Has a video game ever made you genuinely sad?

Has a video game ever made you genuinely sad?

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Have you watched this commercial?



>Objective: Survive

The worst part is we wont get another EBA

The end of the walking dead season 1 was pretty tear jerking.
Also undertale didn't make me sad, but it game me some feels.

I bought This War of Mine and it's the saddest I've felt over a game in a long time.

I wanna fuck that piece of paper.

>tfw every thread about this subject from here on out is going to be flooded with undertale posts

Chrono Cross
Klonoa 2
Skyward Sword
Sonic Adventure 2
Megaman X5

Kingdom Hearts
Klonoa (wii)
Tales of Legendia (character quests)
A Boy and His Blob (wii)
Mega Man 8



Assassins Creed 4 left me a bit empty.

>Your painkillers and veggie soup saved my mom 30 years ago.

Phoenix Wright T&T
Crono cross
Prof Layton Unwound future




Fucking this

>-"Tia? Are you crying?"-

And from the last game I'd ever expect to feel bad.


End of Mother 3


I cried when I realized my favorite game series was over for good

FFX. But I was like, 12.

Sticker Star for its mere existence.
Skyward Sword for being overall meh.

Nintendo should really stop with games that can be abbreviated to SS.

Teared up like a little bitch.


>Implying Asians are actually that compassionate for each other

Yeah, the video game my life

The only game that ever made me so sad that I started to actually fucking cry was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time. The Grovyle scene was bad enough, but then the goodbye after Primal Dialga was just... Yeah.

You spent the entire game with this partner, watching him/her go from a coward into a real hero, actually becoming attached to a fucking video game character. And then you're forced to leave him all alone.

Of course this was before Dialga made everything better again because Pokemon, but I didn't know that would happen.


Oh shit, I've completely forgot about this.
Don't you dare remind me of that music

Closest I ever got was one I was younger and played Drawn to Life 2 and the one Opera Singer lady sacrificing herself so that her son can live and singing one last song for him . That was year ago.

>Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Oh boy, here come the long forgotten feels.



Some bioshock 2 endings and the ending to burial at sea


Rule of Rose was incredibly depressing.

Fuck not this feel again


that Good ending where you adopt the Little Sisters and watch them grow up destroyed me.

>Drawn to Life
>Expect it to be a kid game with drawing and just fun creative stuff
>First game's cool. Some guy died. Was weird for a kids game.
>Sequel comes out
>"Hey I liked the first, I should get it"
>mfw that ending


I didn't even realise that he died, I was about 12 when I completed that game.
Makes it even sadder looking back at it now, please just tell me he fell asleep because he was tired ;_;

Can someone explain that ending to me? I haven't played the game, but I see a lot of people talk about it in these threads.

He fell asleep forever

Half as long twice as bright
That game had some fucking incredible music
likeBoth the good and evil endings were tear jerkers for me cos of this song

>be me, 8 y-o
>raise my Chao for over a year, he is wrecking shit in the race
>never even heard of the "Goodbye" option
>press it
>music kicks in
>cry for the whole day
>never go to the Chao Garden ever again

Actually he became a door.

The happy endings to bioshock 1 and 2 were the ones I got on both games.
I agree that it made me cry but I don't know if it was all tears of sadness.
Seeing the little sisters grow up was actually quite happy.

Ok the game is about little hamster people right? Well that's this one human boy in there who's clearly confused as to why hes there. Later in the story you find out that the little boy Michael is like in a coma because he was in an accident and I forgot the rest because it's been a while but apparently in the end God brings him back but it destroys the world of Drawn to Life.

e3 2016 video games made me cry

He did become a door... forever

so you can say she holds the door

I'd suggest looking it up on youtube. SPOILER WARNING: You really have to play the games yourself to see the mindfuck, so don't read further if you want that experience.

