ITT: Online multiplayer games that are bad but we've played anyways

ITT: Online multiplayer games that are bad but we've played anyways.

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I still remember when Sup Forums instilled race riots into that game. Good times

Moshi Monsters
Free realms

I used to be such a Club Penguin fag. I wrote Club Penguin fanfictions that were just the fucking epitome of autism.

>hey, did you know you can tip the iceberg?

Sweet jesus, mind sharing some?

I wish I was around for that, but I was busy doing 4 hours of homework a day because my teachers were fuckheads.


I remember playing as the balance mage which seems kind of compared to the other ones.
Made it all the way to the pyramid until the game said "Pay up or scram" into my face.
Still fun game while it lasted.

>I wrote Club Penguin fanfictions
You can't just say that without posting some user


Well, you were a kid, so you were just doing kids' things, so that's not really autism.

I played this when I was about 10, and ran around spewing profanity at everyone.

I didn't write fan fiction as a kid, she's an autist

fuck me

Gaia Online's zOMG


aren't you guys forgetting something

Was going to say this

Gaia Online in general is shit.

not as bad as other games on this list, but it certainly didn't age well.

>it was so bad it wasn't even multiplayer

Wow look at this fag
superior lego game inc


I knew a girl who played on some legitimate furry RP Server all the way until fucking Graduation and REFUSED to play anything else.

I wouldn't say it was that bad but then you look back you know...

even their promo art looks awful

i logged onto this for like 30 seconds said a curseword got banned and haven't went back since

>tfw used to pretend I had friends and played with them online with the clone pet

>You will never play this in 7th grade with those two vietnamese kids with the same firstname and lastname that had only a 2 letter difference
Feels bad

The game is bad.
The show is great.

GTA: Online
RIP any hope for single player DLC

>prime runescape

literally the peak of the genre

>tfw i was one of those weird RPers
i'm fine now guys




somewhat recent but it was a hot mess when it arrived

The 1.29 feels ;_;7

>League of legends is bad
I can understand not considering it a great game, but I had a lot of fun with it from seasons 1-4, and I'm someone who normally enjoys good singleplayer games like Castlevania and Dark Souls.

Yes user I too played Chambot arms

What the fuck nigga club penguin was the shit way back on its first years, it still had membership paywalls but nothing as extreme as it is now, I don´t remember any games or game features being locked behind membership

Fuck OFF Swadley

>Hanging around Aeven town
>Betting at race track races
>Farming Reaper for the crossbow
>The Hell maze
>Global chat
And then one day the game just stopped getting updated. RIP

Dawntide, Wurm Online, and a couple other shitty perpetually-in-development F2P MMOs that I can't even remember the name of.

I never even played WoW or Guild Wars or anything supposedly decent.

It was more fun then it should have been

>go to a 1.29 private server for old time's sake
>see retarded 14 year olds argue in the chat two minutes in
just like I remembered it

The game itself isn't that bad just like any MOBA. It has really fun champs to play as and the roster is more balanced now than it has ever been imo. For some reason Sup Forums just likes to shit on MOBAs though. The only MOBA I would say was honesty to God bad was HoN. If people on here were to say the COMMUNITY was shit I wouldn't have an argument at all. I would agree whole heartily. I have been playing since beta and still do. It is a fun game to play while talking to friends and catching up. It is almost like background noise haha.

all the faggots freak about losing interiors and terrains, but they sucked ass anyways.

haven't touched this game in a while though, used to play it all the time. my imagination and creativity sucks though, terrible with coming up with designs.
help me

Every summer, me and my XBL friends would download the demo and just grind. That's the kind of 'fun' you have when you're poor

Now I really wanna play it again

>stealth is a crucial element in metal gear online

All they had to do was remake mgs4s online with the new game play but no we get this mess.

My niggas. I'd still play it today if I had the time for an MMO.

>met my first girlfriend on there
>I was 16 she was 18
>She showed me her tits on webcam
>the game made better at talking to people properly in real life
>made tons of friends after that
>wasted an entire summer making my way into the "top 50" or whatever it was
>crafting ultima
>crating TB
>going to hell

So many memories
Pic unrelated

Ultima online.
Man that was the shit back in the days

1. I suck t it.

fixed it, and git gud.

Thread derail. Fanfiction now

MU Online. I still occasionally play the soundtrack to induce some nostalgia feels

toontown is a legit good mmo

Oh yeah, I had a club penguin website and youtube channel. I would have news on the site and make club penguin videos that would have stories and shit.
Basically machinma club penguin.

I had a big following too.

It's still up. You just need Nexon's crappy Steam-ripoff software to run it.

there it is. i played so fucking much, shame it was taken down recently, i couldn't really justify going back on the site after it did because i really dont know what i did before it showed up

I fucking loved that game!
I still do 1 month marathons every couple of years on brand new servers for nostalgia's sake.
Sucks that it's pay to win up the ass and needs no real skill to play.


this and APB Reloaded
which I'm pretty sure they're both infested with adware now (correct me if I'm wrong)

>That guy who always got the flaming rod and ruined the multiplayer fun

The magic of EO is long gone. Dupes/hacks/account selling kind of crashed the economy, and Vult never bothered to fix anything. I sold everything in like 09 and never looked back…did waste alot of time their though LOL


Bloody hell. I remember when I was a little shit, I'd go into a crowded location and say a swear word and quickly warp to my igloo before I'm caught. Never got banned.

It took me a few years for the realisation that saying 'willy' and 'bum' were not horrible swears

where my niggas at

m-maybe it'll be good again

i miss when i actually thought words were dirty, so innocent, i need that innocence back. im about to go full on chris chan

>mfw I fell for the webkinz scam as a kid