This game is dirt cheap right now while also being one of the best LOTR-related pieces of media in existence

This game is dirt cheap right now while also being one of the best LOTR-related pieces of media in existence.

Just a heads up from your friendly user.

Other urls found in this thread:

The Nemesis system was everything I asked for wen the game was announced. I love this game.

>some random Uruk kills you because you fucked up
>meh, that sucks
>fast forward to 4 hours later
>the same Uruk that killed you is now a captain because he killed you


> one of the best LOTR-related pieces of media in existence.

wewe ladle

now go and post a full video of you beating the game solely by mashing dodge

go on, I'll wait

It's also ridiculously easy and repetative and boring. I haven't seen the Nemesis system in action because its too fucking hard to die.

I dont really have problem dodging makes you untouchable

but from what I've seen from this webm, the guy has x22 combo going, I am assuming its like in BamHam games

He screws up on that one big orc yet x22 is still there

I had fun for around 10 hours before I got tired.
One orc chieftain I had to kill was unkillable too. (I could only damage him with arrows, but his health regen was too much for my DPS and arrow refilling)

>fast forward to 4 hours later

That happened immediately when a nameless mook killed me.
>he says a line
>zoom into his eyeball and watch him get promoted

Guess I just always had vacant positions.

But you don't have to die for a Nemesis to appear.
>Cut an Uruk's head off
>He reappears later with his head sewed back on

that's not fair, you're forced to use the other buttons when you face the QTE final boss

>$12.49 for a single game
Do I look like I'm made of money?

Make a thread when it's $5.

You can upgrade an ability that lets you screw up I think twice per combo

>being one of the best LOTR-related pieces of media in existence.

Fuck off with your lore-raping Assassin's Creed rip-off.

came here to post this as well.

£7.50 is not "dirt cheap" at all, especially when it doesn't even include the dlc.

getting thrown backwards by the shieldfags does no damage and doesn't interrupt your invincibility so it doesn't break chains

you can see him get thrown back twice in the webm too

I want somebody to post the canon pasta.

Also, his son owns the IP, it's canon. He greenlighted it.

Cry more, fag.

nemesis system kind of sucks ass if you don't die it ends up with you snowballing and just killing everyone with a bunch of weak ass busta orcs trying to stand up to you

it says a lot when branding is super OP but you never need to use it because you can just 1v4 with little problem

it's also average as fuck and grossly overrated

The protagonist:

Men cannot be resurrected in this mythology without God's direct design and intervention.

Houseless elves are not wraiths.

Houseless elves cannot resurrect men and grant them magical abilities.

The magic displayed by the protagonist is not in tune with Tolkien's use of magic.

The history:

Northwest Mordor was a 'blasted hellscape' for thousands of years prior to this game taking place.

The watch on Gondor was abandoned ~1600 years prior to when this game has it.

Gollum did not arrive in Mordor until between 3009-3017. To have his presence in the game, it has to last long past its start date of 2942.

Themes, tone, & imagery:

This game is one that celebrates violence and attaining power. While violence plays a big role in The Lord of the Rings, it is stressed as a necessity, and something which ought to be avoided if possible. Attaining power is the exact opposite of what the book is about!

This game also is about dominating others, and the developers have stated that this is a key trait of power in Tolkien's mythos. In fact, it is not. Domination is a trait of evil, and there are many forms of power which do not rely upon it.

The imagery and designs take more influence from Jackson's films than Tolkien's stories (more of a high medieval ages + modern fantasy, versus early medieval era with Tolkien's own unique flavor of fantasy)

And all that ignores the fan-fiction elements such as many of their creature designs and what they're doing with Celebrimbor post-death.

> it's canon
Except none of the LOTR games or movies are canon, nice try though.

I enjoyed it as well until endgame when enemies were immune to everything except 1 particular skill.

Most fun I had in this game was growing Orcs into captains just to get better runes or whatever it was, of course the runes are overkill but it was a good 20 hours wasted I guess.

it would've been good if it had Dark Souls level difficulty.
the jumping and mobility in that game is way too overpowered.
game would've made more sense, been more fun and more challenging if they had 200% more ranged enemies and if the orcs utilized siege weapons or simple formations. even the braindead fuckheads in LOTR were able to use formations.
also the nemesis system wasn't enough, they should've had unique assassin-type enemies that are immune to your bullshit, so you have to fight them 1v1, if you engage them with orcs on you you'll most likely die, as opposed to just marching into any camp and dominating and coming out a live.

