I mean, how fucking expensive can be to redo some 2D sprites for high resolutions, you can count the fucking pixels

I mean, how fucking expensive can be to redo some 2D sprites for high resolutions, you can count the fucking pixels

i wish i could like the game, but the movement system is just so fucking retarded holy fuck
oh whoops you were moving down hill and slid further than intended, or you accidentally slipped off an object.
looks like you won't be able to hit that one guy you really need to hit now.
and lots of similar frustrations that all stem from the wonky-ass way movement works

But that is the same for enemies, this is a SRPG

also playing NIS games without emulator speed-up is fucking agony
i'm trying to work my way through disgaea 4 but christ it's such a slow game without my precious speed button

Are you level 9999 yet

>best NIS game
>Phantom Brave
Even saying that PB had remotely average gameplay is too much. The story is probably one of the best, yeah.

I'm only halfway through chapter 3 because soslow.

>I mean, how fucking expensive can be to redo some 2D sprites for high resolutions

Turning off animations isn't fast enough for you?

A game with "remotely average gameplay" would have far better gameplay than any NIS game.

Nothing's ever fast enough.
It could always be faster.

>I'm too bad to learn how to properly use terrain+weapons

Bitches please, shit is fun as fuck


but nip ecchi trademark is the pixel, i wouldnt buy if they forced it into shitty CG filter

Because good 2D art is expensive

It's just a cheap port to make a quick buck. They're not going to put in the effort to basically remake the game

Because you pc faggots keep eating this shit up. I remember it started when Valkyria Chronichles and Resident Evil HD was ported, both DOGSHIT, yet you PC cunts lapped them up at outrageous prices and praised them. Both games were praised for le 60fps meme but the games weren't updated to support it, they simply ran at 2x speed, especially Valkyria which due to the 2x speed up was a mess, tanks shooting 2x as fast meant getting oneshotted all the time in certain missions, also 90% of cutscenes were literally mp4 recordings of the PS3 version which ran them in engine IIRC. RE was praised for the enhanced backgrounds and 60fps when 90% of the backgrounds were emulator filtered at best, and the game also ran at a weird 2x speed if you set it at 60fps.

It all went downhill from there with straight ports from ancient consoles full of glitches that required a million patches to run properly (Grandia 2 Anniversary and Trails in the Sky come to mind, how many fucking patches it took for Trails to have the monster book working? Fucking Grandia still has random crashes and all kinds of glitches on the final patch).

Bottom line, start pirating this shit and if you buy leave negative reviews and ask for refunds when possible. It's like PC gaymers have no standards anymore.

>PS3 version which ran them in engine IIRC.
They patched Valkyria and fixed the speed up problems

Still lazy as fuck. At least on Ps3 if they were pre rendered, they looked like the rest of the game. If I'm playing the PC version at 1080p and the cutscenes (which are several hours long in this game) are 720p 30fps with compression artifacts then it's a big problem. Why couldn't they re-render them for PC in 1080p at least? Lazy faggots, and they sold that game for 20bucks when the superior PS3 version was bargain bin, sub 10$ for the physical version with the manual and everything.

First, your taste is dogshit, second, the speedup was patched on week one.
As expected from a console war propegating fag player, behind the times as usual.

>b-but they patched it!

Yeah, how many patches did VC on the PS3 get? I recall none and it had no bugs or anything wrong with it.

Also, remind me, when did they patch the shitty background on RE remaster? When is Grandia going to stop randomly crashing and glitching out? How many fucking patches it took for fucking TitS to be COMPARABLE to the PSP version, and again, how many patches did TitS PSP receive?

Bottom line, fuck off retard, my PC is top of the line but I refuse to support these scumbags releasing PC ports, and if I buy them, I'm not going to give them a good review just beacuse "it's better than nothing" like everyone of you cunts do on steam.

Tell me how in the everloving fuck is VC on PC worthy of a good reviews with the piss poor porting job they did? Most of the game is about story and cutscenes, and they botched that egregiously. How is the game worthy of a good review?

The cutscenes were the same on PS3. 720p 30fps with compression artifacts. The PC port is the exact same as the PS3 version except with higher in-game resolution, higher frame rate, and faster load times. VC is passable

I really wish we'd get Makai Kingdom.