ITT: Characters who had hard lives
Just beat Xillia 2 on True Ending first time through and holy fucking shit, I had to choke back tears. That's just fucking tragic. S-sequel with reunion when?
ITT: Characters who had hard lives
Just beat Xillia 2 on True Ending first time through and holy fucking shit, I had to choke back tears. That's just fucking tragic. S-sequel with reunion when?
Did you see the fucking bad end, user?
Look up the fucking bad end. Or even better, look up how to get it and do it yourself.
>not going for secret ending.
u done fucked up user
Reminder that you couldn't save her.
Reminder that you will never hold her and tell her it will all be okay
Reminder that she is better than real Milla
Reminder that she had a hard life as well
Xillia appreciation thread?
I did. I saved beforehand and opted to just stubbornly refuse to do it. It's fucking grim, holy shit. It was depressing more than sad though, and a bit horrifying. Quite dark for a Tales game I think.
What "Secret" ending? The gag one you get for paying off your debt? At least I think it's a gag one.
Don't remind me. Fractured Milla should've had some form of permanence honestly. It sucks that she was essentially forgotten.
Throughout the game I had a very weird lingering feeling that the X1 cast didn't care much about the X2 characters and mainly saw their struggles as just another sidequest in their story of saving the world. There's evidence in the game to the contrary like the affection meters but I couldn't shake that impression.
Then the handling of Fractured Milla increased that feeling a hundredfold. Though Ludger and Elle were properly anguished the X1 cast outright and openly did not give a shit. I still can't decide if this bizarre atmosphere of the X1 cast merely pretending to care about Ludger was intentional or not or if it was all in my head.
step up your game fampai. secret ending aka cameo ending. characters from previous games go save Elle for u
You know now that you mention it I DID kindof get that feeling. Especially in the Bad Ending where your characters, while understanding, eventually just tell you to fucking get on with it. But.. it WAS called out at one point that Jude doesn't really give a shit about Fractured Milla because the real one he cares about will return.
So I guess when you look at it from the X1 cast's point of view, they went through a lot together and the X2 cast are strangers outside of the clique. Even nice people sometimes find it hard to give genuine fucks about such things especially when self-interest is involved like returning True Milla and saving the world they worked their asses off and sacrificed much to achieve.
It just could've been handled better. More dialogue and scenes to delve into it.
Whoa seriously? I only looked at the thumbnail and now I'm interested. What do you need to do to get it?
im hoping berseria is more in tone to xillia 2 than zestiria, it looks like it could go either or. Zestiria tried to be sad but did a ass job at it but xillia 2 is one of the saddest fucking games, probably up there with nier for me.
hmm i can't remember it. i played jap version. that's was so long ago.
you should google for 'cameo ending' .
A lot, and I mean a lot, of fucking work. You have to beat the entirety of the post-game dungeon which can take a handful of hours. It will be a chore and a half if you are playing the game on anything higher than Moderate. Good luck. Bretty gud fight.
Will do. Thanks! I still have to repeat the final boss to get the Good ending anyway, then it's grind-time.
Intentional or not, I honestly loved the atmosphere the game had for me. Slightly surreal and very unique as far as JRPGs go. Thinking that I know and love this X1 cast but then feeling inexplicably suspicious if they're telling me how they really feel or what their true intentions are.
I wonder if the cast would have been so willing to resort to violent persuasion if opening the path to Canaan/Bad End involved the sacrifice of Jude or Milla (for good) rather than Julius. Probably not. They probably would have left no stone untouched in the pursuit of another way.
I got that feeling too. Very much so when Fractured Millia's human emotions began to sprout on the boat and you could clearly see how terrified she was. She never wanted to die and yet the X1 cast thought it was better for her to do so. They sounded like sociopaths.
I like how the X1 cast treat Ludger like a piece of shit.
>We're going to beat the shit out of you if you don't save a girl that hasn't been born
Nah I usually stick to normal difficulty since I know most games just up the numbers. It should be changed to "Tedium" rather than "Difficulty", honestly.
I only change to higher if I'm doing a replay with 10x EXP or something like X1. You need that to have any sort of enjoyment, otherwise you'll oneshot everything.
I did the Ludger ending my first play through and I thought I made the right choice, until I played through the game again and realized how much of a monster I made Ludger for doing that. He still ends up happy but he gives her up when all she wanted was a place to belong.
