Is this series really that good or is it just nostalgia?

Is this series really that good or is it just nostalgia?

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It's not anything special and it panders to the underage and mentally deficient

So it's like Sonic and Pokemon?

Depends on what you're asking of it.

It more or less defined the Action JRPG genre.
There are probably better versions of it now, but it was pretty unique when it first came out.

>Is this series really that good

II, BBS, DDD and arguably 358/2 Days are good.
KH 1 hasn't aged well, but it was a genuinely good title and it's still enjoyable if you can get past the camera controls.
Coded and Unchained X are pointless and boring.
CoM is irredeemable trash.


>CoM is irredeemable trash.

If by which you mean "Re: CoM is the best in the series," then yes

One and Two are incredibly fun games with varied environments, enemies and good length of playtime without feeling too long or short.

CoM is kinda meh, with the battle system relying on cards and a general "retread" of the first games worlds.

358/2 is kind of boring, but a fun ARPG for DS

not played the others. The organisation more or less ruin the series storywise and all of the clone bullshit, it's still fun for the disney characters and such though a lot of fanservice for both FF and Disney fans.

If you grew up during the 80's or 90's chances are you will enjoy kingdom hearts

>arguably 358/2 Days are good.
>CoM is irredeemable trash.

The original GBA version had godawful controls though.

A bit of both. It has fun gameplay (most of them, at least) but I don't see how you can stomach the incredibly childish and saccharine story if you're over the age of 18 unless you grew up with it.

The game are pretty good and fun. Days is the worst of the bunch.

I finally got the remixes and I just finished the first three worlds. Lots of color, action fighting style, silliness, and Disney locales are nice too. It's just a nice ride.

I still don't see the appeal of a final fantasy disney mix with horrendous, stale combat and nonsense story.

How do people like CoM? I'm curious.
To me the card system took away all fine control and had you either spamming cards constantly or cycling through trying to find something that would actually benefit you.

The original game is good.

The series is bad.

>I don't see how you can stomach the incredibly childish and saccharine story if you're over the age of 18 unless you grew up with it
Easy, you just don't go in expecting a top-caliber story and enjoy it for what it is. Not every work of entertainment you consume has to be a masterpiece of fiction.

Is it time yet?

Re:COM was atrocious for me. Maybe I was just terrible at the card system...
Either way, I didn't have fun.

1.5 fixed some issues that 1 had too. The fighting mechanics, movement and general control are very very high quality.

People can argue about the story, plot holes and lore all day, but from a pure play viewpoint the game handles like a dream.

Replaying the first one noe in the 1.5 collection. The story is cringy as fuck but you learn to love it. The gameplay in the first one is kinda clunky but it's pretty fun and I personally like the magic system from the first one better than any of the other games.

Actually, yes, the series is pretty fucking good. I recently purchased 1.5/2.5 and have been really enjoying them. I hadn't played 1 and 2 in years, but Jesus Christ, they're still incredibly fun, ESPECIALLY 2. Can't wait to play more of 2 tomorrow.

this the plot is trash but the mainline games are some of the most playable polished games you can buy

The games have an amazing comfy feel. Even playing some of the series I never tried recently, it still feels good. The songs are also relaxing. I wish I had more time to play DDD and two or three other ones... lost track of how many games there are.


1 and 2 are legit two of the best games of that generation.

But I at least want it to be a little above the level of Barney the Dinosaur.

Who is Xion?

I don't know what to tell you if you think those two are comparable.

I can't remember.

I have no strong emotional ties with KH games
, but I still consider them fun action RPGs.

I'd want to get KH3 at launch but then that feeling of having a "better" version coming soon scares me.

Or did SE stop doing that since FFXIII?

What better version of FFXIII exists?

that's what I meant, they stopped doing that since FFXIII right? At most we'd get KH3-2 right?

You mean a hypothetical Final Mix? I think that would be less likely now because of DLCs and shit. The Remixes were the first time the FMs had ever crossed overseas and they pretty much helped people to catch up. Extra bosses and shit will probably be more accessible.
I'm confused on what you're saying now, those were legitimate sequels to 13, not "better" versions of the base game.

