Should I quit if my MMR dropped below 1k?

Should I quit if my MMR dropped below 1k?

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You should quit if it dropped below 3k desu senpai

No, you should quit because its a bad game.

You should quit life if you are ever below 2k.
It isn't possible for a functional human to be below 2k(retard bracket).

keep on fighting, I believe in you

Quit regardless of your MMR, this game's gotten so stupid it's not worth getting good at.

Why play a game if it's not fun for you

I'm in a downward spiral of abandoning games because of retards on my team but then that drops my mmr so I see even worse retards on my team.

I just 3 minutes ago abandoned a game because the Sven I was supporting was rushing an echo sabre, before boots, or regen, or anything. It was sage mask first into staff quarterstaff...

>Doom nerfed back to back

I hope Tinker/Void/AM fucks up the meta again so you nerds can regret making one of the best anti-cancer heroes non-viable.

Is it even possible?

You should quit regardless, Dota is nothing but a timesink and you could be spending that time playing other games, not being miserable playing with east europeans or south americans that refuse to speak english.

Play according to your mmr
If the meta in your mmr is abuse heroes that take specific items to counter (any invis hero/pa), play accordingly
My way that I got out of low mmr is that I just played junglers and bounty hunter

If people see this game on my profile, they're going to ask me what my MMR is. It'll be a barrier to steam friends.
This is the only game that I'm really this awful at.

Just dont play rank or some shit. I calibrated at 4.2k and never played rank since.

went from 3k to 4k playing support exclusively

>I calibrated at 4.2k

how was your k/d/s number to get 4.2k ?


playing omniknight below 2k is a fucking nightmare, every retard wants you to spam heal until your mana is gone and it makes no sense

>playing omniknight
>below 2k
why would you do that to yourself

You play Uther and you're below 2K?

Quit only if you get bored of winning.

If you still feel unfulfilled even when you win games, then dota is not the roght game for you.

In all other cases, it depends on whether you have what it takes.

I started in 2.6k. Dropped to 2.3. This was after i spend 3 years stuck in bronze 1 in league.

But then i discovered this:

I really dont know what it was about this post. I really have no fucking clue. Maybe it was the way dragonfist made it seem so easy, or maybe it was his no excuses attitude towards mmr. But this lit a fucking fire in me.

Im 5.1k now. I climb mmr in bursts of 500 ish every month or so, and spend the rest of the time climbing on my smurf (its at 5.1k now too lmao).

Either way, i went from a 2.3k, ex-league reject, to a good mmr bracket.

It took a change in mindset, and practice. But here I am, and any of you guys can do it too.

Do you have what it takes? Then read the linked forum post. If not, then dont blame urself for being shit

>post has been edited to lol

Omfg lmao. I just copied the link since i have it bookmarked, didnt bother to check if he removed it. Pretty sad.

Maybe theres an internet archive backup or smthng

I don't even know what all the heroes do and got placed 2,7k. Is that rating any good?