What's your opinion on indie gaming?
What's your opinion on indie gaming?
it's ok
there are good indie games and there are bad indie games.
video games are stupid either way though.
I love indie eroge
is that dfw?
I support the indie gaming scene.
Zoe Quinn rawks
It's a broad category.
Some is shit, some is good, most is bland and offers nothing worthy of making note of.
Average indie game is better than average AAA game
Good indie games are way better than good AAA games and bad indie games are way worse than bad AAA games
>Average indie game is better than average AAA game
For new games, most I play anymore out side of some big name titles (like Dark Souls 3) are pretty much all small time indie shit. TONS of good freeware little games out there to download an experience.
That said I fucking hate it how the phrasing "indie" games now often refers to shit like Gone Home and Fez. While I'm not saying they are not indie, they are, but there is such a huge spectrum of shit out there that also falls under indie. Every single thing out there that doesn't have publisher dollars to back it is. There are far more indie games and music out there then not.
The vast majority of them are pretentious fuckwads.
Though there are some humble ones who produce good shit.
I want to rape Nina girl
What'S with this?
I was browsing Sup Forums one day and saw a pic of Markplielepler and he had his hair like that and then I began to see more and more people with coloured hair like those two guys and even a guy at school had it (albeit in different colour).
Was it another faggot movement?
Terraria, Undertale, Rocket League, Deadbolt, Hyperlight Drifter and Hotline Miami are great
>Some is shit, some is good, most is bland and offers nothing worthy of making note of.
Like all of gaming or really all of entertainment media?
You can judge them by their looks 90% of the time.
>does not appear to be a hipster
>also does not appear to a a Chad
>made a great game
There are some exceptions. Cities: Skylines is good, but the main developers were two Swedish women with pink hair.
It's alright
I'd like to make games, I can't make games, therefore my only option is to produce shit on early access
that's indie gaming for you
It's to stand out. To be a special snowflake.
They're all fucking pretentious that's why I just avoid indie like the plague.
I dont want to give those children money.
indie gaming
the future!
oh i know how to measure this
they put more effort into how they look than the game they made
There are a lot of good indie games, but the sheer amount of indie shovelware invalidates that statement.
7 out of 10 my top played games on steam are indie. good indie games are amazing
That was precisely the point, glad you eventually caught on though.
I hate the pretentious clique of hipsters thinking that whatever shit they are doing has any artistic value.
Thus said, "true" independent developers are responsible for some of the best games made in last five years like Underrail.
>Anyone working in the industry less than 20 years
>Enough of an """"""""expert""""""" to give a talk on any subject to do with coding, design, etc.
literally cancer
surprise surprise
The only way you can get away with shoving out a garbage game and living in an expensive city is if you have rich as fuck parents; 90% of "indie devs" are cunts and totally up themselves. If you know them by name they're probably a cunt. Edmund and Lucas Pope excepted
It's a good measurement.
Here's Yacht Club Games. Looks like a bunch of losers, but they aren't dying their hair and getting piercings everywhere.
Made one of the most universally loved indie games ever.
Even if you only work for 1 year, you are entitled to teach new blood something. They can be smart and filter your bullshit, or got kicked out of the competition.
>only 1 woman
>all white
>prolly not even transgender
They are not real indies.
indie games have the biggest potential for innovation and fun
sadly, most people with good game ideas aren't making games and rather shitpost on Sup Forums
fucking love yacht club and Shovel Knight.
Seriously these guys are what's right about indie gaming.
They also found work as third party developers for other games companies and still make time to support Shovel Knight on the side.
This is proper game development
indie devs seem like mostly tired ass people making games after their day jobs. You'll never hear from most of them. So its mostly working people trying to make money on the side, hard to shit on most indies
For some reason people with pink hair, or obvious/ over-simplified opinions get some attention right now.
this is what a REAL indie game developer looks like
bunch of posers
insecure male
indie dev here
don't worry guys I'll save gaming for you
I want my chefs fat and my game developers haggered!
Indie games can be great because they don't have the restrictions AAA companies place on their teams.
>1 woman
>it's an ayysian
i saw this on /r/Sup Forums too
god what an epic thread that was
Have you ever seen Invasiob of the Body Snatchers
what is /r/Sup Forums
>Gone Home
>Lessons on efficiency
What the hell was there to optimize? Or do they mean "optimizing design" in which case I'm going to kill myself.
I love how you dumb shits can't focus on a single interesting topic without derailing with agenda. I think all of the hipster dingleberries look like circus clowns but the indie gaming scene has done a lot to contribute to pushing the industry creatively forward. But please, by all means focus on the elite few jackasses that make it to the tumblr blogs and dismiss everything else.
Depression quest was 8 years ago
Your mom
They just have restrictions placed by SJWs
They also set an example of using Kickstarter correctly, which fucking no one follows.
There were some delays, if I recall, but in the end product still met expectations, and they are continuing to fulfill the DLC goals. Can't even expect an Early Access game on Steam to be finished let alone that.
unless you make one yourself
get started nigger
>Looks like a bunch of losers,
I wanted to post that id Software picture of Romero & co., but I can't find it.
>video games are stupid either way though.
>Im gonna go on a video game forum and complain about video games TEEHEE
why are you surprised, this is all Sup Forums has been doing for years
>Im gonna go on a video game forum and complain about video games TEEHEE
Sup Forums in a nutshell
So what indie devs/teams do you consider good?
Spiderweb Software
Yacht Club Games
Stygian Software
Indie just means game developers that aren't part of AAA studios, I don't see what that has in relation to sjws.
Why does this women look completely different every year?
It's zoe quinn, right?
They really don't though. That is more on the team if they wish to have SJW mandate in their creative process or not.
