>Start off in a random spot
>RuneScape style quests that are completely optional
>Elder Scrolls style leveling system. You level by doing stuff, the more you do something the better you get at it.
>Minigames all over the damn place. Fishing, card games in bars, archery contests, slot machines, etc.
>Warframe style combat and movement
>Mount breading
>Player housing to decorate
>World bosses that randomly roam the world. You might see Giant McFuckingbadass targeting a city one day, other times he's hanging around his mountain.

Would you play it?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Warframe style combat and movement
Da fuk

Archeage get out

MMOs are dead

>>RuneScape style quests that are completely optional

Bullshit, you are required to clear some quest to enter certain places or equip certain armors

I enjoyed it but I can't ever stay with mmos for long.

I also liked how much lore it added (lots of new books, expanding on some MK things).

Points 4 and 5 also describe Runescape

>Warframe combat
hell fucking no

It already exists, it's called Mabinogi
Combat isn't nearly as fluid or fast and you can't breed mounts though

>weeb characters with realistic everything else.
Right into the trash.
I want to look like a badass warrior/wizard, not some fuccboi with kawaii hair.

You just described Guild Wars 2, 2bad its a dead game (I think)

Your loss. It's a genuinely comfy sandbox.

>Start off in a random spot
>RuneScape style quests that are completely optional
>Elder Scrolls style leveling system
>Minigames all over the damned place
>Warframe style combat and movement
>Mount breeding
There aren't even mounts
Not any of that either
>Player housing to decorate
>world bosses that randomly roam the world
Not even close, it's a timer and they just appear and do literally fucking nothing until people come to kill the loot pinata.

GW2 is the worst MMO because all its hype and self-praise amounts to the worst possible thing an MMO can make you feel: bored. It's boring. The setting is boring. The characters are boring. The story is boring. The entire sense of progression is boring. The classes are boring. The animations are boring. The music itself is fucking boring, and considering who composed the music, that's a god damned travesty.

That's not even going into frog-kun's screencap. There are no good MMOs anymore.

I just wanna go back in time to play runescape for the first time with my friends.
>Meeting people along the way to help you on a quest
>That one guy who tried to get your password
>Hearing newbie melody for the first time
>Your friend showing off his rune gear
>That one guy who tricked you into following him to the wilderness
>learning English and use broken english when chatting with people

I mean, it looks comfy, but if i have to play another mmorpg with cute characters i might choke a kitten, is it much to ask for a mmorpg where i look and feel like a badass?

>Would you play it?
I stopped at MMORPG. No, no I wouldn't. I played WoW for 6 years, never again.

>Warframe style combat and movement
So it would be autist central who DEMAND that you run this specific meta build or else you're a low faggot, even though you can do 95% of the missions with whatthefuckever

>Elder Scrolls style leveling system.
Are you fucking retarded? Did you copy this from reddit? You're so fucking disgustingly stupid to think the elder scrolls style was worth a fuck. Maybe if you heavily tweaked it but it wouldn't be elder scrolls style anymore. Jesus christ OP what the fuck.

>warframe combat

Holy fuck found the shitters.

Nigga i got prime weapons and 'frames, all i do most of the time is run around picking up loot from things that die fast to me pushing a button

Then you're not playing the high level content, fag

>tfw farming in archeage was the main reason i played it for as long as i did

I'd be happy if they could do an A Song of Ice and Fire mmorpg well. Good battle mechanics, the ability to choose between the Great Houses and several independent factions as your starting point, etc.

Night's Watch guilds would be amazing. The Wall would never go unmanned.

>Mount breading

What DID he mean by this?

This IS in high level content, you mouthbreathing retard

Were you as cool as me though?

>First to get max level on classes on my server (EU)
>22k Leather Working (max LW clothing boost gear + house item)
>300+ plots shared with 3 people

It took me an hour to plant the trees. And about 1hr 15min to cut them down.

>actually getting upset because you got blown the fuck out by someone who actually plays the game


Kill yourself... Kid...

I hate summer

Those are rewards for completing the quests. They are still optional.


>doesn't move

Why do people save files in such a pointless format?

was good until
>Warframe style combat and movement

Who knows
>Try to upload APNG
>Error: Your image contains an embedded file.

I just want an MMO that's 1) actually an MMO, and not a single player fuckfest until you get to end-game; and 2) has actual support classes and breaks the holy trinity crap.

>6 Man party system, 1 Tank, 1 Healer, 2 DPS minimum, DPS/Support fill the last 2 spots
>No level progression can be done solo. Professions, Minigames, and cosmetic stuff can be solo content.

Combat I don't really care, as long as it's somewhat modern. Even hotbar'd abilities would be fine. I just miss the social aspects and group dynamics of MMOs.

give it dmc4 combat and I'm buying it immediately

Still optional then, dumbfuck.

I get that as well. It's odd as fuck. I remember when I moaned at moot when he had an auto-ban on if you posted a comment with a banned link in, but didn't edit it out and tried posting again, banned you for three days. Or was it one.

