Praising Valve and Actiblizz for successfully preying on the vulnerable

>Praising Valve and Actiblizz for successfully preying on the vulnerable

It is obvious that biggest games today are designed around Pavlovian reflex and skinner box mechanics, the difference from actual gambling being that Casinos are thorough with age verification checks and don't let children with credit cards wander on the premises.

Other urls found in this thread:

keys and lockboxes literally are gambling though. the laws just haven't caught up yet. eventually someone will win a case to set precedent and we'll be free from this cancer

That's a good point your know. These kids and retarded teenagers are being thrown against shit even adults fall prey to. It's a good debate and i would probably vote for putting games with these mechanisms to Adult Only grade.

just cause you can't control your purchase doesn't mean it's bad famalam :^)

but seriously, I couldn't care less, it's fun seeing morons lose their moneys

Good luck trying to convince billionaire companies to cut half of their in-game profits by limiting the microtransactions to adults.

>just cause you can't control your purchase doesn't mean it's bad famalam :^)
not my argument, famalamamdingdong

I don't particularly care in the case of F2P games, but when a game has a box price and STILL has an in-game store for keys to unlock boxes then I have a problem. Uninstalled Killing Floor 2 as soon as I realized thats what the USB drops were


Keyboard crusader detected.

What debate? It's illegal, society has been having laws put in place to protect the vulnerable for decades, it even went to war against organized crime for it. There is no debate, Valve and Actiblizz and tons of mobile companies need to be stamped out of existence, audited and their honchos criminally prosecuted. This also needs to extend to many of the facecam people promoting gambling by "playing" these games on streams and youtube videos.

And considering that I linked video with proof of Valve executive claiming, in official capacity that it's "random chance" and not gambling that makes it illegal for it to be put out there for adults as well. It is illegal to promote gambling while not being completely clear about what it is.

You don't "convince" them. That can only be achieved through outside regulation.

did you mean to say "goobergator"?

In video game world, this is a non existing debate. Which is why they keep getting away with it, there's no spotlight on this. That's what i meant.

Adding to my own argument, it's impossible to convince normies to give up this gambling-lite habit, it's cleverly designed in order to grant temporary pleasure and to steal shekels from goyims like in the vid: Gawker is cancer, kill yourself


Stop embarrassing yourself.

>Gawker is cancer, kill yourself

why would you say that to me?

>It's a polygon article
>no one seems to react to this
What's happening Sup Forums? Why are you getting worse?

>shoehorned narcissus myth with ominous music
He does raise good points but damn if he isn't a pretentious faggot

>article about video games
>get assblasted over where it's published

You are making Sup Forums worse.

Note that the complaint isn't about keys and cases or anything, it's about third party gambling sites, because they can be used to convert the virtual items into real money.

Apparently they're arguing that Valve is responsible for the actions of third party sites because they supposedly 'assist' the sites.
I expect the assistance extends solely to working with the API.

This case will go nowhere because Valve will go "we aren't these sites, we don't gamble, it's against our terms of service to sell the items" and that'll be the end of it.

Because the 'gaming community' is braindead, devoid of pure, comercially untainted forums where their consumer experience is given value and where the actual ethic conflicts present in videogames(not fucking gay representation or satanism) are addressed.

There seem to be no large enough groups of adult, responsible consumers for anything though.

It can lead to more scrutiny and eventually a legislative move that Valve can't dodge. Hopefully.

Remember how EU forced them to give refunds after US gov ignored it?

Yeh, fuck that shit music
>written by SJW
check yourself, faggot
You know what, I was wrong and I fully accept that. Polygon isn't part of Gawker and it's my fault for not doing proper research
It still does not justify the fact that Polygon is just as bad, if not worse than Kotaku

>There seem to be no large enough groups of adult, responsible consumers for anything though.

That is beside the point. What there should be is a large enough group of lawmakers and law enforcement staff to make sure the consumers aren't being exploited, especially when they are minors.

You can't control what you get from stupid subscription boxes like lootcrate, those are also illegal gambling by your logic.

>le SJW meme



holy shit, jinx

>being so incapable of communicating thoughts you have to rely on meme images just to pass as a human being

Embarrassing. Stay cancerous, drones.

>a legislative move that valve can't dodge

If the legislative action is a slap on the wrist (small fine or change to steam) then I imagine they bend knee. If the fine is substantial or valve is required to cede some control of the steam economy, I imagine they just say "well, we don't operate their anymore" like PokerStars did to the US.

>being so incapable of communicating thoughts you have to rely on meme images just to pass as a human being

>le SJW meme

Kill yourself.

Just more proof goobergators have no independent thought and are just hivemind husks, it's sad really.

>not selling videogames in the US
Might as well just remove itself from the industry.

>everyone that hates SJWs is a goobergator

I'm asking you nicely. Please kill yourself.

the faggots are attacking each others!
and you trio of cancer are much better? come on now
stop feeding them, probably is capturing pic for their gamerghazi """"Friends"""""

But they're not even talking about the uncrating system. Nothing Valve is actually doing forms the basis of the complaint.
The complaint is basically a conspiracy theory based on forum posts and vague suggestions of valve 'helping' other sites to say that Valve is secretly running a convoluted real-world gambling system using skins as an intermediary currency.

Nah, just the extra-stupid, believe-he's-a-warrior-in-an-internet-culture-war, made-a-plebbit-account-just-to-fight-for-"ethics" retards like you.

then why aren't drugs legal?

