What is a video game that has gross flesh stuff like pic related?

What is a video game that has gross flesh stuff like pic related?

dead space.

The Thing, it's PS2 era and kills off Childs for some reason but it's not bad

umm all of them?


LISA the painful

>set in Japan
>set in 2020
>Japan is hosting the Olympics and Tetsuo destroys a stadium

>Real World
>Hosting the Olympics

What's gonna happen? If they don't have somebody cosplay as Tetsuo and destroy some stuff in the Opening Ceremony, they've let a big opportunity slip.

>What's gonna happen?
Third Strike

Prototype is the game you're looking for

don't bother with the sequel

King of Fighters 2002

does this count ?

The dark matter enemies in Dark Souls III like the first boss are very Tetsuo like.

Scott Pilgrim

SOMA has a lot of pretty gross sci-fi body horror.

Most Resident Evil Games, Evil Within.

First thing that came to mind for me too.

Saya no Uta, though you could argue if it's not a game.

>Tetsuo and Kaneda's VAs doing the Kusanagi and K9999 intro.

Prototype is way more metallic and the Darkness'ish than the fleshy stuff in Akira

Prototype? Its not so gross, but sounds like to closer thing to the pic.


LISA the painful RPG

>Scott pilgrim has a goofy reference to a out-of-of-control mutated teenager that crushes his girlfriend inside his own mass

Orphan of Kos has a placenta that he swings around at you


I mean, just pick one.

System shock 2

LISA The Painful
Soul Sacrifice

Prey had those fleshy butthole portals.

What does Street Fighter have anything to do with this?


Parasite Eve.



The Suffering? Only The Creeper though, and maybe The Arsonist, minus the fires.


>gross flesh stuff

American education everyone

planescape torment

doom 3

It's been said a bunch of times, but LISA. Joy Mutants are creepy as hell


CANADA is all I ever heard.

henry always fucking gets me man

Resident 5 and 6 but don't bother.

if you are autistic enough to chore through mindless grinding for 10 hours to get anywhere
fuck this indie trash game

i'm sure i've seen this Akira shit in Scott Pilgrim

the Todd Ingram fight, right?


The whole final act of the movie scared me when I was a kid.

The creepy scene with the ghost teddy bear too.

didn't I see you in that undertale thread before?

What? There aren't even any places to grind, except maybe the wrestling ring in the third area. Did you even play the game?

>mindless grinding for 10 hours


You know, I just don't feel like you're really committing to this.

>loving lisa and undertale
i spotted the underage
dont you have a tumblr post to make?


do you think Cronenberg could have made a good Akira movie

>yfw you realize that half the dungeon is her

the entire game is like just over 10 hours long, how are managing to fuck up that hard?

Rei had a hard life.

Literal nightmares when it came out, I was still a teenager at the time and I've always been bad with horror shit.


10 hours? My average run time is about over 6-7 hours, and my pain mode run was just over 4 and a half.

Pretty much every Resident Evil game.

God DAMN, I love that game. Shame it never came out on PC... Looks like I've gotta keep my PS3 alive forever.

what game

Prey. Resident Evil. Dead Space.

breath of fire 4


Breath of Fire 4
American McGee's Alice
Eldritch Moon, but MtG is more /tg/ than Sup Forums

All these replies and no one has said Parasite Eve. For shame Sup Forums



Man what would happen if this came out today

>you never get to kick Yuna's shit it

>yfw you realize that the entire dungeon is him

Its third impact you uncultured swine