>they told me it was a bad game
>its actually fucking amazing
They told me it was a bad game
Other urls found in this thread:
For me all the content is good once, ok twice, then the grind starts. Even PvP is part of the grind.
It's shit
And paying the price of another game for a few more missions is not gonna make it worth it
Yea they got me twice, I regret it. I should play it to try and justify that.
>its actually fucking amazing
I think you just have a poor taste in video games user.
After all the dlc it is an hardly acceptable game. but that is after almost 200$.
Spend and hour online trying to find a raid group (because fuck you why put that in game) then you get hallway through the raid and some fuck just leaves making the raid nearly impossible to beat. Then you spend an hour while everyone runs online to find another person. or you are sstuck with a halfway checkpoint nobody will ever join you in completing.
Destiny is shit i regret all the time and hope i spent on it.
Bungie is dead to me.
I got this for $9 at a pawn shop,
was no disappointed for that price point
Also tomb raider for the same price
Its good until you hit the grind
Then its balls
but pvp is actually fun, unless you are trash you won't enjoy it
>Around 10 extra new pvp maps
>a raid with probably some of the better challenges on console experience to date
>an actual story
>Many new armors and guns with new classes
Try again piratefag
I just feel sorry for you.
What the hell are the new classes going to be at this point? Each class has a solar,purple, and shock tree now.
>unless you are trash you won't enjoy it
we agree 100% there
I'd prefer grind as opposed to linear one and done campaign
Sorry most people on Sup Forums play mostly casual single players and are much less competitive from what I've seen and read pretty much any type of competitive game thread gets shot down cause these 30 year olds cant keep up.
Undeniably, Pvp in Destiny takes skill and is very fun and rewarding I got 800 hours out of it. Fun times, I feel even worse for you /disabled/
They can easily add more elements as they like for destiny 2, we will probably see it later this winter at PSX
Bought it for PS3 and the day it arrives in the mail, i get told support is getting cut off. GeeEfGee
anyone remember that 10 year plan?
To keep the franchise going, but not on a single console lmao you think they are gonna limit what they can do?
Good for them breaking off 90% of the player base has moved on to next-gen.
You should re-read your first sentence, shillfriend
>single console
It's previous gen user. It was created for those consoles in the first place, support should stay.
Ohh, good on them for giving you guys a bandaid expac to even bring the damn thing up to date. Fucking lel
The problem isn't that the content is bad (though the vanilla story is complete garbage), its that you burn through everything within a couple weeks and then have nothing new for months. Grind is expected in MMOs but good god, at least games like WoW have a steadyish drip of new content throughout an expansion's life so you're not still grinding a launch raid when the next one is getting ready to drop.
Bungie advertised ten years of nonstop spess adventure and is failing to deliver. It seems like they don't even want it to be a spess adventure anymore, seeing as the next expansion is some shit about mutants on earth.
I would say its easier to make more content for wow than destiny tho. Destiny has high production values and polish in terms of graphics and mechanics/gameplay. So thigs are a bit harder to design here.
Wow is dated they can throw anything in there now for people to beat down.
Ive spent $90 and i have all of the dlc. Try again PCuck
Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says
When it was first released it was pretty bland and there was like no content, the dlc and patches improved it considerably and its actually a full game now. I found the gameplay and boss fights to be good, but the way they went about releasing it and the fact that it doesnt take the full plunge into being an actually rpg kind of pisses me off. The story is also pretty gay
>Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says
I always hear this on Sup Forums, so should I NOT do the opposite? Or is that still doing it..
>it was created for those consoles in the first place
KEK. Thinking being nice and extending the life of the previous gen = being made FOR the previous gen. You are clearly retarded. Im glad that they are getting rid of you last gen fags. How do you even play with only 10% of the player base available? Crucible must be laggy as fuck, and PvP is like half the game, the better half.
>TFW genuinely loved Destiny minus bosses being HP sponges
>Get to the endgame content
>Match making is turned off, impossible to actually get a group going
I'd still be playing if they'd just turn match making on
>No man its easy, just find 7 grown men with full time jobs and responsibilities and somehow get them to all be home and available at the exact same time regularly
>The story is also pretty gay
Only if you saw just the ingame story, if you read the grimoire the whole thing suddenly makes sense and its awesome.
>I thought I liked a game
>turns out I have shit taste
Anyone with a brain drops Destiny within a month cause there's fucking nothing to do. We'll see how superior you feel after you do the exact same mission for the literally 75th time and you finally get a gun with +2 DMG over your current gun. WOWEE
you would have to have never played a good game to think that Destiny is 'fucking amazing'
it is literally Just Keep You Busy: The Game
>they told me it was an amazing experience
>its actually fucking shit
You just need a gang of NEETs.
