This fucking monkey needs a nerf, why should I, A sniper that should be safe from harm far away from everything be able to get target by this monkey? I'm a sniper on a ledge somewhere safe and I should not be unable to do my role from racking up kills. Why should my safespot be reachable by this monkey? My sniping takes skill and aim and this monkey just jumps up on my ledge and holds lmb AND DOESNT EVEN NEED TO AIM to kill me? He needs a nerf fast so i can keep racking up more kills.
This fucking monkey needs a nerf, why should I...
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I honeslty wouldn't mind fucking widow that much if her non scoped gun wasn't basically 76 rifle without the damage drop. Who thought that was needed?
you shouldnt even be in the game you worthless piece of shit.
If the team works together, a fucking Winston is no problem
Smart Winston players know to use Winston for dividing the enemy team away from the objective
Now if you excuse me, I need to find some porn of Winston to fap to
stay mad
her assault rifle has ridiculous spread
Hey guys, look it's me, Winston, over here in the monkey dome, come on and fight me, over here... away from the point. Oh great, you all came!
He looks like trouble
>What's that? Your team lost because you spent more of the match focused on me instead of the objective? Well that's too bad
>my sniping takes skill
Not OP but sniping takes skill. The amount of shit Widowmakers and Hanzos I've seen that do fucking nothing and get literally ZERO (0) kills is astonishing.
At least don't be gay, user.
... so you dislike Symmetra, right?
I wanna force my dick into that smug blueberry face so bad.
First game I ever played on Overwatch, got 18 kills as Widowmaker.
Yes, it wasn't great, but the point is I can't aim due to health issues and even I managed to get most kills that match out of both teams. Guess everybody else was shit.
>Generic animu face shit
You could have at least posted Winston fucking one of the girls
Cant aim due to health issues? Like what, Parkinsons?
I recognize that horse.
Fuck off, Barney-fag.
Winstonfags invented AIDS
He's fat, obese and overweight you dumb-dumb.
Not that guy, but I used to play Quake when i was younger (12-14) and while I wasn't the best, I was pretty good. Around the age of 16 I couldn't play FPS games anymore because I have retinal migraines, which cause numerous blind spots across my eyes.
I can play Widow just fine, due to how generous Overwatch's hitboxes are. Though I love playing Winston because I only have to look in their general direction and he's more about positioning than accuracy. It's especially fun to play him considering I was big into AvP1/2 way back.
Head injury.
Classic projection. Neat.
Widowmaker is still the best character in the game you faggot and you should have no problem either running away from or killing this monkey.
Git gud.
>tfw leap up to a widowmaker and see her spasm out
Makes the game worth playing.
>They hook away
>You jump after them
In beta I once killed winston, reaper and pharrah who all tried to catch and punish me, poor little widow. You should've seen those sick sick jukes mang
On ps4 btw
>git gud
>tfw a bunch of snipers on voice chat in TF2 get mad when you rain hell on their sniping spot by building a teleporter near them and a sentry covering that spot
>On PS4
>Bragging about beating the mentally disabled
harambe did nothing wrong.
Hi there!
Hi there!
>Control map
>6 Genjis on enemy team
>pick WINston
Never had I got so many kills with him before.
I get a raging hard on every time I kill a Genji with Winston. I'd like to see that little shit deflect lightning.
> defending as 6 Symmetra's
> we are decimating them
> suddenly five Winstons and a Lucio
Hi there!
now recon bastion's on the other hand is pretty great if you fire in short, controlled bursts. all the shots will go exactly where you aim
>My sniping takes skill
Hi there!
the best snipers dominate as they're literally doing 300dps at any range
>>nothin personNEL, kid
>I, A sniper
spotted the problem
>D.Va is supposed to be a hard counter to snipers
>They potshot me in my gigantic head hitbox at point blank before my shitty guns drop them below 50%HP
>Now Mechless, I backpedal towards cover running serpentine while aiming for pistol headshots
>They hit me once and I die
Winston is underpowered, but D.Va is a fucking cripple.
>Walk forward with team
>press e
>escort team to where they need to go in that time
>sniper is now useless
>Defense Grid
It lasts 3 seconds and has a 10 second cooldown.
It's useful, but you're not Reinhardt; you aint escorting jackshit besides yourself.
>being salty about one of widow's only counters
At this point D.Va is nothing more than an ambush and flank character.
She is not a tank and her shield is so situational because of its meager block time.
Don't even get me started on her pathetic pea-shooters or the crawl she slows to when she fires them.
Realistically they need to increase defense grid's duration to 5 seconds and/or lower its cooldown; increase her damage, give her an alt-fire, reduce the spread, and/or lower the movement speed reduction while shooting; to let you fire while boosting and/or using defense grid; and finally to give D.Va some kind of movement skill while out of the mech. Maybe a cartwheel that gives you a couple invincibility frames.
t. widowmaker main
remove movement penalty when shooting. There, D.Va can now kill heroes she gets the jump on, instead of being hard countered by the S key.
>plays the sniper with no weakness
>complains about any other character
>Shooting at a Torbjorn about 3 meters from my mech
>I'm tracking the movements of his enormous round hitbox perfectly, but he loses only about 40-50% of his HP by the time he kills my mech
>outside the mech he shoots me twice with his rivet gun and I die, while he survives on ~5-10%HP
Shit is fucking retarded. I dealt more damage with my sidearm than the mech, in about a third of the time.
>Attack on last point
>not looking good
>30 seconds remaining
>go Winston because fuck it
There is a disturbing lack of monkey puns in this thread
Don't chimp out user, there's no need for monkey business here.