Hl3 will never come out in your lifetime ;_;

Hl3 will never come out in your lifetime ;_;

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Good thing I don't give a shit then.

I do

I wouldn't care if the graphics looked the same and had nothing new gameplay wise I just want an end to the story

>Setting Portal in HL universe
I'm still annoyed about that. Portal's zany humor just doesn't fit there.

Half Life series is overrated.

Extremely overrated.

post more kot

maybe if you don't like science fiction

Yea it wouldn't have been so bad if it was just the first portal but portal 2 ruined it

>Play through Episode 2 with dev commentary on
>All those casual mentions of Episode 3 like it was already in development
>All those parts where they talk about building up the advisors as new enemies for Ep 3

Like tears in the rain.

I would love to hear a game you think deserves the praise it gets

>They use the Aperture Science portal technology to close the alien portals.
>Humans rise up and kill off the remaining advisers and Combine.
>G-man is never truly explained or his "employers" since they're a plot device.
>Freeman dies and become a martyr.
>Adrian Shepard shows up and becomes God of Earth.



just want to live happily ever after with Alyx

>half life 3 jokes in 2016

holy shit these kids

Portal 2 was such an awful sequel that I'm totally okay with them not butchering HL

halo :^)

>Orange Box is 10 years old next year
>Valve won't acknowledge that in any way
>Gaben rolling onto stage greentext stories were six years ago
>Even normies don't joke about HL3 anymore
The dream is dead, guys.

I dont care ive forgot most of what happened in hl2. They can keep episode 3 .

everyone shits themselves when hl came out. first and second one
but you. no no
you some special little man.
im sure girls just dont get how supreme you are

I remember everything.


Actually one of the most autistic posts I've ever seen

>hl3 will come out in your lifetime
>it will be shit

>HL3 won't come out and Gabe says "fuck you lol"
No fuck YOU Gabe

This should be the perfect time to say something or even release it. The joke's run out. Just explain it hasn't been in development for 10 years but instead it's been put on hold.
Just release the fucking thing! Release anything, Valve! Show us you actually remember how to make a fucking game.

"We don't go to Ravenholm."

You'll never forget that.


they have to be working on it. it will be a the blockbuster VR game that makes it a legitimate peripheral

Might as well post this.

Actual hl2 spoilers: I actually really appreciate and find it encouraging that the "hl3" is this huge meme and running joke but nobody ever says the reasoning behind everyone needing it that's play hl2 is that it ends on a cliffhanger


And this


Most people that joke about HL3 most likely never even played the game. They just knew people were expecting it so they jumped on the bandwagon. Same with Duke Nukem Forever.
It is nice that most people who joke don't actually spoil the ending, even after all these years.


I like that left it ambiguous.

Not that I have a choice.

Lamarr was in the rocket.

She's in a better place now.

I'm not joking about it. I posted a screenshot and was just playing ep2 a few minutes ago.


I don't care anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if Valve stopped making games altogether. They may become a publisher (kinda already are).

desu lads it's sad that we'll never get a closure in a comfy frozen world/snowy borealis.

That house defense with Alice in Episode 2 against the hunters is one of my favourite segments in videogames ever.

Valve never wanted to make games. They wanted to make the platform for making games. If you own the platform, you make money from all the games that use your platform, rather than just the games themselves.

Unreal and idTech just do it better.

Half-Life 2 was a shitfest anyway

i have literally zero interest in valve shovelware but
tfw criminally low amount of decent alyx sfm porn
literally the only reason i care about episode 3 taking so long

For reference:
Games by other developers[edit]
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines[63] (2004)
Garry's Mod (2004)
Empires (2006)
SiN Episodes (2006)
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006)
The Ship (2006)
Dystopia (2007)
Insurgency (2007)
Zeno Clash[64] (2009)
NeoTokyo (2009)
Bloody Good Time (2010)
Vindictus (2010)
E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy (2011)
No More Room in Hell (2011)
Nuclear Dawn (2011)
Postal III (2011)
Dino D-Day (2011)
Dear Esther (2012)
Black Mesa (2012)
Tactical Intervention (2013)
The Stanley Parable (2013)
Blade Symphony (2014)
Consortium (2014)
Contagion (2014)
Titanfall (2014)
Portal Stories: Mel (2015)
The Beginner's Guide (2015)
Infra (2016)
Titanfall 2 (2016)