Yeah pretty much. You technically deleted Real Elle from being born but it's kinda hard to give a shit about someone that doesn't even exist. There's no telling how Real Elle would've turned out anyway, she could be a bitch. The experiences people pass through make them what they are and give them meaning. Real Elle doesn't have any of that, it's a completely different person, just like Fractured Milla.
That's why murdering them all is the best ending.
He was such a shit character that I felt nothing at all.
Good riddance here as well.
Did someone say suffering thread?
The entire cast counts for this one actually.
Mr Darcy had a pretty hard life
>be torn away from perfect home as a child
>everything you love dangled in front of you
>can't go back cause REPLICAAAAA
>suffer daily
>actively dying a bit more every day
Don't forget
>Your clone kicks the shit out of you and you die so he can take your place, your family and everything you ever knew
He Had a Hard Life: The Game
Part of me would have liked a Symphonia level of choice between the two, like Kratos and Zelos. Asch didn't deserve that level of suffering.
Fuck off, that faggot deserve it. Instead being a faggot, he can just tell everything he know since beginning. But he let his jealousy affect his action and made Luke suffer as hell. In the end he refuse to change and got what he deserved. If only that Natalia bitch also ded along of him.
Most of the game was out of Luke's control. He's a 7 year old with a 17 year old's hormones and he's kept in the dark about everything. Suddenly REPLICA and Asch is taking his anger out on someone who had no control over his situation, except for maybe trusting his teacher way too much.
The final Asch vs Luke fight is Asch coming to terms with them being different people, not just an original and his clone, and accepting Luke for who he is.
Ludger and millia didnt deserve this senpaitachi.
Anyone else get really frustrated by how the cast of X1 acted during X2?
Like goddamn they kept on trying to making it light hearted when there was some serious suffering happening.
Reminder that this user is underage and was banned from /vg/ for revealing so
Near the end of the game, when the party was discussing who should die at the tower, I had to put the game down for a while and really think about it. My initial impression was to protect Luke, but was that just because I had just played 40 hours of JRPG with him at the helm and had grown attached? We all know what ended up happening at the tower, and that Asch was dying anyway, but what if we had been given a real choice there? Would there be any real right answer?
Read up, few posts of us discussing exactly that.
Ramza's story is incredibly good, I agree. It's very poignant.
I like to think the new Luke that emerged in the ending is basically both Luke and Asch in one body. But 2 distinct personalities in harmony and can like.. talk to each other n shit.
Did you read the bonus manga? Asch tried to return but couldn't. Van convinced him to give up and serve him and he couldn't break away.
>with a 17 year old's hormones
I don't think that matters for much given Ion and the other replica's disposition. At the Tower of Rem everyone didn't act like new borns the same way Luke did, I think Luke was just a special retarded case.
Post proof.
Hm, good question. I suppose Asch was the original and he had a right stolen from him and it should be returned but Luke was repentant and picked himself up by his bootstraps. Perhaps too much actually since Asch tells him off for it countless times for becoming TOO selfless.
I suppose there should've been two endings, depending on who won the fight.
>Would there be any real right answer?
Would have made a neat impact at least.
>both Luke and Asch in one body
Apparently the game tells you, not obviously, about what really happened based on research. But personally, I like to think the same.
But doesn't mean he can fuck off with Luke's life. Heck his first word when he finally connected to Luke is an Insult. Also Luke is just honest about the situation around him. If he don't like people then he will say it.
It's been a while but do tell, explain to me what the game says please.
Basically Luke is in Asch's body due to the contamination effect. The most the game outwardly shows is Asch's corpse twitching as Luke disappears.
Luke was honest because he didn't know better. No one would tell him to behave but Duke Fabre.
Alvin also had a pretty hard life
Would you die for her, Sup Forums?
>mfw letting her sacrifice herself
She kept insisting.
Did Alvin tap Leia at all?
I got this vibe from them they would grow into a fuck buddies.
Fuck Alvin. His bullshit made Xillia 1 so exasperating to watch unfold. I had just come from Symphonia and thought that that chase scene in the forest was where I was finally going to have a chance to kill him.
In hindsight I'm kind of glad no such option existed though because it wouldn't have been in Jude's character to do so, but still can't stand that fucker and never used him in battle
This isn't a porn game or VN, people are capable of just being friends.
Any info on what happened with Rowen and the rest during the True Ending and how far into the future it is? I suspect like.. maybe 8 years?
I see, so Asch as a personality/memories etc is gone. It's a pod person basically.
In order to release Lorelai, Luke is clearly the better answer. Despite him losing seventh fonon, it didn't affect his capabilities that much.
