So why does every games "journalist" seem to think this is something special?

so why does every games "journalist" seem to think this is something special?
the gameplay they showed looked like shit, kratos will never be a shit character, the son theme gets boring really fucking fast, and third person over the shoulder melee sounds fucking horrible

>kratos will never be a shit character

But that's all he's ever been


i tried to type "never be a good character" and will always be a shit character" at same time

I think they did a son instead of a daughter because a little girl companion is overplayed but I'd prefer overplayed to this homosex shit. This can join the list of shit coming out that I won't even be pirating.

Whats the deal with this style of "acting" in games lately? Its like a really shit white people sitcom. Theyre trying to hard to make it seem like theyre having a weird awkward converstaion. So much stuttering and exaggerated head/hand motions

"I am... SO sorry...."

Wife's son

It's his wife's son

The ONLY reason that I'm not too upset about the over the shoulder system is that it could potentially be like God Hand.

Even though i know it will not come even close, but still, a man can dream, no?

gow went full of shit with 3 , muh hope

im not buying this sjw shit

>third person over the shoulder melee sounds fucking horrible
like dark souls?

that's just third person

god of JUST

>over the shoulder

Dark souls is not over the shoulder you silly goose.


Because modern western gaming is a joke that's why. "Journalists" are fucking casual scum who think having to learn how to play a game is a fault, that's why all western AAA gameplay is the same humongous, simplified, third person dog shit everytime. They care more about "MUH FEELS" than actual gameplay.

Jesus man, remember when western devs were run by passionate dev teams who made amazing games because they truly enjoyed making them? All that shit's gone now. Give Blizzard shit about Overwatch if you want, but at least it's a fucking VIDEO GAME.

So Sunset Overdrive, Gears of War, Halo 5, and Forza 6 aren't games because?

>Kratos has a son

He actually humped a woman?

Have you played a GOW game before?

Are you an idiot? The entire conflict of GoW 1 and 2 is because he killed his wife and son due to Ares fuckery

I'm tired of these "Experience" games

>Because modern western gaming is a joke that's why. "Journalists" are fucking casual scum who think having to learn how to play a game is a fault, that's why all western AAA gameplay is the same humongous, simplified, third person dog shit everytime. They care more about "MUH FEELS" than actual gameplay.

>Jesus man, remember when western devs were run by passionate dev teams who made amazing games because they truly enjoyed making them? All that shit's gone now. Give Blizzard shit about Overwatch if you want, but at least it's a fucking VIDEO GAME.

Yup, video games are dying, corporations and evil and out to steal your money, women want to castrate you. What a dark age we live in, eh Gamergate?

>Because modern western gaming is a joke that's why. "Journalists" are fucking casual scum who think having to learn how to play a game is a fault, that's why all western AAA gameplay is the same humongous, simplified, third person dog shit everytime. They care more about "MUH FEELS" than actual gameplay.

>Jesus man, remember when western devs were run by passionate dev teams who made amazing games because they truly enjoyed making them? All that shit's gone now. Give Blizzard shit about Overwatch if you want, but at least it's a fucking VIDEO GAME.


the ending made it look cool with the open world thing

granted it will be mediocre but what game isn't?

God of War 3

>so why does every games "journalist" seem to think this is something special?

God of War 2016

all me

whats ups with peoples hatred of Kratos? He's a pretty unique protagonist, the world shits on him and he shits on it back until he kills himself because he's all out of anger and things to kill

Most protagonists just make funny quips all game

All that jerking and zooming legit makes me feel ill

>"journalist" in quotation marks

I see I'm in good company, gent!

Looks refreshing and new. I got tired of GOW's same style after finishing 3 and ascension was a mistake.

holy shit im dying

Stop posting this, both of these look exactly the same speed. Actually the 2016 one looks a lot better imo

This. It's refreshing to play an asshole sometimes.


He's just hungry.


>giving us a son instead of a daughter to protect

>someone talks shit about gaming journalists
>immedietely bring up gamergate boogeyman

I'm glad your shit board is dying.

>Hey, let's remove the only thing that made our games fun
At that point they could have made another game, GOW doesn't need either a sequel or a reboot.

>Looks refreshing and new
Have you not played a video game made in the past 10 years? I envy you if so.

This looks retarded and gamey.

You have Ellie, Yonah and Clementine AT LEAST.
Only disappointing son's so far.