There's really not that much here compared to the time it would have taken them to create the engine.

don't be so lewd I just want to hold her hand

Valve, whether on purpose or not, found a sort of sweet spot where they can pass a lot of the day to day problems to the communities. Theoretically, they could just update the engine, update Dota, TF2 and CS:GO to run on it, and keep the status quo. Never release a sequel, new IP, nothing.
Keep a skeleton screw for minimal updates, run the servers, etc, another one for Steam, and they make shit ton of money while avoiding a lot of costs. Working at Valve must feel like a dream, assuming you don't care about making games.

That is essentially what they do.
TF2 has 3 devs working on it. CSGO team is about 6 people. Dota 2 team now is literally IceFrog and his 10-year old team of beta testers + a couple of valve staff that help out with seasonal stuff (like compendiums/push out hats/battle passes).

The majority of Valve is now purely a software distributor and technology researcher. 90% of them fuck around with VR all day.

Honestly, it's for the better.
Valve could never release a game of such a caliber that it would live up to hype.
Look at Duke Nukem Forever, I would much rather leave Half Life on a cliffhanger than see it die a gruesome death.

Yes they could. I don't get this meme. Duke Nukem was just a cash grab Valve isn't like that.

That's what upsets me. Where are the developers, the creatives, designers, writers, did they all leave? Has Valve really changed so much so quickly? I don't really believe this was always their intention. It might have been seen as a way to sustain game development on other IP's but that would imply they actually want to make games.
And I still don't see VR taking off to the point these companies believe it will.


It was in development hell, and Gearbox stitched together whatever corpse 3DRealms had left them.

It's not a fair comparison.

Laidlaw and Wolpaw left. I think only Faliszek remains.

This is the saddest and most delusional post I've ever seen, congrats.

And look at D44M. You just need to release a good fucking game which 3DRealms forgot about.

Gordon and alyx stop g man, who's a alien. Gordon fires his trusty crowbar with the gravity gun and he axplodes.

they then live happy ever after in raveholm with dog and barney, who marries lamar.

the end

Worth the wait

Everyone who says HL3 won't be good because of Duke Nukem Forever clearly does not understand how the final version of DNF came to be. Read the fucking Duke Nukem Forever museum to understand why it ended up the way it did.

duke4ever.altervist DOT org (fuck you spam filter)

George Broussard (3DR) ran out of money and had to scrap a game together fast that worked on consoles. Over half their work went down the drain as they simplified the game for consoles as the engine they use ran poorly on consoles.

Valve have nearly unlimited funds and manpower to make the game of people's dreams. 3D Realms didn't near the end.

But Portal 2 was literally better than 1 in almost every way, except maybe the soundtrack.

Which begs the question why the hell they waited for almost 15 years to release DNF. The trailer they released in 2001 or so was damn magnificent.

The puzzles were much too formulaic and the writing was too wacky

The scripted setpieces were better though

The 2001/2002 build was nearly finished. George scrapped it since he wanted lighting like Doom 3 which required remaking all assets from scratch again.

>The First Build is the Sidescroller. The one afterwards is an old Quake 1 build, which is primarily using Quake 1 assets, and a few new Duke assets, before they switched to Quake 2. Purely for experimenting with BSP based leveldesign, and getting to know the Quake engine.

>The switch from Quake 1 - 2 literally happened within months, so there isn't a lot of content in the Quake 1 builds.
Quake 2 also lasted briefly, and everything you see in the 1998 trailer is literally 90% of what was done. The announcement to switch to Unreal Engine, actually happened before E3 1998.

>The first Unreal builds, also consisted primarily of Unreal 1 assets. In 99 they had early versions of a few levels, and weapons done, which resulted in the 99 screenshots.

