The future is here!

IVY Gaming 17P: First Notebook with GeForce GTX 1080m For $2500

How come nobody is talking about the future of gaming pc?

in b4 its the M version. i know but you still cant beat this quality at the moment for that price.

Also VR ready !

Because You can't build at setup with a non m GTX 1080, and a good CPU for the same price if not less?

But OP There's gotta be a catch, right? This seems too good to be true...

How would I, a regular schmuck, benefit most from a portable gaming laptop?

It's a laptop you fucking mongoloid. That shit is going to overheat within seconds, and the build quality is most likely abysmal, not to mention the horrible chiclet keyboard.

Fuck you.

But faggot, AlienWare has always delivered the most amazing product quality at very affordable prices. And nigger, the ergonomic designs ensure hours of countless gaming are had with utmost comfort. You would have to be from reddit to not pick one up now, it's gaming of the future, TODAY

>gaming laptop
Might as well flush your money down the toilet.

This shit gonna roast ur nutz if you put it on your lap

>spending $2500 on a laptop when you could build a desktop with superior performance that won't melt for less than $2000

By the time you've finished reading this post, your fancy gaming laptop will have overheated, and your knees will have third degree burns. Enjoy.

>For only $2500 you can have a miniature sun
that's fucking neat

Anonymous, The new AlienWare laptops introduce a new hybrid cooling-pad/thermal paste standard for Dual Cooling action, which can withstand temperatures of over 120degrees celsius for extended periods of time. Game on!

>spending more than $500 on a gaming machine
I hope none of you actually do this

oh boy


> First Notebook...

Gaming laptops burn through their graphics cards so fast it's ridiculous. Most of them don't even last 3 years.

Unless you're a rich person who has to do a lot of travel and also likes to occasionally play a game there's no point. You'd probably also need a mobile tethering solution to support that.

>You can smelt iron inside your $2500 laptop
What a time to be alive.


There are gaming laptops with desktop tier hardware, but they require you living on the North Pole and wearing noise cancelling headphones

I hate op because he is a faggot


Its summer too to top it off. Fucking Sup Forums, never change.

>free 3rd degree burns on your thighs for $2500

The best laptop gpus run like low end cards, gaming laptops are shit.

>gaming laptop
at least they do the job of sterilizing retards

from my experience of buying various gaming laptops for the past 4 years, the only brands I recommend is asus and razer. msi is okay to tending to be shit, predator is shit sandwich.

>gaming laptop
>2500 american dollarydoos

+ $0.25
+ $0.25
+ $0.25

Is $799-$999 the sweet price point for laptops?

At that point really just buy a scorpio and a browsing tablet.

That is simply not true, it's a stupid purchase because of the price, but it probably performs just fine, I have an older gaming laptop that plays most current titles at mid-high settings with perfectly fine performance, and it has never overheated on me, and I have never had any serious problems with it at all, the "laptops can't play games" meme is long dead, I will always prefer my desktop for obvious reasons, but a laptop can work just fine.

fucking kek

I will never fall for the gaming notebook meme again, it's fucking cancer.

That's why I said desktop tier, they really are desktop grade hardware, like proper GPUs and Skylake CPU. The problem is that half of them thermal throttle and those that don't can be heard miles away when coolers try their best to keep the temperatures below 100 degrees. Not to mention they cost 2-4 times as much as hardware in them

Laptops for gaming HA!

>GTX 1080
>can only ever play in 1080p

>GTX 1080m
>runs like a GT 640

well, you are paying for the built in hd monitor and the form factor.

>not just taking that $2500 and having the best of both worlds by spending $2000 on a monster PC and $500 for a well-built, small laptop

>built-in monitor

Today we have literal monitors built in fucking watches, how is it a premium feature?

Really just the first fucking part. I mean jesus christ, over 2 grand on a laptop? You could make such a beastly future proof PC for that kind of money, it's insane, and I get the desire to want a mobile platform to game on I guess, but not a $2500 want, I mean jesus you can get a decent laptop that can game half decently for less then a grand.

How come they haven't introduced BYO laptops yet?

Being able to assemble your own laptop just like building a desktop is a must in 2016 and beyond