what is the most significant glitch in the history of video games?
What is the most significant glitch in the history of video games?
Think it has to be Missingno, right?
missingno potentially fucked up the cartridge forever, but the viewtiful joe 2 demo for example could fuck up your entire ps2 memory card
Combos in Street Fighter 2, rocket/strafe jumping in Quake. 2 glitches that helped popularize an entire genre and a big subgenre of an already-large subgenre mostly by themselves.
Attack canceling from Street Fighter 2.
psst by "significant" i mean "damaging"
ocarina of time wrong warp
These aren't glitches, these are bugs turned """features""".
The one I discovered and named, of course. :^)
Google "WoW Otherworld" and you'll get results.
Alright alright, geez man. If you want weird-ass glitches instead, kill screens and other integer over/underflow errors are always fun.
Awesome Games Done Quick.
This shit even got fanart
The Corrupted Blood Incident in World of Warcraft:
>During the epidemic, normal gameplay was disrupted. Player responses varied but resembled real-world behaviors. Some characters with healing abilities volunteered their services, some lower-level characters who could not help would direct people away from infected areas, some characters would flee to uninfected areas, and some characters attempted to spread the disease to others.[2] Players in the game reacted to the disease as if there was real risk to their well-being.[5] Blizzard Entertainment attempted to institute a voluntary quarantine to stem the disease, but it failed, as some players didn't take it seriously, while others took advantage of the pandemonium.[2] Despite certain security measures, players overcame them by giving the disease to summonable pets.[6] Blizzard was forced to fix the problem by instituting hard resets of the servers and applying quick fixes.[3]
>The major towns and cities were abandoned by the population as panic set in and players rushed to evacuate to the relative safety of the countryside, leaving urban areas filled to the brim with corpses, and the city streets literally white with the bones of the dead.
>missingno potentially fucked up the cartridge forever
i really like this meme
Well that wasn't so as much a glitch as it was something unintended, but close enough. Definitely a historically-relevant time between video games and society.
Earlier copies of New Vegas Doc Mitchell Glitch.
And the shit that inspired GEDDAN.
Onimusha glitch where character could keep enemy in the indefinitely
Kamiya was passing by when he saw it and entire new genre was born
i forget what the actual worse case scenario is
>no mention of the Fally Massacre
Nothing ever mentioned in these threads has ever been a glitch. Glitches are visual (or audio) abnormalities. Software fuckups are bugs.
OP's screenshot is a glitch that was possibly caused by a bug.
combos in sf1
fine just pretend i said bugs instead if you're going to be pedantic
>missingno potentially fucked up the cartridge forever, but the viewtiful joe 2 demo for example could fuck up your entire ps2 memory card
God fucking dammit! This was a nightmare come true when it happened! I was playing dragonquest 8 and smt nocturne at the time and was about half way through both!
to me, this
I actually lost my 3DS :(
>Castle Crush glitch produces tons of random glitches and game-breaking bugs
Watching that shit happen is always really neat.
This. How the fuck people ever figured this could happen is beyond me though.
missing no is probably the most well known
Rocket jumping
To a lesser degree, skiing in Tribes
Halo 2 superjumps, swordcanceling, etc were pretty significant
>Rocket jump
New Vegas before they patched the fuck out of it, period. Shit was almost unplayable. I fell through mountains, had entire bodies of water dissappear, witnessed a dead hooker get up and start talking, got out of the map accidently, etc. Others weren't so lucky and found themselves locked out of the strip, breaking their game.
>tfw had a couple of crashes and monorail quest was fucked up on 1.0 version but that was it
Guess I lucked out.
Asscreed glitch that spawn a copy of yourself that mirrored your attacks. You could even assassinate yourself losing the game
Her entire character/ability set is based around an old bug that first popped up in Doom and was popularized in Quake. She's definitely influenced by it despite the fact that she doesn't do it in the traditional way.
She can also semi-rocket jump with concussion blast, but I mean, it's like how Tribes incorporated skiing as a primary gameplay mechanic because of a bug except that was contained to one series whereas rocket jumping is in like every arena shooter.
I thought it was a nice touch for Jagex to have an event commemorating the 10th anniversary of it.
Level 256.
PSO Proxy glitch for Gamecube
You basically trick the game into loading homebrew applications. This allowed people to play pirated Gamecube games and even dump legit Gamecube games to their PC.
Having a super jump has nothing to do with rocket jumping.
How does Sup Forums pronounce missingno?
Emphasis on the sing.
yeah but nobody played viewtiful joe 2 while everybody knows about missingno
It's based on it dude, she even makes a joke about it. It's not the same thing but it wouldn't exist if rocket jumping had never come about.
It would occasionally remove your ability to continue, forcing you to start a new game every time you turned on the game boy. Happened to a kid I knew back in 5th grade
Does wavedashing in Melee count as a glitch? It was clearly unintended and removed from future iterations.
If it does count as a glitch, it's the most exploited, popular glitch of any game ever made in my opinion.
missing no, as in like "missing number"
underage maggot
But she has a super jump that functions just like a rocket jump BECAUSE she's the rocketer character.
she can also rocket jump normally albeit weaker than her shift or E
and your opinion is wrong
melee is not THAT big and there's similar glitches made meta in larger competitive games
They didn't figure it out. That's the thing. It just happened by accident
If it does count, then so does SF2 introducing combos, which is way bigger and influenced the entire genre of fighting games.
