How do I not fly into an autistic rage, get depressed, etc..., when I die in a video game?

How do I not fly into an autistic rage, get depressed, etc..., when I die in a video game?

Or at the very least, lower my frustration level.

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Play games you can't die in.

Acquire proficiency.

Git Gud

But puzzle games make me even more angry.

Try to 1cc arcade games and get accustomed to failure

Seek professional help

Play games that aren't made by asians. They make their games unreasonably hard to artificially lengthen them, you're right to be annoyed.


Grow up

I did, They told me I was autistic, but didn't tell me what to do about it.


take your pills

In other words play braindead easy shit

>grow up
>continue playing with children's toys aka video games

Think to yourself if it's REALLY worth getting angry over. Get some perspective and use reason

Dying in a video game should be the least of anyone's worries

Play Kirby or some shit. Kirby is

A) Cute.
B) Not frustrating.
C) Still fun.

How underage are you?

It means that video games dominate your entire life. Get another hobby.

You die in a fictional reality, not in real life, get your shit together and just enjoy playing the game, it wont matter in the end anyway

It's completely normal to get upset when you try real hard but still fail.

I could ask you the same question Mr. doesn't-know-japs-dont'-make-games-fair-burg. Because you're also a jew.

>Being mentally competent enough to enjoy the things you enjoy, but not being a child about it

What kinda queer requires a fair fight with AI? The fun of video games is overcoming overwhelming odds.

Maybe if you're korean. Normal people like me prefer a fair shot from the get go, hard games should have died when all the arcades disappeared.

pinpoint why you're getting mad.
are you mad because you did something wrong that you knew was wrong?
does it seem like other players are just having an easier time?
does the game seem like the mechanics don't work well?

sometimes I'll get mad at myself for dying in souls games but that's usually because i jump the gun and think I can just go wild and beat the boss or whoever i'm fighting without playing defensively and get stomped for it
how did this pass the robot

wtf i thought i was on r9k

Take an anger management course. Read a self help book. Quit being such an autist, and grow up.

>Play games where you die a lot
Eventually, and usually after one massive blowout, you'll get tired of raging and welcome death with open arms.
>Lay off sugary foods
I have nothing scientific to back this up, but cutting soda and snack food out of my diet makes me friendlier.
>Get some fucking sleep
The most important step, 8-9 hours a day will keep you happy and content.
>Exercise before playing a game
Go to a gym or lift some weights every day, not only will you get in shape, but you can use gaming as a cooldown.
>Git Gud
Work on your skills and consider your options. Sometimes charging in isn't the correct strategy.