>dark souls

If you think you can't be ridiculously OP in Dark Souls you clearly haven't played it enough

>Arrow mission where you defend hut from enemies attacking from surrounding hills
>see enemy, pull out bow, meter IMMEDIATELY starts draining
>shoot one guy then s l o w l y m o v e t o n e x t
>meter runs out and you can't shoot bow anymore, get shot to death and watch a video of the guy who killed you gloating

This game is too hard. They didn't explain how to do anything and the mechanics are too needlessly complecated to figure out

No he doesn't and no he didn't you dumb millenial cock gobble.

>ridiculously OP in Dark Souls
Why would you want that in a RPG? You're supposed to role play.

Game was ok but my god these absolutely awkward pre-release press events.

>Our game is incredibly hard, luckily we have Tom here who is one of our devs and with just about 5k hours under his belt he is barely able to keep up

the point was Shadows of Mordor is too easy. it needs to be more difficult like a difficult game, name any thing you want, jesus....

>WB/Assassins Creed esque sandbox games

>game gets released
>literally even easier Baham combat

It's more like the Arkham series than Ass Creed

The combat sure, but the open world design is AC's.

Why the fuck haven't the used the nemesis system for anything else?

SoM was decent but was absolutely nothing but an ork slaughtering simulator, the nemesis system could give more depth to actual games

I don't get why you guys cream yourself over the nemesis system. It wasn't actually really complex or anything. If an orc beats you they become a boss with boss-attack animations. Like how is this shit even revolutionary? Especially if you are a player who breezes through the piss-easy combat system where you are almost never going to die.

I have the game but missing all the DLC. Can get it for $11.

Should I do it?

>Mfw literally didn't die once
>Never let an Urik level up

Not dying really ruins the Nemisis system

I die all the time. Is it easier if you played the batman games?

It's Batman but by people who missed like every single thing that makes Batman's combat at least passable. In Shadow of Mordor you can cancel out of your attack animations with counters meaning there's no commitment, whiffing counters doesn't even break your combo chain, you're 100% invincible for the entirety of those dodges even from ranged enemies, and the game also auto-targets the nearest enemy on all commands which is why he's able to do that infinitely without accidentally doing an empty jump.

Batman isn't exactly complicated either, so it's baffling how another game directly ripping it off could fuck it up so bad.

his power level is accurate

well I played Batman games on hardcore mode where it doesn't show you the counter-prompts so you have to press the counter button purely based on feel and how close the stike is to your character.

When I got into Shadow of Mordor I felt like I was playing Baham for babies.

>This game is dirt cheap right now while also being one of the most lore raping LOTR-related pieces of media in existence.


I am convinced that Shitshow of Mordor was only given such high scores by reviewers purely because they wanted to be subversive (before release no one cared about it).

There's no other explanation for how a steaming pile of mindless button mashing mediocrity could be rated so highly.


*tips wizard hat*

why would i play a shit game that also is completely irrelevant in terms of lore

thats just wasting precious time

>one of the best LOTR-related pieces of media in existence
BFME3 when?

How is this game lore raping at all? I thought the devs were supposedly real careful about that kinda thing and brought in a load of Tolkien experts to make sure it wasn't completely bullshit

>cut off someones head
>he comes back immune to all of your powers
okay. this sure is an amazing system, sure helps with the fact that the whole game is boring rubbish

Pirated it years ago

it's neither

it has a shittier form of Bam Ham combat with less gadgets, copypasted unlocks and less enemy variety

It has climbing more similar to AssCreed, but what you climb is rubble that doesn't qualify as a town, forget rooftop climbing because at best you'll climb some shitty ork square building connected via ruined walls, everything is barren in SoM

nah they just watched the extended edition of the original trilogy back to back, a bit of wikipedia on the side,and rolled with it

its tonally at odds with LOTR, just your average teenage muh revenge muh bitter past that tolkien would never have even considered to write

But a change in tone isn't lore-raping, it's just a different writer.

You literally fight Sauron. With a sword. Without a ring of power. And you win.

>physical form sauron is a big deal

>Celebrimbor is your shade-buddy and the ring gives super powers
>ignore that the ring's magic is more intangible and only makes you invisible and that Sauron killed Celebrimbor in his home and had his carcass strung up as banner for his orcs as they rampaged across the west

He did write it, sort of, with the children of Hurin.
Then again, children of Hurin was hilarious in how fast everything goes to shit because of it.
So too the Silmarillion in a way with Feanor dying like a bitch after his little fit in Valinor and betraying his kin.

