Tfw you haven't bought a single game from steam sale

>tfw you haven't bought a single game from steam sale

I don't even have Steam.


Bought Painkiller Black Edition but that's it, there's nothing else i want or don't already have.

I don't get it.

That's a picture of me but I got some games.

bought la noire complete for 5 bucks.

I bought that one expensive VN a day before the sale. Gonna buy ZTD and nep once it comes out


I'm not buying anything until I finish what I have, sick of this shit.

>spend more time looking up new movies/tv series/books/games instead of finishing what I already have

No more

I only use steam to play TF2 Classic at this point, also beat hazard.

I mostly play old pc games now because I'm not supporting the unholy facebook/itunes hybrid that is steam. I'd buy more pc games if there was another DRM-free option (already buy on GoG but it's pretty much nothing but old games, hence the name).

I'm fucking broke as shit according to my budget forecast. Unless games O really want are below like 5 bucks or I blow my boss so well that he gives me extra hours in the next couple weeks, I'm probably not buying another video game or upgrading my computer for a year or two.

Dude you are looking stylish as hell, would bro with.

Very classy, my friend.

Op is a faggot

illl probably get Grim Dawn. XCOM2 on my wishlist but i'm burnt out on that shit for now, maybe next sale.



>buying video games

>tfw the only game you bought was subnautica for your gf

Fickinf. S playground plaa

Well,seeing as MGS5 still hasn't gone below 70 % I'm not gonna bother anytime soon.

>not pirating whatever and using the saved cash on weed, booze, and food.

Already spent 100 bones on gaming this year. That's my cap.

dude weed lmao

At first I was just going to get a few cheap games which were 50 cents to a dollar.
And then I saw Phantom Brave was available for pre-purchase.
And then I looked through my wishlist for games I put on it from old sales that I never got around to buying.

I had to trim my list down from like $90 worth of games I'll probably never play.

>not pirating your weed by killing a local dealer and taking his stash
They're criminal scum anyways, no one will miss them or care

>not just pirating food

this years sale is fucking shit

most shit is still overpriced.


420 ERRY DAY!!! XD

There's literally endless amounts of good games for free out there. Just off the top of my head are teeworlds, the pc port of Tetris grand master 3, the original la-mulana, warsow, xonotic, battle for wesnoth. There is no reason for someone to claim they have no games to play unless they are in some very unusual circumstances.

considering it was recently dropped to 30 bucks, with the current discount on top, it's pretty close to what you're demanding

more like not pirating your weed by stealing your dealers seeds and growing your own.

tfw put $50 in the wallet and the only things I've bought so far are the 2 expansions for Euro Truck Sim 2

>tfw you aren't PC scum