Always do the opposite of gaming reviews from Sup Forums. For example...
>Destiny is actually a great game
>Overwatch is decent, though shallow
>Oblivion is the best TES game by far
>get a whole month minimum out of a game and have a great time with it till its all finished
>it was "artificial fun"
>all I wanted was an open world space adventure game with bizzare alien artifacts and mysteries to un cover in an ever expanding foray into the dangerous universe. With hubs of humanity and players to meet in sprawling city/towns to trade, meet up, and sell their wares.
Instead I get grindy pew pew loot skinner box bullshit.
or maybe you devour shit on such a regular basis that you can easily put that much time into it
question unrelated to Destiny:
I heard there's retarded amount of grind in Warframe
>defending this heap of shit game
just stop
pvp is trash even if you are good.
fundamental changes are needed in order to balance destiny PvP, like map design, but those probably won't come until destiny 2
besides, most players don't play for PvP. the big ticket draw is the end-game PvE content.
>still shilling this shit
>With hubs of humanity and players to meet in sprawling city/towns to trade, meet up, and sell their wares.
That sounds like every awful f2p korean mmo ever,
let me guess
>my favourite games are dark souls, new vegas, morrowind and stalker
>anyone who doesn't adhere to my personal taste doesn't know anything!!!!
This is pretty much the extent of my experience, and I stuck with the game from TDB up until this past Christmas.
The only time I had fun (since playing for the first time) was during the SRL.
The only reason i would play Destiny over Warframe is because Destiny is on PS3.
My PC cannot play even MH Frontier, so having an option to play the game on another system is pretty nice to me.
The only people who hate on destiny are kids who were either too young to enjoy Halo 2 Online MP, or too trash at video games to git gud. Halo has always had extremely linear story mode but theres a reason that Halo CE, Halo 2, and to a certain extent Halo 3, were almost universally considered great games. Its the multiplayer. Destiny is a very similar multiplayer experience plus, it has a much more open story/pve experience. Its not the greatest game of all time, but its damn good. If youask the destiny haters what their favorite games are I guarantee they will give you a list of casual story only games. (Except in response to this post, then they claim CS:source TF2 and any other mildly competitive game they can think of)
This, what the fuck? It's dosen't feel like any effort was put into the game.
But Warframe is shit no matter where you play it.
The grimoire was nice, but so much of it is completely disconnected from what you see in the game that it might as well be a fanfic.
Like the one about a guardian watching Rasputin use killsats on the cabal after you turn on the relay in Russia. That's a pretty big fucking deal, yet you never see or hear anything about that in-game, and there shouldn't even be guardians running around on Mars at that point in the story in the first place.
I can't remember too well, but I swear to god that when the game was in development the concept art, and developers really sold it as a well maintained MMORPG where you would meet up with other players and go on adventures n' shit. I fucking swear this wasn't supposed to be all hubs and corridors...
Destiny fucking sucks. Over half of the content is behind a fucking dlc paywall and its content that's already in the game. Bungee can go fuck themselves.
I play for pvp so maybe its just me, shitting on everyone is a fun hobby. Destiny doesn't need balance the chaos is what makes it fun like MW2. Balance is pretty boring.
>Decide to try out crucible
>Get shit on all day
>Put on blink+shotgun
>Literally top of the score board every round
Feels more like a COD game than Halo when it comes to crucible
>everyone running around with sub 1-second guns
>shotgun and sniper ammo is handed out at the start of every match
>everyone gets free kill abilities every 4 minutes
>cancerous twitch faggots treating it as proper competitive mp
>introduce skill-based matchmaking
>no party matchmaking restrictions
>peer to fucking peer connections
>several layers of rng upon rng
>hours and hours of grinding to even get to that point
PvE is the only redeeming thing about this game, and that's only with the Strike Mode
quit while you're ahead, OP
I won't say it's a BAD game but it's not AMAZING either. Actually, it's all kind of smoke and mirrors, you think you're getting one kind of game and then end up playing another by the end of it. I think the shooting is top notch and some of the weapons are very well designed. It has very good atmosphere, with a good art design backing it up. Overall though, the entire thing turns into bland mush. Then they charge you extra to put some salt on it.
It is a pretty big deal which is why I wish all of that stuff WAS in the game but I feel like you cherrypicked a poor example because hunters have been slipping in and out of places like mars for years before your guardian wakes up, they just didn't have a full on beachhead yet.
A better example would be how none of the hive bible is ingame, if you just go fight oryx he just seems like a typical monster boss, but when you read his backstory and motivations hes so interesting and its a travesty that none of it is ingame.
