Prologue opening with mc being beaten down in interrogation room

>prologue opening with mc being beaten down in interrogation room

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Yes I am actually.


>no maniac

preorder canceled

it will be unlocked NG only
source: my ass

>The prologue consists of the hero confronting a man who harasses women, and subsequently being detained by the police because of the injuries he inflicts on that man. The hero is then sentenced to probation. He becomes a Phantom Thief afterwards to fight against that.

>you play as an sjw

Who else /dropped/?

>Man harassing your waifu, you think it's preferable to sit there and let it happen

Who else /cuck/?

Since when are SJWs able to do fucking anything of consequence, let alone fuck people up?

Sounds like a man's man to me.

>be me
>going on the the train to my home
>girl is being grabbed
>despite her look of uncomfortability she still asks him to keep going
>put on my fedora and ask him to stop
>he says to leave him and "his woman" alone
>tell him that you can't "own" a woman like that
>he pushes me
>I persist despite his attempts to silence me
>the police are called and I get arrested for harassing a "couple"
>I become the Phantom

The woman is obviously a trickster of some sort who gives the MC his power and then ends up being the final boss.

As opposed to the alternative:

>be Anthony Burch
>realize that is my current state of being
>not even suicide will wash this dishonor upon my existence

Yeah, I'll take the fedora thanks

This is actually a reasonable guess.

Either the woman, the guy he beat up, or the cop who beats him up.

I'm playing on safety and you can't stop me. :^)

>implying any sjw would have the gall to actually kick someones ass instead of bitching about the issue on twitter

I wish he was actually stealing shit for the sake of it and not bloody Robin Hood.

>Main character actually has the balls to beat up a womanizer.

He might be a white knight, but he is not a SJW or weakling for that matter.

That's why the option is there friend :^)

Why the fuck are they beating him up? Was the guy feeling up the woman the president of Japan or something?

It's probably like said

The woman and man were a couple and he was just being retarded, since he's an SJW

>commit misdemeanor
>get sentenced to *DUN DUN DUN* probation
>"I must become a """""phantom thief""""" to fight against... something."

Is the new MC literally autistic?

man you are right

thanks for spoiling the game

just like us

>difficulty level easier than Easy
For what purpose?

Babbies who started the series at 4.

for you

>not having the strength to enter justified fights.

he's a skinny pretty boy, what do you expect

So? have you ever been in a fight? like that shit can turn so quickly. One punch to the right place can send someone reeling.

oh lord
did you see his hands being tied up