>Meter runs out and you can't use bow
but that's wrong
if you payed any attention, you'd notice your arrows are the bars under the meter, which is just slowed time.

if you don't want to get "spoiled" don't watch this but this is basically one of the reasons people rolled their eyes at the claims of anyone who thought this game was accurate to LotR lore

yes they're fun

also more orcfus

i fucking love this game, the nemesis system is one of my favorite things to come out of this gen

i was really hoping they'd reveal Shadow of Mordor 2 at E3


For anyone short of another Maia, or elvenking of old, it is.
He killed someone just by touching them and that someone was Gil-Galad.
Not to mention Sauron isn't meant to be fought, he knows he's a little bitch to the big boys so he has his servants do it for him while he pulls the strings. But a mere Gondorian ranger is not one of the big boys

its the same reason why i couldnt enjoy batman

the combat is so so shallow and easy

its silly

>green skin

Shut the fuck up Feanor.

Literally the only good thing about this game is the Nemesis system.

Not even a Tolkienfag who has read every book, but the Whedon'esque writing in this game made me want to hang myself. The worldmap is also fucking shit. And the climbing and combat is just AssCreed and BamHam.

Only play Shadow of Mordor if you're a casual LOTR fan. If you're a huge fan of the books or simply not a LOTR fan at all there is nothing to see here outside a neat system deserving a better game. It's competent, nothing more.

>while also being one of the best LOTR-related pieces of media in existence
You never read books don't you

>this could have been set in Arnor
>you could have been an actual wraith in service of the enemy, laying the kingdom low alongside orcs
>final boss would have been Tom who just banishes your ass after you try to sacrifice some midgets

Kek, it's not canon you idiots, they basically ran to Christopher Tolkien begging him to make the game officially canon, he said no

This is also the best Assassin's Creed game. The combat works well enough, the magic bullshit is more believable because of the fantasy setting, and the world isn't a pain to traverse. In most of these games, you climb a tower and that gives you a fast travel point. In this one, you climb a tower and get a fast travel point, but you say to yourself, 'Nah, I'll just run because it's fun'

This game is LITERALLY the epitome of casual trash. The fucking game plays itself.

>batman combat
Its literally one of the WORST lotr games, and you have objectively shit taste.

There's also something that directly contradicts Tolkien writings of how spirits can only be a set time lingering after death, yet Celebrimbor stayed for millennia

LotR power-ranking

1. Battle of Middle Earth 2
2. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (PC)
3. Battle of Middle Earth
999. LotR Online
9999. A turd
99999. Shadow of Mordor

Sauron was in spirit-form for quite a while.

Sauron is one of the Ainu, a spirit creature to begin with.

Cursed ones/Sauron/Morgoth are special exceptions, yet Celebrimbor stayed out of his free will (or else he would have been controlled/cursed by Sauron which didn't happen)

lol he said that a turd was ranked at a thousand even though a turd isn't a LOTR video game at all! But then he said Shadows was ranked at 100k down! Get it? That means even an unrelated bit of feces is better than Shadows! What a cutting and clever criticism of the game!

was really disappointed there was no SoM2 in e3

Yeah, weird, specially since the whole leak fiasco

>that obnoxious faggot
He truly is one and only.

You pull out the bow, the slow time starts running. As soon as the meter runs out, you put the bow away. Arrows don't do any good if you can't fire them, user

Bam Ham has a hard mode where they turn attack markers off and more

This game is shit. Very repeditive.

Kek, what an idiot
>Get bow upgrades
>Get health back from kills+Bullet time back from headshots+Arrows back from kills

Why wasn't ghost dad's chinese ghost army in the books? He really would've helped.

Tomb Raider worht it at 35%?
will it go cheaper?

Loved the 2013 one btw


it was a great adventure game

> game

oh come on! It had plenty of gameplay. maybe it wasn't like the older games in thes series but it sure had gameplay.

the generic cover shootan technically counts as gameplay but everything else might have been a movie

There are also super mario slip n slide sections, kek

climbing, platforming and shooting was all gameplay

>climbing, platforming
> actually implying such silly thing

The climbing and platforming practically played itself

It will never be. The age of cheap games is over.

Not even trying to hide the shilling
"Just a heads up from your friendly user"
Scratch that,you are trying to make it obvious

Not even close to the best LOTR game. kys my man OP.

>Dirt cheap

I got Arkham Asylum and City for $3, and that's about what this is worth.

I honestly JUST bought this game last week and it's fucking HORRIBLE.

The combat is fucking terrible, literally among the worst of any game I have ever played. The story sucks shit, I don't give a fuck about this generic as fuck character.

I know these threads pop up all the time and there are always people shitting on the game from the start, but this game is sincerely fucking horrible and should be avoided by everyone.