...Where did I even state I'm a gamergator though? One of you faggot literally start shits outta nowhere Is this it? Is this how proud social warriors like you fight? Backed to a corner and then start blaming others?
Making strawman argument, provoking arguments and then starts blaming others when people sniffed out the stink, you are a fucking disgrace
One advice, two words:
Kill yourself

>conspiracy theory

Do you lack basic cognitive skills? All it takes is one encounter with Mannconomy.

learn to read bantz, sempai

Keep sending those emails.

>McLeod says he purchased skins from Valve, gambled them — both as a minor and later as an adult — and lost money.

This has bugged me for quite some time, but I did research and the thing that allows gaming companies to get away with private lotteries the following:

1. Their TOS stating you're not allowed to sell the items.
2. The company not offering a means themselves to convert the items to cash.
3. Claiming all virtual items remain property of the game developers.
4. "Everyones a winner" by dishing out a reward every time.

It's annoying as fuck and I really wish it would either stop, or I want to cash in on this gambling off plebs until it is stopped.

This is it. I can't fucking believe it

And to think, I was thought neo-Sup Forums was just a bad summer dream brought forth by the leddit faggots

But no, this is reality now, fucking SJWs running amok, shutting down conversations that oppose their point of view then start yelling goobergate when the tide turn back on them

What happened? When did this fucking board about MOTHERFUCKING VIDEOGAMES went so FUCKING WRONG?

Is gamergate a fucking meme brought forth to annoy Sup Forums? It certainly is fucking annoying and I understand perfectly clear how no one would want to involve themselves in this fucking shitstorm, we all just want to play vidya in peace

That's right, we gamers just want to play games, to enjoy them, from fighting game to titty beach simulator to elitist rpg games. Why bother with all of this fucking bullshit about gay-ass ethics?

But the SJWs come and the SJWs take, they will fucking destroy our hobby, our precious fucking escapism method from life's bullshit. All to further their fucking propaganda

That why there exist fucking people like me, we know how to fucking restraint our-fucking-selves and make only small changes, all to save our fucking hobby

You faggots are a blight, a tumor, a fucking cancer that just wouldn't go away, and you're fucking disgusting

This is a retarded rant, I know sure as hell that none could give less a shit and the SJWs will only have more materials to mock me with

But know this, you cancer will fucking die out, your fucking ideology will be forgotten and vidya, vidya will stay a fucking hobby to the end of time

Now fuck off back where you come from

not gunna stop, best to either ignore it or join in on the fun
i personally got like 100 hats in Jewsfortress 2 with no way to cash them in, good fun

Reposted to /r/bestofoutrageculture. Thanks for the karma.


Hey mods, can this be moved to /trash/ so anons can just post lewd anime girls instead?

post titties monsters

Do sweaters like that even exist?

take like 1 super long sweater, the tits will fill out and shorten it


Lockboxes work to keep a game running though. Else you need a subscription fee again.

If a game is fun, wouldn't you like it to be free while retards cover the cost of you playing?

And if a game is shit, why play?

just set up a porn dump thread, come and git some titties >691451836


>meme (283)
How much do they pay you?

>Companies shouldn't be allowed to make money
>No it doesn't matter how many failsafes there are and how many times they ask if you're sure about the purchase, they stole from me because I gambled skins
>Companies are greedy devils that worship money but when I want to hoard my money it's okay.
>Muh EU law says I don't have to read ToS's or EULA's
Fuck off, I'm glad stupid people lose money, it's how capitalism works you fucking crybabies, you're just mad you didn't think of it first.

I got this urge to label every pics I stole from 4chin, pretty autistic yea

Not half as autistic as getting mad about women stealing your video games.

You can say that I am, but you can't deny why I even harbour such a thought in the first place

Ask yourself this: would a fat neckbeard be screaming about women if they didn't touch his vidya?

>there are people out there who not only pay for games but also for imaginary paint for imaginary guns

Whoa this argument is beyond retarded. Can you guys chill out a bit? Because you are getting absolutely nowhere.

lol yea man, total fucking dumbasses, yea...


That's why it needs to be trashed. My anime tiddie folder needs some more kilobytes for the coming winter.

>Because you are getting absolutely nowhere.

>there are people out there who not only pay for games
Invalidated yourself right there.
No one is going to take your opinion seriously at all when you pretend to be some super duper rebel.

>Walk into casino
>Welcome to the gaming center sir, would you like to try our free-to-play section?
>No, I want to pay to play
>Are you 21 years old or older?
>You actually aren't
>Does this credit card belong to you?
>It actually doesn't
>Are you addicted to gambling or are prone to such addictions?
>You actually are
>Are you using disposable income to play, i.e. money you don't need to pay for bills, food, etc.?
>You actually aren't
>We don't condone the resale of our prizes, are you planning to sell what you win here?
>You actually are
>Very well then, enjoy your day
>Play games
>Lose a shitload of money

my titties dump thread got deleted man :^(

I've been playing pirated games since I started playing games at the age of 5.

That's a huge bummer, senpai.

real source instead of polygag shit?

also about time. valve cant get away with running online gambling forever

>people go nuts over hats they can't even see while playing

Literally what is the point? I never understood why someone would be so obsessed with hats in a first person game.

have some more cock tease ;^)
i..i looks good in character selection screen, p-plus the noobs i rekt c-can prolly see me being fabulous?

bullshit and you know it, most f2p games are doing fine without having gambling for real-money worth items

cause you can sell them for real money

Alright, which ones would those be?

And we're talking F2P games that offer full free playability, not SWTOR-tier with their "you can't wear any purple-named (high level) gear unless you pay" shit.

That doesn't explain why people want them though. WHy does a person pay money for one?

You normally can't see your own clothes while wearing them, so why fuss over them?

The answer in both cases is, they're for other people to see