Not anymore t.bh fampai. Just buy the legendary edition
>play Warframe
>instead of classes and content locked behind a paywall, it's locked behind hours of grind somehow even shittier than Destiny's
>the only people who don't like Destiny are entitlement babies
That's fine by me. I don't want you in my game.
Early interviews they said it wasn't an MMO, it was a "shared world shooter" because they didn't want to build expectations of WoW in space.
I do wish we got way more patrol zones though including some really tough ones.
So what happens when you run into a room full of people with Blink + Shotguns? So much funny shit happens like I genuinely laugh at the fire fights in the game.
Btw Blink is pretty shit now desu, they added like a heavy weight to it and you can't shoot while falling out of it.
It started off pretty bad, but I like the state it's in now
I had a lot of fun with it but I wont pretend it's anything more than just a big grind treadmill
Which I happen to enjoy
I stopped playing back at the Fallen expansion. Did they ever turn match making on?
>Fallen adds some huge prison where you can just fight waves of enemy and get a key for loot
>Hit level cap and want to do the hard mode version
Having played the game since beta and bought all DLC so far, and preordered the next one I can say this is a good summation of the game.
It has the potential to be an excellent game, but a mix of developer incompetency and publisher greed has left the game in mediocrity.
A damn shame, that.
Maybe I was just anticipating larger worlds that didn't require instancing and loading hubs. I was really put off by the Citadel only being accessed by loading screen. Thanks for helping remembering
>WAAAH no MMing is hard!
Nigger just use DestinyLFG
Did you ever try Destiny LFG, I have had a crew since launch day who are always when I come back to play every now and then, guess im lucky.
I got the game for free from a friend, not sure why he had an extra copy. But I've been enjoying myself. Just this morning I got light level 300
>play warframe
>for free
>get everything that game has and more without paying a fucking dime
I enjoyed it. It's fun if you're not a friendless loser with no one to do raids with
I got the taken king legendary edition for $44 comes with all the current content cry more faggot.
They were always insistent that it wasn't really an MMORPG, but they did present it as something much bigger and more social than what we actually got.
They basically advertised what the game will possibly be ten years from now.
Destiny is the equivalent of junk food.
Sure it taste good and you could eat a bunch of it, but with every bite comes regret and a small part of you feels like it's dying.
Is destiny worth buying if you are still using a last gen console? I have a decent PC so don't see the point in buying a ps4/xbone.
>one new raid
>Shit that should've been free
No, it looks like everything has vaseline spread over it
I will buy it if it's ever released on pc. I have a PS4 but it doesn't seem like a good singleplayer game
>sexy robot girls
>randomly generated maps
>way more stuff to do
I love when I saw the destiny gameplay and went "oh looks like warframe" only to have a bunch of destiny drones lose their shit. Well turns out Warframe was better all along.
>graphics whores playing on console
>what is platinum
My friend keeps asking me to download Warframe to trade him Platinum. Annoying as
the movement system is nothing like warframe it's a standard FPS with a slow as fuck jetpack.
You can move so fucking fast in Warframe compared to destiny and even do crazy stunts and shit.
>implying Warframe isn't just as shitty as Destiny
>unbalanced RNG loot grind treadmill medicore shooter with such minimal rpg elements as to basically not exist.
if you havent played it buying the next xpac is worth, it comes with everything right? I dont know and I dont care because I'm literally buying everything that comes out this fall so I dont need it
>Can't speak a word of english
Welp you got me user.
That looks retarded
>We need to get past this gate but it's locked. I'll hack the panel. Look out! We have incoming! Defend me!
Get a job you useless NEET hobo, maybe then you could afford a current gen console and you wouldn't lose your shit over a game dev FINALLY abandoning a 10 year old console.
I will miss you Dinklebot.
I will not miss Dinklebot
Spoken like someone who has played for about a month. Don't worry, it gets really old before long.
It's a cool universe and the basic movement and shooting are solid for sure, but it's a really transparent treadmill with poor rewards.
also they ruined the armor/weapon aesthetics in Year2
What is your definition of cool?
Will Destiny 2 be on PC?
I just wanna play dress up with cool sci-fi armor.
This, friends make this game 10 times better, especially IRL friends
Reisdent Evil 5?
>it comes with everything right?
No, you need TTK the $40 expansion to buy the new one.
Bungie announced no more $60 bundle with all the DLC because it angered the fans who bought all of it at full price
>pvp is actually fun, unless you are trash you won't enjoy it
>unless you are trash you won't enjoy it
>you will not enjoy it unless you are trash
yes we agree with that
Farcry 3 Blood Dragon
Get it for Xbox One, I'm pretty sure they're gonna incorporate it into that whole "play anywhere" thing, so you'll be able to play on Windows 10. (And only 10) I'm sure they'd put it on Steam or their gay Windows store though