This is it. I can't fucking believe it
And to think, I was thought neo-Sup Forums was just a bad summer dream brought forth by the leddit faggots
But no, this is reality now, fucking SJWs running amok, shutting down conversations that oppose their point of view then start yelling goobergate when the tide turn back on them
What happened? When did this fucking board about MOTHERFUCKING VIDEOGAMES went so FUCKING WRONG?
Is gamergate a fucking meme brought forth to annoy Sup Forums? It certainly is fucking annoying and I understand perfectly clear how no one would want to involve themselves in this fucking shitstorm, we all just want to play vidya in peace
That's right, we gamers just want to play games, to enjoy them, from fighting game to titty beach simulator to elitist rpg games. Why bother with all of this fucking bullshit about gay-ass ethics?
But the SJWs come and the SJWs take, they will fucking destroy our hobby, our precious fucking escapism method from life's bullshit. All to further their fucking propaganda
That why there exist fucking people like me, we know how to fucking restraint our-fucking-selves and make only small changes, all to save our fucking hobby
You faggots are a blight, a tumor, a fucking cancer that just wouldn't go away, and you're fucking disgusting
This is a retarded rant, I know sure as hell that none could give less a shit and the SJWs will only have more materials to mock me with
But know this, you cancer will fucking die out, your fucking ideology will be forgotten and vidya, vidya will stay a fucking hobby to the end of time
Now fuck off back where you come from