What story?

yeah my bad on making you confused

basically what I'm asking is that they aren't gonna make final mixes or "international" versions right? (I sorta consider them the same due to how similar they tend to be in giving bonus stuff)

I didn't mean to compare XIII to say, XII-International Zodiac Version. I just thought that's what they're doing now, rather than making a bonus version they instead make a sequel.

>still playing kingpoop farts

>still NOT playing kingpoop farts

like clockwork

I think that a chance of a Final Mix is slimmer than it used to be because of the DLC thing that I mentioned. Back when KH started doing those, DLC wasn't really a thing.

>Fight an easier version of Terra's final boss
>Fight an absurdly easy final boss

Just beat BBS, loved it but that final episode is just trash.

I dunno, even with the age of DLC they managed to make SF4 and SSF4

Oh my God I forgot how bad Aqua's hair used to look.

It withstood the test of time a lot better than most contemporary action RPGs and is still both fun and challenging. Waiting 15 years to wrap up the saga is rather maddening though.

You never know with Nomura. Especially after he's been drinking.

Every game in the series could be a masterpiece, but there's always a very specific, very large flaw holding each of them back.

>KHI - clunky combat and terrible camera
>CoM - card battle system just doesn't work
>KHII - abysmal writing, even by the series' standards
>BBS - poor handling of the way the multiple protagonists work
>DDD - Dream Eater grinding

I didn't include Coded or Days because fuck those games up and down.

>poor handling of the way the multiple protagonists work

What, compared to DDD it worked out fine.

so how many xehanorts are there

also I guess it's a good thing they managed to "revert" old xehanort into his young form, may your soul rest in peace you logical vulcan

I think that they should have at least shared the journal between TAV.

KH2 also had even worse level design than KH1, which wasn't very good to begin with.

>358/2 Days even remotely close to being good

He wants 13 for his plan to work. I think he's got 12 currently?


I thought Chain of Memories on the GBA was really cool

Trinity Journal is on the main menu, isn't it?

Hey, fuck you. Re:coded is actually good.


No, I'm talking about having to get the commands/stickers/blah blah 3 separate times.

I'm so confused right now

Why is the one vital to the plot bad and the seemingly pointless cellphone shit good

Only autistics manchilds play that shit

They're both DS games though

They're both vital to the plot. Just in different ways. And Re:coded is practically the funnest command deck game.

1:FM is eh but the story makes sense
2:FM is fantastic, but the story gets fucking dumb

oh right, I forgot the "real" XIII

so we got
1 - the real young him
2-4 - the three XIII members

who are the others? do the defeated Nobody and Heartless Xehanorts count?

so 3 of the "fake" XIII ended up being possessed by him

>one vital to the plot
Not really. The game revolves less around Roxas' time in the Organization and more around Xion's time. It just sticks out especially seeing as how she was created for the game and wasn't totally a prior concept.
Yes. Xemnas and Ansem, SoD are a part of the real Org XIII.

Same guy. I actually really liked the Drop system in 3D and thought it was a dramatic improvement. I hated how each of the three protagonists of BBS had to be played on a seperate file, so instead of passing off the baton between characters with the same basic level of progress, you had to re-watch cutscenes in the hopes of seeing some minor differences, and perform the same actions over and over to re-acquire everything. By the time I had to play my third character, I was just going down the checklist in my head. Go to the Command Board and get Ragnarok, buy and level up a bunch of Fire spells, buy another Dodge command and fuse it, etc. It really started to lose me.

Terra > Aqua > """Ventus"""

I don't recall BBS removing me from a boss battle because I didn't feel like going off to fight a bunch of mobs right at the other characters' climax.

gameplay is great, story is ass.

still, that's only 8 if we count old Xehanort, Ansem, Xemnas, and Terra-Xehanort

Chain of Memories has, in my opinion, the best writing of the entire series by a HUGE margin. I think the game's pretty underrated overall, but the battle system was awful. I can easily see why most people just skipped it.

What I can't stand is when people skip CoM and then say Axel is their favorite character anyway. Fucking why? Why are people so enamored with the KHII version that does fucking nothing except pine for his ex-boyfriend?

>II...are good

Even the remake only made it barely enjoyable.

>Hey let's make a KH sequel and rip out everything fun about the first game and bloat it with cutscenes to make up for it

>Hey if you go into this place you start to forget things
>Oh no we forgot things

>Riku was there too

Terranort is up in the air due to mechanics in the lore but so far:
Old Xehanort
Young Xehanort
Ansem, SoD

Everyone else is up in the air. There seem to be clues on the chessboard from E3 last year, but who knows with Nomura.