>Afterwards development sped up, and in late 2002, the "DNF 2001" build was at it's best, before changing to a new dynamic lighting renderer, which focused on normal maps instead (Doom 3 style).

>From then on, the game completely changed, and almost everything was scrapped in small segments. All levels turned out black, as a result of implementing a fully dynamic lighting engine (Just like Doom 3, and Deus Ex 2). Assets were added, replaced, and ultimately large parts of the game was completely scrapped and redone.

>The 2002 - 2009 builds ultimately makes up the version of the game you guys know today.

I disagree. The main story puzzles were too easy, and they pretty much ruined Glados.
>the entire jokes of glados is that she's an AI that doesn't really understand humans, hence the cake shit
>oh actually she was a dumb human bimbo originally

It was a joke

All that for competition with Doom 3, which lost to Half Life 2 a year afterwards.

The puzzles and the writing were way worse.

It's fucking depressing.

I have. Fuck halflife3

DNF is literally a dn1 remake kek

Hats and gun skins have spoiled them


>HL3 will come out in your lifetime
>its a forgettable piece of shit just like HL2

either way you're all fucked.

>There are people on this board that didn't play HL when it came out
>There are people on this board that weren't born when HL came out and can still post

Pure cancer.

Serves you right for accepting TF2's cash shop.

No need to make a game when you can just make a funny hat or an AK47 with tiger stripes on it.

Half Life ruined single player FPS games because it taught developers that people only care about presentation.

talk out your ass more

It will just be a railroad shooter if they don't do something new or exciting, which is the main reason for the delay.
The story is just made up as they go along.

Wolpaw is still at Valve.

>all the people that died between HL2 and the inevitable release of HL3
>they will never ever get to play it

No HL3 is better than a shitty HL3. Valve forgot how to make games.


Half Life 2 is great, amazing and Valve can do no wrong

Thread theme


I hope there is an afterlife so they can play it

i just wish they would do more with source 2

None. Every video game sucks

Duke Nukem Forever was a unicorn.
A shitty broken unicorn, but it proved that unicorns nonetheless exist. Don't discount the possibility that HL3 might yet see the light of day, but don't hold your breath either.

>Mirrors Edge will never get a proper sequel now after what happened with their horrible restart.
8 fucking years of waiting, hoping and believing their fucking lies. And now its over. No chance of sequel. Never.



So is life

Post yfw in 2034 half life 3 comes out

why was the writing worse?
I thought it was superior in every single possible way.


Mirror's Edge 1 had an actual learning curve to it. You should have known that a sequel would ruin everything.

Its about the characters, openworld and leveling.

Valve has more money than god and they give you hats.

You're right. HL1 was at least decent, but didn't hold a light to Quake or Doom. HL2 is super overrated. However, people clearly resonated with the set-piece real-time cutscene presentation and lo
We have Call of Duty and all the other linear setpiece shooters

anything popular is overrated

Why would they make HL3
Seriously, they make a million per week just by selling keys and hats from TF2, why would they make another single player game when they're already showering in money

The only innovation in Half-Life was tricking people into accepting unskippable cutscenes.

Not only that, HL3 will never live up to the anticipation and hype.

Making hl3 would be the biggest mistake they have ever made. People have hyped this game to cancer-curing levels. Anyone who has been on the internet for more than 2 months knows about the hl3 meme. Even if they release a solid game, it wont be enough and people will cry how their expectations got shattered, how hey waited x years from this. Better to let dota2, cs:go and tf2 running

It would have happened if only they didn't fall for the episodic meme.

I think Half Life is actually underrated at this point.

Maybe 6 years ago.

But pop in Half Life 2 today, and you'll understand how solid of an FPS, especially in 2004.

No kid today is going to play HL2. It's the Seinfeld of FPS games.

>Half lLife: Episode 4 was planned on being developed by Arkane Studios


Half life is a fucking overrated as fuck franchise.

Prove me wrong.

To be fair, it won't come in Gaben's lifetime either.