Asch was clearly dying and would just be a drag in fighting Van.
Pretty much. Asch was long dead before Luke got back to him after all.
My theory is that Lorelei healed his body and gave him new clothes for some reason in the time between Luke's sacrifice and the reunion.
He penetrated her, alright.
You're a FRESH song
Did he ever escape from debt city?
It's possible but optional and the vast majority of players won't bother. He definitely won't in a typical playthrough.
fuck off carlos
She was a fucking bitch. Glad shes dead.
The party lied to her face, murdered her sister, and destroyed her entire fucking universe and everything she's ever known and loved.
Depends on how much you care about Platinum.
Yeah, this game really got to me
Should have ended her ass too.
There will never be a character that is as fun to play as as LORD GAIUS
I want to engage in loving coitus with her in the missionary position while holding her hands.
Xillia 3 WHEN
Nah, we dont need a xillia 3. That ending was nice and wrapped up. Good buildup and cool final boss moment.
>literally king of the world
>actually does a good job
>cares about his people
Gaius is too based. Also, doesn't he technically win despite being a final boss? He got what he wanted to an extent and Muzet is free to do whatever she wants as long as she's not killing everyone.
>tfw Xillia 2 lets you play as the FINAL BOSSES OF THE FIRST GAME
I couldn't be assed to beat this game
Nah, but i'm pretty sure she'll guilt trip him to treat her to something once in a while.
>mfw if it's for you kicks in
>that pic
SoL/comedy OVA when?
Basically how Rules of Nature felt, without the button mashing
There's already a few. A whole set for Symphonia and Tales of Theater. Tales of Magazine has all the 4koma and bonus comics though.
Never. Ludger got fucked over so damn hard. I'm surprised that the main cast (seemingly) forgave the three assholes for doing what they did.
>The child of a guy who's pretty much Genghis Khan on steroids
>Gets some superplague with a 100% kill rate
>God from parallel universe realizes things will get shitty if this guy's reign ends prematurely, tells him to kill the god of death and it'll fix everything
>God of death would just reincarnate so it wouldn't even be that big of a deal in the long run
>Another god murderdeathkills dad
>Leaves kid to die because fuck you
>Without god-o-death, kid's soul is shit outta luck
>God ruling the universe takes pity and puts kid soul in a cradle and watches over it
>God who murdered dad forms pact with kid's surviving sister to go to war with parallel universe god, so sis can become that world's immortal god-queen, ruling over subjects who are conditioned to never question authority for all eternity
>God who killed dad also steals kid's soul from cradle, slams it into the body of someone from the parallel universe, and raises her to become a child soldier
>God who killed dad then fuses her soul to the God of death (who was brainwashed to kill fucking everything), pretty much assuring she's fucked for all eternity
The worst part is that Virtuous & Layna get off scott free (and Layna even gets that bullshit immortal-god-queen gig), despite their countless horrible horrible crimes. Unless you go Demon Path.
Demon Path is canon. I will not hear any argument to the contrary.
Every end is a bad end for ludger.
Xilllia 1 and 2 are both dogshit and if you get emotionally affected by their shitty stories than you're a fucking autistic retard cunt nigger.
At least I enjoy games user
Xillia 1 a shit though
Basically. I think the cameo ending is the only one where things work out for him. Otherwise, he gets shit on in one way or another.
X2 is worse though.
literally fucking how
At the very least by having a terrible mute self-insert protagonist who's locked into your party and gets all the new shit + DT that breaks the game, and 90% of the cast acting like they don't give a fuck what's going on.
Ludger isn't a mute though
And he's only locked on the first play-through
>and playing modern tales for anything other than the combat
Someday I need to finish abyss and xillia 2, I could not stomach xillia 2 because I felt the compulsive need to complete every side quest and it got tedious.
If I start up abyss again anything new or bad about the 3ds ver?
I think even the character creator of Ludger was a bit miffed that he wouldn't speak. It also falls a bit flat because Ludger clearly reacts and has a character of his own too.
Velvet is in the new Anime for Zestiria
This could have been the best Tales game if it was better optimized. I experienced more slowdown during battles than in X1, I'm pretty sure
He loses his daughters respect in that ending. He might as well just die
What did she mean by this?
I usually strongly dislike mute self insert protagonists but I felt like there was enough character there with Ludger in his reaction and expressions alone to enjoy him and his suffering. Hell, he even has the option for voiced dialogue in NG+.
>playing modern tales for anything other than the combat
>playing a JRPG and ignoring the story