You have to be pretty gay to find an emotional connection to another male

go play your yuri weeboo games and fap to the little girls in those games you pedo

>lets turn a goofy character action game about an angry white dude killing gods in a LOSODEEP MUH SON last of us wannabe

user this is too videogamey it's triggering me
Just give him a gun and get it over with. We all know they would if could. He'll probably get a bow at some point and it will be the most useful weapon in the game.

>If you arent into men, you're a pedo

>confirmed for never having a son
are you gay or something?

Well that's inherent in creating something in order to have mass appeal, you have to casualize it into shit.
You can't have it be too difficult, too complex because it puts off casuals.
Every series that has casualized itself to appeal to a wider market has gone to shit without fail.
Speaking of casual faggots.
Hello re(ddit)
No skilled required whatsoever, looks just like TLoU melee gameplay.

Thats exactly why I can't relate. Sons are snot nosed little booger eating shits comparable to owning a big dumb dog where are daughters are innocent, pure and intelligent

They finally changed up the formula. GoW 1 and 2 were cool games that mixed spectacle and fun gameplay pretty well but it got old by the time 3 came out and Ascension was underwhelming.

Also Kratos was a pretty good character in GoW1, they fucked him up in the sequels because they had to retcon the original ending and tried to make him look like he's not a total selfish piece of shit.

Kratos fucks tons of women throughout the series.

the gameplay looked brilliant and the story telling looked brilliant too. i just hope the son isnt what the whole game is about.

>where are daughters are innocent, pure and intelligent
you're in for a disappointment eventually.

Agreed OP, new GoW looks like crap.

I was never a big fan,but the fact that people are saying that GoW needed to change and that going full fucking TLOU with it was a good idea is pig disgusting

>TFW God Of War Fan
>TFW you know it's just fun with a bunch of spectacle cut scenes and nowhere near as good as DMC 3
>TFW comparing these two
>TFW This is exactly what it felt like when Crapcom replaced Uncle Dante with DONTE THE DEMON KILLAH [Wubbeth intensifies]
>TFW Sony fanboys and the press are using the exact same defenses as they did Donte for Nu-Kratos

Is everything going to be ruined by this current generation of developers?

why did kratos turn into a viking?

Because turning the bloody thirsty "white washed" macho male murderer into a tamed man that is now taking care of a child that is not even his own is emotionally appealing and "good writing" to these people.

Also because apparently adopting a random child hasn't been done before in almost every fucking setting imaginable.

He moved, duh. Have you seen Greece's economy lately?

>Is everything going to be ruined by this current generation of developers?
Yes. Our only hopes left aren't much better, one is obsessed with gimmicks and the others have zero budget and are infested with communists.

I was just about to post this too.

Obviously it won't be like God Hand, but maybe it'll do ok, then other devs will start making similar games, then eventually we might get something like God Hand.

It's like the perfect 3D brawling control/camera system. How come nothing ever ripped it off?


Its his kid, lol

no seriously I"m so confused. The new game looks Norsey as fuck

>it's his, lol


Can't wait for the inevitable porn

>where as both of my daughters are snot nose booger eating shits who rip paint off walls and my son is damn naive as hell

You have... A point

There have been so many GoW games his assholeness has become kind of stale. Character development 9 times out of 10 is what makes people want to keep following a story driven world, and him having an alive son is obviously a direct step in a new direction.

The edgelord meme has ruined most all characters with dark parts of their development.

Guess he washes up on the scandinavian shore after jumping to his death.

>somehow floats around europe from greece

>Listening to Podcast Beyond(yes, I know its awful) And they sit there for 10 minutes saying how a regular God of War game couldn't work now cause "muh storytelling in videogames" and now they care about GOW cause Kratos isn't going to kill like 1000 people this time.

Bunch of faggots. Naughtydog killed videogames. I don't nececarily have problem with this new take on it and the regular beats of the series were getting stale, but at the same time I hate it because its such a change in the formula and seems to be ripping out some key features. Also that camera sucks fucking dick. Pull it out a little bit.

I know what you're getting at but COME ON.

Anyone who plays this is a cuck for (virtually) taking care of another man's son

>Listening to Podcast Beyond without Greg or Colin
Move on nigga, PS I love You is way better

Honestly it kind of disturbs me how developers are trying to appeal to older gamers with family type situations. There is no need for this.