I was like "i didn't know what link was banned" and it was the only time he replied to me. He removed it as a feature though. Thanks to me. You're welcome.

>Very little armor variety
>Very tedious end game grind
>cookie cutter builds
>laggy zerg fest PvP
>horrendous character models
>especially with Argonian

What am I missing?

So, you want a modern FF11?

The only game that comes close, that I can think of, is Lost Ark Online. Since it has like 30 odd classes (though only a few have been shown). Minigames. Exploring. But I think it can be done solo.

Though the game itself looks amazing, I fear inevitable microtransaction fuck fest.

If you're interested, hit subtitles on and watch:

Website said 2017 Western release.

Night's watch should be a crime mechanic, get caught doing a crime and you can either pay a fine or you have to go to the wall where you can escape from or just stay and earn renown as a warrior

>go to the wall where you can escape from
Enjoy getting captured by the first town you see and brought to the nearest lord for execution

It's ASOIAF no one will recognise some nobody that lives on the wall without their black clothing

I'm just hyped up for camelot unchained/
>raiding cities
>destroying keps
>killing faggots
>a full crafter profession
>no insta world travel
>sub based so dirty br's and russians cant get in

>no insta world travel
Dead on arrival

So... It's ArchAge but without optional sub?

How about an Initial D open world VRMMORPG with full scale maps of first world continents.

I disagree, people generally enjoy exploration if the insta travel isn;t there from the start, once you add it, people find it hard to go back though.

How is there no game that does player housing as well as SWG yet?

If I remember correctly, games like Archeage have portals you have to visit once to get to again. So that seems like a logical choice.

Even FF11 had teleports, though granted, they were sort of 'central' and a ride, even on a chocobo, would take 10 mins to the nearest major city.

>yfw you don't have enough money for the rider due to the guy changing the prices depending on how much he's been used recently

Then again, I quit before Chocobo breeding, so maybe it got less shit.

ArchAge is probably the closest. FF11 was neat. Everybody had a house.

>yfw I had a Chinese Gold Seller friend who taught me how to make the ridiculously expensive ore
>I gave up cause it required so much investment to get

He was a bro, he sent me full HQ logging/mining and fishing sets. Not that it helped. Was good for showing off though.

I see it like runescape, Runescape has teleports, but you need high magic levels and they cost runes, or you can pay money for very limited fast travel which isn't all that fast and often has restrictions.

The new runescape has lodestones which enable you to quickly teleport to many places, I don't think I could go back to the old way, but it was fine whilst I was playing it the old way, if you see what I mean.

So you want runescape x warframe x ff7?

shitte taste, only positives from that are from the runescape aspects. Action combat in MMOs is shit (so far), I'd love to see a really fleshed out turn based MMO for combat with loads of status effects/turn-affecting moves and a turn display like FFX. I'd like a return to quests being almost puzzle-like like in TSW, requiring thought and interaction more than just running to highlighted waypoints and/or killing stuff. Having non-combat stuff like cooking and mercentile skills would make my dick hard. XIV is good for it to a certain degree but it's not viable to make a chef, it's a supplementary path. I'd like to see people who are cooks through and through, tons of skills and abilities, affect the market and can use stuff like butchers knives in battle if necessary.

FF11 was neat as fuck. White Mages (or very high RDM or BLK mages, and only to certain areas) would teleport people for money.

Or, they sometimes wouldn't, they'd just teleport you regardless, I still tried to pay them though. Really shouldn't have. Being a PAL/WAR was effort. Only got to Lv.60 though, but had best gear money could get.

>yfw I never found out I could have just bought Gil with a paypal account

Would have saved so much heartache and farming backshells.

Has any RPG done it where you can make your own quests for other players? Say you went down the path of having viable non-combat classes like alchemists or blacksmiths. They're not combat-focused but still need the raw materials. A lot of games have you earn money and recycle some to buy your materials, but it'd be really neat if you could put up a quest to bring x number of an item (either have an ! above your head use use a questboard). Combat classes can go get your stuff for you, get an XP reward for doing so and you get your things. There could still be the option for buying but it'd encourage helping each other, and especially if you have to select the quest giver directly it'd encourage conversation.

You are seriously understating how varied Runescape's fast travel system was

Three different sets of magic each with its own locations, magic level and rune requirements. Normal and Lunar spellbooks can also Telegroup and Teleother respectively

Player crafted consumable jewelry that anyone can use

A variety of one-use teleport items that anyone can use

Reusable one click teleport items and from quests

Rechargeable jewelry that anyone can use but with certain requirements to recharge

Fairy ring network you need to remember codes for

Flying carpet network, Glider network, charter boats, balloon network

How fast you could move around the world was a decent test of a players progression and knowledge

even worse than cash shop shit, koreans have absolutely no clue how to do good itemisation

Yeah I was because I could be arsed to list everything, but I honestly believe that runescape is one of the best designed MMOs to ever be made

faggot spotted
also, it will have limited fast travel but no instant travel

Neat idea, but there probably is some restrictions. Like people putting in stupidly high rewards for trash requests to hide gold selling or something.

