Hm..Makes you think..
Hm..Makes you think
I wish we had those kinds of critics for videogames.
I hope they make an Overwatch movie
user score > critic score
What? That Warcraft is the Dragon's Dogma of vidya movies?
If you're not fuck buddies with the big boys in the movie industry you will never have good review scores.
It was good movie, some plotholes, etc.. but every movie has those. It seems those critics never seen fantasy movie before.
I thought it was okay not great or good but decent enough for a watch, there was nothing I hate particularly besides just being a set up for another movie.
It was a load of shit.
Sup Forums likes it because contrarian
Meh, I liked it.
Not too great when half the cast (all those on the human side not named Medivh) were severely lacking.
Also, the first 30 minutes / half of the movie expects you to be fans of the series and already know the context for visiting places like Kharazan.
For fans, it was a nice movie but judging as something a person not invested in the franchise would go see as a fantasy movie, it's a clear 6/10.
People need to understand that the movie is:
1) High fantasy
2) A fucking video game movie
It needs some recognition. It was a Warcraft movie for fans and it paid off. I'm pretty sure they are doing a sequel so maybe they will be able to iron out the plot/pacing more in the next one. Mario Bros is still the best video game movie ever made
The humans' acting wasn't the only thing that made me laugh.
Unintentional funny scenes like Lothar watching his son get stabbed and him having an "okay" expression on his face for a good 10 seconds was hilarious.
the reason is 40minutes have been cut for Theatrical version. In bluray version it will be fleshed out and i will definitely see it again.
what do you expect from blizzdrone? they will rate this 90 because they already waste 10 years of their life for this shit
>If you're not fuck buddies with the big boys
fuck off, movie industry is more harsh than vidya. People can notice shill critics easily unlike kotaku
That's nice. But movie critics evaluate movies objectively so the score still fits. It might be good movie for a blizzard fanboy, but it's still shit overall.
No, its because the film was a shower of shyte with bad acting.
It should have been a straight to tv one it was that wank
Only reason sales are high is the slant eyes lapped it up, so 80% of the revenue came from there
>40minutes have been cut for Theatrical version
Got a source on this?
I was actually wondering what happened to the Metzen cameo.
He was supposed to be a merchant in a scene in Stormwind and in the video he talked about how they were paying close attention to detail like throwing in the Slaughtered Lamb and other locations in the city.
Resident Evil are about the only decent game to film
just saw it yesterday, only warcraft game I've liked was 3.
It was not that bad.
Mad pacing issues, poor acting and sometimes not very good cgi, but it was still not boring. Nice sound design and fights weren't that bad.
Honestly around 6/10 movie. And it's quite obvious how nobody talks about it.
Still the best video game movie yet.
Movie critics are generally jaded retards
>Constructive critique with comparisons to similar works in the medium
So you're on a date at Goldshire Inn and this guy comes up and smacks your girlfriend's ass.
What do you do?
>But movie critics evaluate movies objectively
Ask for him to smack mine.
I thought it was pretty good
blizzdrones are brainwashed fanatics, nothing new, just look at all those shitty overwatch """"""""""threads"""""""""""". After 10 year of wow they created millions od literal slaves.
movie was pretty shit, should be 75 just because of the horrible pacing.