Did you play Saya no Uta, Sup Forums?

Did you play Saya no Uta, Sup Forums?

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How do you 'play' a VN. That's like watching a book.

Sure, easily one of the best VN ever made. Try Kikokugai too.

Yes i did. I even liked it too.

I tried. After, I donno, maybe an hour it dawned on me that I'm just reading and I uninstalled it.

The OST made the gmae.

Yes. If you didn't get the Institutionalized ending, you're a pleb.

Of course.

yeah bro fuck reading am i right? lol

The only VN I've ever completed.

>maybe an hour it dawned on me that I'm just reading and I uninstalled it

Damn, they almost made you enjoy reading.

>easily one of the best VN ever made

How can you know if you only care read the ones in English?

it was okay, I liked the part where they ate the friend's GF

How can you know what one of the best games is if you haven't played all of them

nope nope nope nope nope

But I'm not the one making generalizations.

I'm an optimist. I hope the best ones get translated. Of course, we'll always be missing something.

>I hope the best ones get translated.

Then why does every Redditor cry for all those masterpieces you'll never ever get?

>Is it pointless to hope for highly rated works like Muramasa, Chaos;Child, Dies Irae, Baldr to see translation in the future?

I'm happy with what we've got. Usually only the most popular VN get a translation, or the short ones, (like Saya no Uta) which I like the most.

Is there something i don't understand here?

>beg for translation
>claim that the VN is the best shit ever
>can't read said VN

how did they know it was good on the first place then?

Super high praise everywhere. Mainly EGS, but then again, they can't read EGS reviews either, so it's mainly Reddit posts from people who "can" read Japanese. Putting "can" into quote marks cause the Reddit method is reading with machine translation for vocabulary.

Anyway, all those are really good titles.


Can someone explain me this game? What does it have to do with meat?

why do need to know that?

Character is in a car accident which damages part of his brain and leaves him with a gore-filled look of the world.

MC got into a car accident
he now sees everything in meat vision except for a tentacle monster who looks like a loli

These will be considered masterpieces until they actually get translated. Same shit as usual.

tfw no lovecraftian gf

Spoilers dude. Even the initial ads for the VN only showed it as an university love story.

At this point not knowing that SnU is more than it appears is akin to not knowing that Madoka is more than it appears.

And also that Darth Vader is Luke's father.

No, i dont like depressing stories.

Why are we still here? Just to sufer?

wait wtf darth vader is a skywalker?

yes, really overrated

Disturbing, overrated story about a murderous bastard who fell in love with a xeno scum, written by a sick fuck.

No wonder you retards like it.

Saya is my waifu.

You mean story?

I don't know why people here like it so much.


Started lots though.

The only VN where the parts i didnt fap were my favorite.