But, it would work if the reward was worked out via some algorithm. Like, I dunno, if Lv.30 drops the item, and a Lv.30 killing the mob gives 100 XP, and the drop rate is 5%, then give 15k XP or something for 10. I dunno.

It could defeat the point of the auction house, though. As people would always rather go via the quest system due to XP and money reward, than price of listing an item and it might not sell.

I remember in Rift (my last favourite MMO) I found an insanely easy place to farm. I made bout 20g every 2 hours or something, just from trash items. If every stack of the shit I got had sold, I would have made 50g+. But it never did. Nobody ever needed that much and I had loads of the stuff. So I just trash vendored it till I got my epic mount.

yeah, however, I am cauticously optimistic for Lost Ark. The boss fights seem neat, players have physicality (standing behind a players placed shield will defend you from breath attacks), there is a Crafting Talent Tree (making people varied), the hidden treasure shit seems neat (I assume they're randomised instances, but who knows) the exploring seems fantastic. The class variety, mini-games and decent graphics are bonuses.

Devillan has already tried this and it's a pay2win nightmare. However, that is largely competitive. Lost Ark seems to be less so, but who knows.

Lineage Eternal didn't come out to the West and I don't think it will.

Kingdom Underfire 2 has an English version, but it isn't available in the West.

>Mount breading

Can I suck your cock user?

It could certainly work but I'm burn out on Korean P2W rollercoaster rides.

>Lineage Eternal
I don't think this had any sort of release. Also from what I understand it's nothing like Lineage 1 which has huge population back there to this day. I mean, what are the devs thinking?

I wouldn't like eso style leveling because it's a bit difficult to respec if you need to

I don't think you could handle it, it's even bigger than my epeen you saw there.

It isn't. It's basically Diablo x Kingdom Underfire 2. Or, more specifically, Devillan x Kingdom Underfire 2. You control a dude, it's an ARPG, but you also control troops, like KU2. It seems pretty fucking neat, but I've not seen anything yet. I thought it was 2016 West, but guess the website I got it from was guessing.

That's also my point. P2W. ArchAge was incredibly pay2win, or more specifically, pay2notbebored. I enjoyed it a lot but my mates who I shared those 300+ plots with and several houses, all left. So I couldn't run the thing myself. We had Kraken on farm too. Plus Pirate King dude.

My hope is, it isn't pay 2 win and it is neat. The Talent Tree for crafting is my biggest draw, plus exploration.

Haven and Hearth.


>has actual support classes and breaks the holy trinity crap

That IS the holy trinity you dumbfucked fuck

I guess they are similar on the general level, I'm not that familiar with Archage but Camelot is supposed to have:
>faction based PvP with cool territory control idea (you actually merge floating islands to the lands belonging to your realm)
>mostly no PvE apart from things like wildlife to hunt
>everything is player crafted
>you create your skills yourself from the components you find
>skills get better as you use them
>no levels, no exp at all, you get rewards from your king daily based on your involvement in realms progress
>holy trinity, non mirrored classes
>every class can use every item

>world building down to each individual block
>no fucking cash shop ever

Sounds like a game that can be easily exploited by bots/RMT.

ok ok chill magen

How so? You don't know specifically what gives the most rewards - the idea is that you just have fun playing and don't worry about it.
I guess crafting could be spoiled by botting but that's always the case.

>>no fucking cash shop ever

I've heard this before, user.

I just want an exact copy of shadowbane and nothing more, nothing less

Those guys give free refunds for founders for like two years now? I don't think they will fuck it up after making such a promise but you never know.

>Mount breading
>No mount frying

Come on man, what good is breading if it ain't fried?

I'm voting for horse amour

Koreans are a jew bunch, I wouldn't get my hopes up too much.


I know. Still, there honestly isn't many MMO's coming out I like the look of.


All I want is for them to remaster GW1, but I know it will never, ever happen.

pre-searing is pre-hate

too bad this game is ded :'(

>RuneScape style quests
>Elder Scrolls style leveling system
>Warframe style combat
>Mount breading

Would you guys say GW1 was better than whatever WoW expansion was out at the time? Be completely honest.

desu never played wow cuz poorfag, but i do know and can say with confidence that both games had amazing gameplay, story and progressions, each unique to itself.
both of them had a huge community and player base enough for you to always find partners to help (bonus credits for gw bots system when you alone).

idk about wow's expansions, but i do know gw expansions counted as a standalone game (sort of beside EotN), and thats an amazing accomplishment and commitment from the dev's side

"excuse me, where is the alasin"

fuck me

at the time only vanilla was out and tbc was on the horizon, so was way more hyped for that

guild wars, as great as it was, had pretty sparse content during that time. i bounced back and forth between games but most of the time was spent on wow