But basically,you discover that the entire world of the Raposa was the imagination of a kid in a hospital being in a very deep coma after a horrendous driving accident, trying to keep himself happy. By the end he has to accept reality to wake up, but Wilfre, the evil Raposa dude, doesn't want him to wake up, saying that the Raposa life is ideal and that ending it would be a waste.To beat the game, you have to beat Wilfre and accept that the world has to end. The "Creator" needs it to end. The creator being the kid. (Also worth noting that WIlfre's power could symbolize death)

The Darkness - death of girlfriend

That and fact I can't replay the fucking game unless I go buy an xbox360 or ps3 :/

So much for a fucking"kids game"

>Kingdom Hearts Series
>Red Dead Redemptions Ending
>Borderlands 2 bloodwings death
>Undertale playing Pacifist then playing genocide and then having to reset near the end to go back go pacifist to try and fix things and they remember all of it
>GTAIV Roman dies
>The last of us
>Walking dead
>Brother a tale of two sons
>Half Life 2 Episode 2
>Far Cry 3
>Assassin's Creed Ezios death
>Mass Effect Series
>Both endings of Infamous 2
>Modern Warfare campaign
>Spec ops the line
Prob missed quite a few those are just the ones that came to mind.

I see this image all the time but never figured where it's from.

Why do both of them look like undesirable NEETs?
Why does the right guy look like DSP?

Playing Kagero Deception 2 doesn't make you feel sad per se, but it definitely made me feel like shit.
>constantly killing decent people who come to the castle
>kill their friends who come looking for them

The ending of Megaman Zero 4 had me crying as a kid I wasn't ready for that shit
Also To The Moon was a tearjerker for me

>Why do both of them look like undesirable NEETs?
>Why does the right guy look like DSP?
made me giggle
The game is inFAMOUS 2
Guy on the left is a courier with electrical super-powers, Guy on the right is his best friend who acts like an /x/ browser. At the end of the game your given the option to either save all of humanity at the cost of all super-dudes dieing or the opposite. Choosing the bad option has the Elvis dude try to kill you, despite him having no combat skills whatsoever so it's just painful to watch.

>Unwound Future
>Not Last Spectar
Fuck why are Layton games so sad.

>Choosing the bad option has the Elvis dude try to kill you, despite him having no combat skills whatsoever so it's just painful to watch.

gotta admit, that's pretty interesting

Metal Gear Solid 4 made me depressed as fuck. How could a series fall from the heights of MGS 3 to the absolute shitpile that was 4? Worst conclusion to a series ever, Mass Effect 3 has nothing on it.

V was a masterpiece by comparison, and that game wasn't particularly good either.

here lad
skip to about 6:10

Are you trying to impersonate me?

Panzer Dragoon Saga and Shadow of the Colossus

The ending.


>Superstar Saga

MGS2 when Emma died

I never cried at a game before until then

I like how every other character gets retconned out of death except the one motherfucker who deserved it.

pretty sure those paralogues aren't canon, or the (paid) dlc chapters for that matter.

I cry.

This shit broke me. youtube.com/watch?v=JzH4ENFmg70

Spoilers ahead for those who haven't played it

>Finally got the 4th ending of NieR
>Have to choose to either save yourself or save your friend
>saving your friend means wiping your own character from existence, no one will remember you or even know you existed
>Choose to save the friend
>game goes through all of your data, all of your journal entries, maps, quest logs, weapons, and deletes all of it one by one and you can't do anything but watch
>immediately try to make a new save file with the same name
>it won't let me


While not cry sad, this music made the last stretch dreary as fuck. I actually thought I fucked up somewhere and was playing towards a bad ending.



Your either a major pussy or have never had anything traumatic happen in your life


Get ready to cry

Are you serious?

>implying you watched it



Never forget the ones who have fought for you.

It's Sonic fucking X, dude.

Alright I think I need a break from this


no he's right, I rent a room thats run by chinese people and theyre all a bunch of pricks

Gaming industry is what is making me sad desu senpai

Final fantasy x


Asriel reminds me too much of my best friend
>Even the fucking song is called Never Forget.

Goddamn it

You really are ignorant. Asians have terrible morals and compassion for one another.

Holy shit, this can't be real.

When Maya FUCKING DIED IN A LITERAL FIRE in Prof. Layton VS Phoenix Wright I almost smashed my cartridge
It felt like a death in the family
but i pushed through and finished it, i know the secret now

Holy shit.

>Phoenix Wright T&T
fucking this
god fucking damnit


this pops up shortly before that happens
this is your daughter speaking
you have to type in the name you gave your character
everything gets erased immediately afterwards