KH2 is excellent, everything else is meh.

I don't remember 3D doing that either. Maybe you need to manage your time better, or not get your ass kicked so that you have enough points to buy the upgrades in the Drop Shop.

Admittedly, the main reason I ended up liking it was because I forced myself to send Riku and Sora to different worlds in the beginning, so Sora went to The Grid while Riku was at Notre Dame, and vice-versa. I probably would have thought it tedious otherwise.

It's great. Of course it's not for everyone. Not for jaded individuals who think enjoying "childish" things makes you somehow inferior.

>Sora is Xehanort

That's nuts.

Eh, 3D pretty much tossed that idea out. They actually did try that though.

Oh they did? How?

The combat system was fun.

Xehanort basically rigged the Mark of Mastery test to set Sora up, which causes him to fail the test by the way, and they tried to make him a vessel, but to be fair to them they had to move down the list of potential candidates.

Xehanort's had Sora bugged since at least KHII, and in 3D they tried to brainwash him but failed thanks to Riku's intervention. It's because of this that he failed the Keyblade Mastery Exam.

I hate that they introduced that stupid scrolling text bar though. And that they removed tech exp.

well at least they made him try again

Kingdom Hearts 1 hasn't aged that well, its a fine game on its own, but it of all the games in the series it shows its age the most.

Kingdom Hearts 2 initial release was alright, not much content and the game wasn't very challenging at all. It was more remembered for its stupidly complicated plot.

Then KH2FM came out and changed everything, critical mode was challenging and very rewarding to play, with even more difficultly options such as a no exp run. We also got a plethora of new content, 8 completely new bosses to fight and 14 new super bosses that could keep challenging anytime you want(initial release had 1 super boss and you couldn't refight him).

DDD/BBS are also pretty good games, but they are handheld games so don't expect the quality of KH2FM, but there are fans that like those games more then the console games. The rest are only good for a youtube video if you want to know what happened in those games.

>card battle system just doesn't work
In what way does it not work? You get your attack and you use up a card. You can stack the cards to make a special attack. The value of the card determines if the attack works or not, and in boss battles it's a game of breaking cards to get attacks in while keeping cards sleighted to break and do massive damage.

I honestly don't get the complaints, I get you want to just mash and have more usage over your magic I guess, but its system works just fine once you learn it, it still requires you to be on your toes dodging and setting up combos, and boss cards help tremendously to keeping the button mashing if you want it for a while with next to no detriment to you.

>Bad gameplay
>Literally the best usage of command deck/style changes/level up system that lets you choose how strong you want to be and in what areas on top of modifying literally every battle value you could ask for.
Yeah, you're basically retreading old ground for the third time, and the bug sections get repetitive after a while, but the game itself is fun.

Any new content will likely be dlc. Even if there is japanese exclusive "final mix version", you can just import the game, ps4 is region free. Japanese version uses english audio so you only need to learn to navigate the menu's.

BBS has shit story and gameplay
358 is boring as fuck

2 is the only really good gameplay
1 is still enjoyable

so watching the vid, we still see unknown Xehanorts

so killing "Ansem" and Xemnas didn't really kill them since we see them in the XIII throneroom?

CoM was ok
Re:CoM was the worst KH yet (that includes Re:Coded)

The gameplay was meant for 2D, not 3D with shit camera

Same here.
The card system killed the combat.

The only thing I didn't like about Terra was his story is Star Wars Episode 3.

Every last detail. He even becomes fucking Vader at the end.

What was wrong with the story in BBS? Are you one of those faggots who can't handle a tragedy?

>BBS has shit story and gameplay

>literally the best gameplay yet, with one of the best story

Are you retarded ? Did you even play the game ?

More like he dies, but had gotten so corrupted by darkness that his empty armor beat the shit out of his killer.

>BBS has shit story
I liked the story and those 3 fuck ups.
According to the lore, true death is something different than what happened to those characters. The lore also establishes that when a person's Heartless and Nobody are both destroyed, the original person comes back. This is why there's an issue with Terra/Terra-Xehanort as they are not present in that scene.

This is probably the best comparison that I've ever seen. Hit the nail on the head.