mfw trying to get S rank in all of the levels in Mischief Makers
Who was the wise guy that decided to make the time limit so fucking strict.
There were some parts that could be bullshit, more so in the Hero mode where the godmode cheat wouldn't help you.
Nothing really makes me angry anymore in games outside of fighters.
>remember all the crazy hard levels being a breeze
>the 40 KG jetpackers had me stuck for months because I kept wanting to just hold down the shoot button
>come back and beat the whole thing in no time flat
God it was weird how the typical hardshit gave me no trouble but the levels no one has trouble with had me stuck for months.
I overcame this kick in the balls, you can overcome yours.
I believed in Black Friday magic when I was a kid.
I convinced myself that there was a realistic possibility that the just released Jak III would have a chance at being discounted down to 20 dollars.
I went out with mom, saw the 49.99 price tag, and lost my faith in capitalism. I haven't been Black Friday shopping since then.
The final level of Resogun, saving all humans, on experienced difficulty. I made myself restart whenever I made any mistake, that final boss is hard as fuck without all your lives.
I swear I probably tried that level literally 200 times. Felt amazing when I finally beat it though.
Damn dude.
That hurts to look at.
>That fucking slums mission
>Literally fucking army chasing you
That's the easiest of the series overall. Final bosses of 1 and 2 were pathetic though, Omega and original Zero didn't fuck around.
F-Zero GX when I was younger. I popped it in last year and couldn't beat the first race.
Still one of my favorites.
One day I will play the sequels.
I spent many hours playing this game when I was 7. It took me weeks to complete the singleplayer.
Volgarr the Viking probably.
I also beat Ghost 'n Goblins, but that game was more bullshit chance than actual difficulty.
>that final fucking mission on the plane on the hardest difficulty
Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (snes) and Batman (nes)
my WaW Veteran run actually only clocked in at like 5 hours but god fucking damn it was I raging all the way through
>Ashelin boobs
The Reichstag was the only really bad part of WoW. Getting past those Flak guns running into the concrete building as endless cocksuckers spawned on top of you. That was not fun. Inside the building was a little easier though.
As for hardest game, I can't really think of one in particular, though recently I'd say Hotline Miami 2. I 100% the game on hard mode, S all regular mode levels and got all the achievements. Took nearly 60 hours to get everything, but hard mode was such fucking bullshit at times.
Mimana Iyar, PSP.
Not a hard game actually. Suffers from huge loading/gameplay problems. 30 second load screens into combat. Along with a random battle encounter rate so insanely high, you can't take 3 steps without fighting something.
No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle on Bitter. Ryuji, New Destroyman, Jasper Batt Jr. were the most bullshit bosses in the entire goddamn game.
I actually love this game. I own like 3 copies of it.
What about it?
new vegas no healing permadeath on very hard
>Along with a random battle encounter rate so insanely high, you can't take 3 steps without fighting something.
Or you can walk keeping X pressed and skip the encounters altogether. And I dont remember the battle loading being that long.
probably not the hardest, but I've got fond memories of BT Wyvern fucking my shit
Only for companions.
only times i used companions was to do their quests or in the DLCs
That fucking mission where you have to protect the two green Sages.
You couldn't take them with you into the DLCs, not without mods.
there are companions in dlcs, friend
It's actually just quicksaving and being efficient but not many people on Sup Forums sit through all the suffering.
Only in two of them, and just barely at that. Graham is pretty much just a tagalong for whichever way you choose to end the conflict in Zeon, barely doing anything a companion does, and the same goes for the chaingang in Dead Money who you are forced to pair with anyway since you can't get into the casino without them.
On PsP it was absolutely horrible load times. Game was fun, but 50 hours to beat could of easily been 20 hours had the encounter and experience rates been proper.
there are 3 companions in honest hearts, 3 in dead money and ED-E in lonesome road, and a semi-companion in old world blues
the companions in dead money and honest hearts are useful for avoiding damage (not graham tho), ed-e is pretty useful because of his perk and the one in OWB doesnt really do anything
Was this game actually hard? I remember trying to play through it when I was 13-14 and getting stuck on some bullshit timed hoverboard section.
I breezed through Jak 3 no problems, in fact I thought it was too easy.
my brother played this with me when we were young
Dark Souls 3 might be it but that's too much of a meme answer so I'll go with Goemon's Great Adventure. That shit got stupid brutal compared to it's Mario 64 wannabe predecessor, though I love 'em both.
Kingdom Under Fire: Crusades and Heroes. I was a kid when i beat this two games. Holy shit, took me months to finish.
First time I ever beat an Ironman Impossible play through I cried a bit
Guitar Hero 3 on Expert probably. Most of the game is easy as balls but 5 staring Through The Fire and Flames took months
Sucks they gave her no walk animation, that's just bullshit.
They were decent enough on Vita. And despite the combat being low budget Tales the game still had somewhat nice production values and even fully animated cutscenes with good quality.
Like when you find pic related taking a bath.
I thought Alien: Isolation Nightmare difficulty was quite a ride. I also beat every Dark Souls game, but I don't feel like they were as difficult as A:I.
>mfw my classic iron man run bugged out on the last room of the final level and only the sniper and mech made it in
>sniper ends up getting a dual criticals on his double tap, instantly killing the final boss
Man I dont want to think about doing the final boss of Xcom2 again
yea sucks
I used the second upgrade of the yellow gun, (the one that bounces off walls) and did the jump spin shoot combo to win the entire game, this mission was specifically easy doing this.
Wipeout HD, getting to Zone 75
>0.5% of people got the zone75 trophy
Feels zoned man
>System Shock 2
>Impossible difficulty
That shit is fucking bonkers. You just feel so impotent the whole way through. It's not even a horror game anymore at that point. It becomes something else.
i did not see that as a kid
How hard is the "Twisted" difficulty?
here is one
Jak waifus are a gift from haven
Not bad, but I wanted to see that walk from behind as well. Which is weird they didn't include one for the model viewer while Tess and Ashelin both have them.
yea that sucks
I think Tess and Ashelin both move around in the game while Keira never does and is always a static npc.
Thus they have walk animations and she doesn't.
this game pissed me off to no end