The truth of the matter is no matter what mandate you use you have to market your game to the proper group when making and funding it
>muh SJW boogeyman
AAA and "ideas guy indie" are two ends of a contemporary spectrum. There are extremely capable companies and extremely capable and motivated.
Its more about the mentality of either the individual or the company as a group, as opposed to its actual size. I want Introversion (early days of Uplink, not now unfortunately) bedroom developers, Pixel, Old Toady One just as much as I want hypothetically great big development studios (which I will not list because >opinions)
Phil fish and Brianna Wu annoy me just about as much as Cliffy B and Schafer and you could argue they all live very apart from one another in terms of position, funding, design philosophy and positions of morality. I literally could not give a SHIT if they make a good game, I will enjoy and buy it.
That has to be your prime motivation, because if you buy into the nonsense that video games are for anything else but personal enjoyment, then you risk a world where games are made devoid of joy, filled with whatever VERY IMPORTANT sentiment you apparently felt was VERY IMPORTANT: Art, morality, social justice or fucking whatever.
Just like enjoy game.
Ice Pick Lodge and Pixel only
They used kickstarter the same way big names did, they proved there was an audience and then got outside funding. Or did you really think they made that AND the DLC on only 300k?
If I can't find a lot of pictures of the devs in social media, that's usually a good sign.
cave story is nice but pixel is kind of dead isn't he? not really working on any proper games anymore
lab zero, not sure if they count as indie
hopoo games
>why are you surprised, this is all Sup Forums has been doing for years
I don't even know any more.
Most indie developers have drank the sjw kool aid.
>Why does this women look completely different every year?
deathly afraid of being seen as her true self
ie a boring sociopath
i think mark did it in honor of his close friend that an-hero'd. mark's a swell dude, but he's kinda simple. he's annoying because what he has to do is self deprecating
he knows it but he's gotta work with his strengths to make a living. he's endearing in a Forest Gump kinda way.
on the topic on indie games, i'd love to make my own game and stand out, but i don't think i'd waste my design talents on video games desu senpai. i'd rather use them for practical use out in the world.
since entertainment media panders to brain-dead retards, i don't think i could sleep at night if all my life's accomplishments amount to Sup Forums shitposting.
Posting my exception here. Don't both have pink hair, but the one on the left makes up for it.
It did make me lean back in my chair and go "Hmm..." to be quite honest lads, but they ended up making a good game free of any controversial feminist faggy shit.
Oh, and I fucking love that Sup Forums has had some really talented people here make their own stuff. Valhalla is fucking great and to see and hear it being worked on passionately by people who are probably going to end up in a mass grave is just gravy, but the main point is that the game is good. I wouldn't play a shit Sup Forums game just because someone from Sup Forums made it.
>Spiderweb Software
my nigga
Jeff is getting old though, I wonder how many more games he has in him
Indies should be leading the way for great games without the restraint of answering to big publishers or quotas to investors.
Instead we often get indie's answering to the restraint and quotas of social justice.
I know that doesn't describe every independent dev out there, but it feels like there is a weird stilt towards aiming towards that direction for brownie points from a community that can help push your game on these news sites
Goddamn it. I still miss Satoru.
Not every indie dev is zoe quinn.
Well maybe you should name a few if it's "most".
How many devs/indie games that you can name off the top of your head that's sjw?
At least get some actual programmers.
>You're not in an open relationship? Ugh
Just like AAA gaming, there's good and bad. However, at least these Frisco hipsters know to not price their walking sims and interactive experiences like AAA games
I kinda want to try making videogames, indie scene looks cool tbqh and I've been programming my whole life.
But is it absolutely required to do crazy shit with your hair? Don't really want to mess with my haircut.
I bet he can show me the quickest way to that ganja ganja
You can't make good games, if you are not a "gamer"
>dying hair pink to stand out
>everyone does it to stand out
I am confused.
>indie devs espouse an ideology that inhibits freedom of speech and expression with their art form
no wonder they're all creatively bankrupt clowns
You have to understand that ironic shitposting attracts morons who will take what you say for granted.
Video games are for children, so don't be surprised when you are surrounded by children. When this is the case, it's up to you to educate them instead of making them even dumber.
A child sees what you just implied -- "independent game development = SJW insanity" and that kid takes it for granted. He does not think, he just wants to fit in with the Sup Forums crowd. So what you just did is you've created a shitposter that will perpetuate the joke without knowing it's a joke. Next thing you know, independent game development is seen as synonymous with the incestual american SJW clique.
You can't just get together with some friends and create a game. If RPS reviews it positively, these dipshit kids will automatically hate you without even playing it because "those SJWs like it".
Just think before you post.
I like Hitbox, it'd be cool if they were actually doing something. SPIRE NEVER
The games could be fun if the "developers" would get their heads out of their asses. But, as they all seem to think they're all-important, that'll never happen.
So the only good "indie" games will come from Japan, where they treat their business AS a business and not as an entitlement.
not you or ur mum :^)
It really doesn't bode well for you that even though you claim to have some programming background you are incapable of applying basic logic to your own easily-answered question.
Of course its required, its like Nazis putting triangles on interred jews to classify their priority for the gas chamber
It's a perfect example of horseshoe theory.
The AAA games are mandated by the corporations while the Indie games are mandated by the loudest complainers.
Ironically enough, Indie games are made and catered to people who don't even like video games.
I think that's far more applicable for video game writers. You need to actually PLAY video games to understand how they flow and work structurally. It's why so many failed writers from other non-interactive medium suck at their jobs and why most coming from tabletop roleplaying are good at it.
Nina is the only one that can pass as a woman
>you will never code your game well enough to have the privilege to stand beside industry legends like Chris Avellone
>when you get in an heated argument with your barber
I hope they all fail, starve and die.