Give me one GOOD reason it couldn't come back

Give me one GOOD reason it couldn't come back.
You know you'd play it.

Other urls found in this thread:

They would ruin it.

It's dead like countless other IPs from the Playstation/N64 era. Gex, Banjo Kazooie, Conker, Crash, Fear Effect, Perfect Dark, etc.

Fuck it's depressing how right you are.

Sony announced remakes of 1-3

the new ractchet and clank is fine
just give the license to a competent team

I somehow doubt they'll pull off a REmake.

Banned in China.
We can't afford to miss such a big market.

Unfortunately if they make new MediEvil game they will probably fuck up ... leave it as it is.

Naughty Dog is making it, question is whether modern Naughty Dog who has like nobody left from the old PS1 days even make a good Crash remake.

I think it's been well established that the goofy 90s 3D platformer has no relevance to modern audiences.

Although Medievil has a game design so simplistic and formulaic, I'm afraid this could be true.

I mean, most of people playing it would be those trying to get a nostalgia jolt with an occasional newcomer to the series

Banned in China? Why?

Wasn't the whole skeleton stuff just an excuse against WoW to protect their local MMO market?

They'd have to pull their heads out of their asses to appreciate stylish, humorous 3D platformers. Now it's all about grimdark power-fantasies and "narrative gameplay".

not the one who posted it but japan has some weird rule about undead and bones and shit

they would make it the most edgiest grimdark game ever

china not japan

>Naughty Dog is making it
No they're not.


would very much like a jak 2 remake.

The Italian dub of this game was absolutely 10/10. It's seriously the best dub ina any language I've ever heard in any form of media.


Japan Dan had to wear a helmet

>Naughty Dog is making it

and he had a little worm in his head

What is this post supposed to prove? Naughty Dog isn't mentioned anywhere in that article.


I've never played MediEvil, is it worth taking a look?

The first one is worth taking a look at. The sequel isn't as great and the remake butchered the original.

Why hasn't anyone made a decent 3D platformer on Unity yet ?