I'm about 6 hours in

I'm about 6 hours in.
Extremely confused with the plot.
Should I continue?

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It gets no clearer but its a great game , keep sailing

Nothing makes sense in this game.
It's like a tech demo of lolis and shotas.

I hope you got the PS3 version

It is such a mess of a game. Combat is nice, music is great, but holy fuck even with the PS3 version is vague as fuck.

Love the game but that fucking ending.

Finish it. The gameplay is fun, isn't it? The dungeons aren't anything amazing but solid. Skip all the Chopin parts, they are boring as fuck and add nothing to the story.

What's with those real life photographs popping up every once in a while?
Like serious, what the fuck is wrong with this game?

Finish the game since it's pretty decent.

The plot is extremely simple. Chopin is dreaming a fantasy world in his deathbed, this is the setting and it doesn't fucking matter for 99% of the game. The story taking place inside this dream is a generic evil count/prince/whatever story that goes nowhere, you expect there to be some twist but there never is. The prince or whatever is just evil and wants to take over the world and the flower girl and company fight against him.

>get lost in maze puzzle dungeon
>no healing items
>everyone low on hp
Not a fan of the combat suddenly changing though. Either it should be lv 4 like from the start or keep it as lv1 for the tutorial zone, and then stick to another the rest of the game.

Alright so it's about a pedo dreaming about 14 year old girls and 8 year old boys on his deathbed?
I'm not wrong, right?

Polka is actually his sister Emilia or something
He's dreaming of having a nice adventure with his little sister before passing out.
Plot still doesn't make any sense, it even gets worse at some places

>it even gets worse at some places
I haven't finished but I have the loosest idea of the plot. It's basically Wizard of Oz JRPG edition except they know Oz is a dick from the start. Am I wrong?

Plot is pretty straightfoward for the most part
There's an evil guy, you go to kill him. Nature is good, technology is evil.
And every once in a while there's a scene that's completly bonkers.

It sounds like you just described FFX but I get your point.

I'll have to finish some day but now that the combat has turned off casual mode I have less incentive to keep going.

Something something purgatory.
something something existence???

I completed it only because of the god tier music. The ending was worth playing through everything.
When you unlock all the battle options the game turns into a cakewalk though

I hated every battle that had moving shadows.

>god tier music
Maybe it's because I've played so many Tales games that I don't remember it being anything spectacular. It never really struck me as music I had to listen to the OST for.

FF Advance: Electric Boogaloo

How's the multiplayer for that game?

>Chopin music
>Not god tier

I truly believe Sakuraba doesn't care about Tales and just phone it in.

I vaguely remember playing it and loving the music of the game. The rest was pretty mediocre though.

Enjoy the longest death scene in vidya ever

It's one of those rare games where you are the little girl.

Chopin dies at the end
Minute Waltz is best Chopin song
Nocturne is ok, Fantasie Impromptu is Moonlight Sonata

Got me from the front page you fucker

>Chopin dies at the end
About as much as a spoiler as explaining what happens in dynasty warriors.

I never finished it.
The writing is just embarrassing, even for a JRPG.

>Chopin dies at the end
I thought he was already mostly dead from the start?

I enjoyed it a hell of a lot more when I was 16 and played it. Thankfully the game is fucking beautiful and the music is amazing.

>Credits roll
>Characters just start talking about god knows the fuck what

What were they even thinking? This whole game is weird as hell.

>Credit tell you to stop playing video games and do something with your life
Fuck you too Allegreto

What kind of stuff would you do to Beat

>Hallucinations of a dying man
No shit it would be fucked up.

I played this years ago, and I'm only just now realizing that I had no idea what the fuck was going on most of the time. I just know I liked the soundtrack and the battle system was interesting.

>The soundtrack is literally Chopin pieces
I'm fucking having PTSD flashbacks to my music exams fuck this game

prepare for the longest cutscenes ever holy shit they are so many and the plot is everywhere, i decided to stop watching cutscenes and all the sudden i am in a snow area and my game bugged at a bar where a cutscene was suppose to happen to advance the plot. so i dropped this game.

(User tried too hard in this post.)

What school?

Yeah I get that, but I remember this one long ass death scene of some pink haired chick that was beyond melodramatic. Went on for what felt like 15 minutes.

I expect melodrama in JRPGs, but that scene was just masturbatory.

You'll never manage to make sense of the game, but the music is pretty good at least.

>What school?
Trinity Guildhall. Fucking christ.

Oh my. I understand your pain all too well it scares me.

I liked this game. I also like Chopin.
Aya Hirano voices Polka if you play it in Japanese, which i've never done. So yeah OP what the fuck don't be a quitter.

I enjoyed it but for the life of me I can't remember how it ends after you beat the final boss Chopin

Chopin plays Fantasie Impromptu