Going by this definition though, it'd be either a widespread unintended effect in a multiplayer game, like Corrupted Blood or Falador Massacre, or anything that
affected the hardware it was played on, like or
arbitrary code execution
aka relm's paint glitch
or why most pokemon 1st gen glitches work
or how that one dude programmed snake into super mario world using a bot and 8 virtual pad inputs.
Never played Runescape what happened in the massacre?
Actually this, it spawned a mechanic that basically defined fighting games forever
>mfw the Falador Massacre is considered canon to RuneScape's actual in-setting history
combos in SF2
Allowed a few players to attack other players in non PvP areas
Explain how having a super jump is "like rocket jumping"
>no self damage
>no turning
>no shooting
>no looking at the floor
>SF2 introducing combos
Ah, my mistake, I completely forgot about that. That would definitely be infinitely more significant of an exploit. Man, it's crazy to think the entire genre was molded by an accident.
Mil-CD exploit for Dreamcast. If Sega patched it, Dreamcast wouldn't have rampant piracy.
Guy was holding a party in his in-game house to celebrate being first to max out a new stat. Some of the people there were in a controlled PvP fighting ring. Too many people in the house at once caused the game to start to slow down, so he kicked a bunch of them, including those in the fighting ring. Too much happening to too many people at once caused a hiccup in the servers, and the people who were in PvP-mode stayed flagged as PvP capable even after leaving, resulting in them being able to attack other players in the world in non-PvP areas, but not able to be attacked themselves.
There was that one AD&D game that if I remember correctly would format your entire hard drive.
I think it was the Eye of the Beholder remake from the early 2000s.
The GTA glitch
Long story short, people can have duels in player owned houses for fun. The first person to get 99 construction had a huge party in his player owned house to celebrate. When it was over and everyone was forcibly telephoned from the house, people who were dueling could freely attack other players. People who weren't dueling didn't have the option, and couldn't retaliate, leading to tons of people getting pk'd and losing their items.
you can argue semantics about whether it's a bug or a glitch but yeah I'd say it counts.
I doubt it's anywhere near the most exploited though just because, as some people mentioned earlier, combos started out as a glitch and that's not comfined to just one game in the genre.
Her E is literally the rocket jump effect if you look at a nearby surface and shoot it as you jump.
Police car glitch in the first GTA.
Probably the most game affecting kind of glitch, but I don't know if they could be considered significant in the same vein as other glitches mentioned, mostly because they weren't discovered or demonstrated really effectively until years or decades after the game came out. Definitely some of the coolest kind of exploit though.
Basically, during the house party for the first player who ever got Level 99 Construction, there were some people in the little PvP duel ring you can build, and everyone was randomly booted from the house simultaneously.
The end result was that a bug occurred in which some people were capable of attacking other players as if they were in the duel ring. However, said other players limited by the safer limits of normal gameplay, were unable to fight back.
The end result is that some people, with one in particular acting as the primary driving force, went around killing people in town while player mods spammed to get people to stick everything valuable in the bank and/or log out.
Either missingno simply because of popularity, or the fact that combo's in street fighter started out as a glitch and then became a feature implemented into pretty much every single fighting game made since.
Rocket jumping, it influenced the design of so many future games
Bunny-hopping in Q2/HL/TFC/CS1.6. Nothing else was as game-changing in multi-player, nor was nothing else as game-changing once it was patched. Completely changed the speed of the games.
You don't go up and you lose all horizontal momentum because of the speed cap are you fucking retarded?
I highly doubt you've ever played a game with rocket jumping in
was gonna say this, was a pretty big game changer.
The Assassination of Lord English
the fact there was a fucking study that actually isn't stupid on this is amazing in itself.
PSO also had another glitch where you could freeze other peoples games on purpose and corrupt their memory cards. It was never fixed.
There's been a few WoW-related anthropology studies done. The social aspect of that game is pretty fascinating
>missingno potentially fucked up the cartridge forever
Really? Man I messed with missigno so much,I had no idea I was such a fearless bad boy
Maybe not the most significant but still a very funny glitch
Any reasoning as to how it can fuck up your cartridge forever? I thought it just corrupted your save data.
wtf is a wrath of the lich king mount doing there
I always wondered, with 256 values to work with, what would it have been like if they made the values 1-265 instead of 0-255
I don't think you understand how things work
>Hurr durr hurr
Such bullshit.
Typed 265, meant 256, woops
Anyway, explain?
>noticing the mount rather than it not being vanilla org
Missingno. is perfectly safe. It's `M or however you type it that will fuck you over.
You mean lord british? honestly some of the stuff that was pulled in killing him was pretty interesting
There aren't 256 values. There's 1-255 and 0.
That's not how computers work. It wasn't some arbitrary range they picked, they assigned levels to a 256-byte value, 0-255 is just the decimal representation of that value.
1-256 doesn't make any sense, it's just how it's referenced in programming. It's called zero indexing. You can't switch to 1-256 and even if you did it wouldn't make a difference
0 is a value you fucking mong.
1 of these things stands out like a sore thumb and is noticeable from the thumbnail user
you'll never guess what it is
If only Runescape was a better game, or had some good big picture writers then it would absolutely fantastic.
cata org easily if youve ever played wow from before cata
Backwards Long Jump.
Great lore, story and quests, abysmal gameplay and screenplay.